
8. Dr. C. C -, aet. 40, Feb. 19th, 12 dr. 24th dil. Immediately tension in maxillary joint, transient. – 20th, 15 dr. 23rd dil. After 1/4 hours pain in dorsum of nose as if he had had a blow there. Pain in ankle-joint. Pressive pain in occiput as if in bone. Pinching in belly, urging to stool, which is copious and soft. Stupid feeling in head. Transient loss of senses. Roaring in ears, hardness of hearing suddenly coming and going. – 23rd, 10 dr. 18th dil. Immediately heaviness in brain. – 26th. Pain in sacrum after stooping. irritability of nervous system. Cross and low spirited. – 28th. Low spirits continue, easily excited to anger. Stiffness and pain in sacrum on rising from seat, cutting in belly, cramp pain above hypochondria, through to back, especially on moving. – March Ist. At n. dreamt of earthquake and violent storms, of downpour of rain and fiery appearances. The depression of spirits continues. Discomfort after eating. Pain in feet as if in bones from middle of leg down to ankle-joints and dorsum of feet, worst when standing and walking, causing restlessness. Two hours after eating urging to stool, which is copious. – 2nd. After drinking beer restless, and pain like chilly tension in feet. On waking, n., restlessness, drawing and tension from nates to feet. (Ibid., 17.)

9. and. Z -, aet. 8, took several doses of 30th and 21st dil. without much effect. The symptoms were mostly undefined pains in various parts of limbs and head. (Ibid., 97.)

10. a. M -, trumpeter, aet. 23, Feb. 9th, 7 a. m., 200 dr. 25th dil. 7:30, vertigo, then heat in head, followed by perspiration and exhaustion, pale face. After dinner constrictive feeling about navel. Stool soft. P. m., digging feeling about navel.-12th, 100 dr. 13th dil. Vertigo, great exhaustion. Objects appear to be turning round.-13th, 25 dr. 6th dil. After 1 1/2 hours pressive feeling about navel, then distention with discharge of much flatus, then vertigo, lastly heat of head. 11 a. m., weariness, dry lips. – 14th, 6 a. m., 2 gr. 3rd trit. After 1 hour heat of head, then smarting in arms. 1:30 p. m., same dose. Headache, sweat all over body. Smarting in arms and thighs and headache. 3:30 p. m., feels exhausted in limbs. – 15th, 6:30 a. m., 2 gr. 2nd trit. 8 a. m., loathing, retching, then headache, pale face followed by heat 9 a. m., sweat on head and smarting in limbs. – 16th, 6:30 a. m., 3 gr. 3rd trit. 9 a. m., heat, griping, smarting in arms, some coryza. – 18th, 3 gr. Ist trit. Only felt itching.

b. May 9th, 2 gr. 3rd trit. 10 a. m., hand felt tired, slight pains in belly, then inclination to vomit, stool softer than usual. – 10th, 6:30 a. m., 3 gr. 3rd trit. 9:30 a. m., severe headache, then contractive pain in umbilical region, sometimes stitches under hypochondria, six watery stools up to noon, much flatus with stools.-17th, 3 gr. 2nd trit. Slight movement in bowels. 1:30 p. m., griping in umbilical region, stitches below left hypochondrium for 1/2 hours, sweat broke out at first on both sides of spine, then the whole upper part of body became warm, then sweat broke out on face, especially forehead, tearing in right side of head from occiput upwards and forwards, lasting till 3 p. m., drowsiness and frequent yawning. 5 p. m., drank a glass of beer; he then had a rigor which went off gradually towards n. After going to bed severe cough with difficult expectoration of thick yellow lumps of mucus, a scrappy feeling low down in throat. Slept after 12. Next m. short cough with easy expectoration. – 18th, 7:45 a. m., 2 gr. 2nd trit. 10:30 a. m., vertigo, objects appear to whirl round in a circle, tearing in whole head from the occipital protuberance through both sides to front and crown, lasted 3/4 h. After food great movement in bowels, pains in abdomen, four watery stools in rapid succession, with discharge of flatus and relief to pains for a short while. Next m. cough and expectoration with scraping in pit of throat. – 20th, 6:30 a. m., 2 gr. Ist trit. 10 a. m., vertigo and tearing and shooting above eyes, so that he must shut down eyelids, head confused, dazed; headache all over head for 1 h. During dinner violent epistaxis from right nostril for 1/4 hour, the blood, which was copious, was dark red; this relieved the headache. During his music practice he became weak in knees, so that he could not remain standing. The weakness extended to middle of thigh. On passing urine a burning pain, which was equally severe during whole act of passing water, and lasted all day and next day, but not so severely. Urine red. The m. cough continued for some days. (Ibid.,99.)

