
11. HARTLAUB and TRINKS.-a. Confusion of head, after dinner; inward pressure under vertex, do; transient pressive pain over right temple (3 h.); early in m., headache as if mastoid processes were pressed towards each other (2nd d.); small vesicles about root of nose; a red space on cheeks near alae nasi, somewhat swollen, which pains when pressed upon; pain in a small spot behind angle of lower jaw when touched and pressed forwards; single jerks through left lower jaw into hollow teeth, while walking out after a meal; between chin and under lip pimples containing a hard substance, which when their contents are squeezed out become small ulcers, lasting several day (7th d.); comedones that can be easily expressed in cheeks near nose. Dryness of under lip for some day; early in m. swelling of gum about a hollow tooth, whitish, painful to touch, accompanied with heaviness in tooth and jaw (8th d.); every m. tongue has thick yellowish coat, especially at back (12th d.); acidity in stomach after every meal, occasional hiccup, then slight heartburn (Ist days); painful, anxious, grasping feeling in pyloric region, which is sensitive to deep pressure, especially before food; a kind of bubbling at border of short ribs, in region of epigastric curve, on stooping, with feeling as if cartilages were bent outwards and raised,-he has some anxietas with it, and is compelled to sit upright; pressive intermitting pain in right renal region; rumbling in abdomen, evening, so loud that bystanders can hear it, – a very fine high tone. Stool intermitting for a day, then after feeble straining he has thick pappy discharge, in small quantity, several times towards evening (8th d.); stool becomes harder, painful, followed by bleeding from anus, which smarts on pressure (12th d.); hemorrhoidal tumours, which pain especially early in m. Fleeting burning pains in vesical region (Ist days); intermitting, almost painful urging to micturate (4th h.); increased emission of dark yellow urine; drawing – pressive intermitting pains in right spermatic cord; crushed pain in right testicle; hardish swelling on dorsum of penis not far from glans, of cartilaginous feeling, skin movable over it, it is flattened towards median line but has a swollen border externally, quite painless, even to pressure,- during an erection it becomes harder, more visible and sensible, with a peculiar dull tensive feeling (lasted 8 weeks). Early in m. frequent hawking of mucus, which is loosened but does not come up; during deep inspiration, to which he is urged-almost to yawning-by need of relieving chest from a slight oppression, there comes at length every time, with some dyspnoea, a stitch on left side of lower chest, superficial (after chewing berries). Heart-beat increased more violent, intermitting, and pulsation of vessels throughout trunk, but not in head or limbs, – therewith drowsiness, but inability to sleep (p. m.); pain in small spot on right neck, increased by pressure, which after continuing some time went off for a while on walking in open air (3rd d.).

11b. Hot ears, evening (2nd d.); heart-beats stronger, at times somewhat quicker, for some beats fuller, felt over a large space (3 h.), weaker after siesta; fixed sacral pain, obliging him to bend back inwards; paralytic pain in sacrum, he must stretch himself, bending backwards also relieved; paralytic pain in left arm about elbow-joint, worse when leaning arm on anything, – a few day after this had gone off, some pimples appeared without redness or areola, violently, especially at tip of elbow, leaving scab after scratching, which disappears after 5 day; paralytic drawing on inner side of left wrist; paralytic tearing in left index; paralytic pain in left thigh above knee, internally, but not as if in bone, drawing from below upwards, coming and going,-also once in right radius above wrist; tension in inner muscles of left thigh, several days; fine drawing pains internally in left knee (1 h.); squeezing pains in right tendo Achillis, becoming tearing (3rd d.); single jerks in left toes; paralytic pains in joints, especially after exertion; in m. violent itching in a spot on outer aspect of right leg, below the middle, after scratching skin appears excoriated, burns painfully and exudes, remaining thus till 3rd day when it is covered with a thick scab which lasts 8 days, it itches at its edges, and when scab is scratched off bleeds easily and copiously, for a long time there remains a sensitive red cicatrix (similar places on top and inside of left ear) (12th d.); during n. itching on legs, relieved by scratching; in m. a small scratched – off place on inner aspect of left leg is raw, and as if ulcerated, on 2nd m. paining and itching, – on scab which forms being removed there is a dirty base, in evening there is a small but itching and painful areola, growing redder daily in m., but paler continual dreaming, full of invention and mental exertion; pulse somewhat tense, and now quicker, now slower. (Arzn., i, 323.) No information is given as to how the above symptoms were obtained. They have also no name attached; but those we have classed as II, b, have Hering’s name written after them in our copy of H.and T.’s work, and are mostly identical with those given as his by Noack and Trinks from the Prakt.Mittheilugen, which is not accessible to ys.–EDs

12. A healthy girl took 4 times 100 dr. tinct., which caused violent, pain in sinciput, vertigo with mist before eyes, dryness of mouth and gullet, nausea, inclination to vomit after food, shooting tearing in stomach, pinching above navel. In bed, m., pinching and griping in abdomen, mostly on left side, creeping in larynx as though something were crawling up it, crawling in throat, shooting pains below calf, especially m., as after dancing. Tearing pain in right arm when writing, so that she must stretch it out, sleep restless, on rising so giddy that she thought she must lie down again. (BUCHNER, A. h. Z., xx, 304.)

13. a. Dr. VAN DE WARKER took 10 min. of oil at 2:10 p. m. In 10 m. heat and flushing of face; circumscribed pain in each temporal region; heat in stomach; ideas slightly confused as if from alcohol; flatulence. At 4 took 5 min. more, and at 8:55 10 min. In 5 m. after latter dose there was present the circumscribed pressive sensation in each temporal region, painful heat and congestion of face, confusion of ideas, headache, flatulence, borborygmus. N. was very restless, and he