11. G. W – -, performer in a regimental band, aet. 28. Feb. 9th, 7 a. m., 200 dr. 25th dil. Headache, slight cough, some stitches in chest. 10 a. m. weakness of all limbs so that he could scarcely walk. Great tearing in wrist for 2 h. The headache lasted all day with vertigo, so that he must lie down. Cough that left off at 11 a. m. – 12th, m., 100 dr. 13th dil. Soon pressive pain above eyelids, so that he can hardly keep eyes open, lasted till 9 a. m. Shooting appeared first in left side of forehead, then extended as pressive pain to right side and above upper eyelids, pain increased by opening eyes. 9:30 a. m., shooting pain about navel on breathing deeply, lasting till 10:30 a. m. 10:45 a. m., 25 dr. 6th dil. Pains in eyes as if they were drawn out. Headache increased, with nausea and inclination to vomit. Vertigo, rumbling in belly, movement in bowels, stitch in both iliac regions, flow of water into mouth and eructation, shooting in chest first in right side then in left only when breathing deeply. 11:15 a. m., tearing in both arms commencing in shoulders and extending to wrists. The pain in middle of forehead increases. The vertigo and headache worse when sitting than when walking. The salivation lasted till 11:45 a. m., the nausea continues for some time. Noon, anxiety in chest. The tearing lasts till 2 p. m. Little appetite, weakness in thighs, discharge of flatus. 5 p. m., 5 dr.5th dil. 6 p. m., headache over eyes recurred so severely that he could hardly see. Inclination to vomit, tearing in shoulders and wrists, cannot lift anything. 6:30 p. m., great weakness of thighs, so that he can hardly walk. Tearing pains in ankle-joints which go off when he lies down. – 13th, 6 a. m., 100 dr. 4th dil. 8 a. m., severe headache and weakness of limbs. 10 till 11 a. m., stitches in short ribs and in elbows and wrists. 2 p. m., tightness of chest. During n. following symptoms; After being in bed 1/2 hours pains in shoulders and arms to wrist, then from hip – joint to ankle. The pains in shoulders and arms tearing, in legs throbbing like that of a whitlow. The pains lasted till 4 a. m. Restless sleep, occasional shootings in knees. In the early part of n. vertigo, belly distended, tense, pressive sensation, tongue furred, dry cough shortly before going to sleep, then increasing. No appetite. – 14th, 6 a. m., 2 gr. 3rd trit. After 6 m. rumbling in belly, which is distended and hard. 6:30 a. m., pain in middle of forehead. 8:30 a. m., same dose, weakness in limbs. 6 p. m., 2 gr. 2nd trit. 7:30 a. m., stitch in left side of forehead, then pressive tensive pain in right side. Rumbling and constrictive pain in belly, which is distended; discharge of flatus relieves these symptoms. Since the day before yesterday every n. when he lies on l side vertigo as if the bed turned round. For 3 days in evening smarting on thighs and arms, worse in bed. – 15th, 8:30 a. m., 2nd trit. Headache and weakness. 1:30 p. m., same dose. 3 p. m., very violent headache, tearing pains combined with violent shooting. The tearing pains spread over temple with stitch in left ear. The shooting pains went from left ear to root of nose, causing a stitch there. Stitch in l shoulder, then tearing pains in right hip-joint along outer side of thigh to knee, when there came a stitch, the shooting pains went off when sitting and returned when moving; the pain in knee lasted 8 m. He could not walk on account of stiffness of knees. After 1/2 hour shooting and tension on second phalanx of l fingers. Little appetite. He vomits when he eats anything warm. Since 8 p. m. the smarting on thighs recurs. Stuffed coryza.- 16th, 3 gr. 3rd trit., in 200 dr. in alcohol. Took the half of this at 2:30 a. m., the other halt at 6 a. m. 11:30 a. m., smarting increasing till 5 p. m. 2 p. m., vertigo, weakness of limbs 4 p. m., some stitches in ears. 8 p. m., loose stool. – 17th, 3 a. m., 2 gr. 2nd trit. 10 a. m., trembling in wrist. 1 p. m., transient vertigo. 3:15 p. m., smarting on inner and posterior side of thighs. On chest small, red spots the size of a lentil, raised above skin and smarting, also in axilla. Nose impermeable to air. Very great appetite for bread, none for warm food. Immediately after eating appetite and thirst all forenoon.-18th, 2 a. m., 3 gr. Ist trit. After 4 a. m., griping in belly, constrictive pains about navel, sometimes stitches there. Belly distended. The pains continue till he gets a stool, which passes with flatus and is thin. 5 a. m., lay down again; wants to sleep but cannot, because the nose is so stopped up he cannot breathe through it. 11 a. m., violent cough for 3 to 4 m., so that water runs out of eyes. – 19th. Cough slight during day, is worse at 4 p. m – 20th. After laughing has a violent cough; with every cough stitches under angle of scapula and in middle of sternum. Repeated fits of coughing about noon. The cough lasted some day, is worst m., with stitches in chest about centre of sternum. Stitches in middle of sternum on drawing a deep breath. The morning cough is accompanied by thick yellow expectoration. All day the cough is slight and dry, it comes on when he gets up from bed. After 9 p. m. till bedtime, cough lasting 1/2 h. Very stuffed nose, cannot breathe through it. Severe smarting on other side of thighs, where there is an eruption.-28th For 2 or 3 day hardness of hearing in right ear, occasional tinnitus, persistent coryza, great discharge of thick whitish mucus from nose, which is, however, always stopped up. Smarting on thighs, where there are papules with red areola, that itch much in evening and in bed. Cough with thick yellowish expectoration, worst in m. in rising. Cannot sleep well because he cannot breathe through nose. – May 9th, 200 dr., 4th dil. Rumbling in belly; flatulence, causing shootings in sacrum. Loose stool at 4:30 and 6:15 a. m. – 10th, 3 gr., 3rd trit. Pains in abdomen. Went to bed at 9 p. m., and had a severe attack of vertigo when he lay on his l. side. Loose stool. – 17th, 8:30 a. m., 3 gr. 2nd trit. Inclination to vomit after 1/2 hour, and severe eructation lasting till noon. Then weakness of extremities, great drowsiness all day (Ibid., 103.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.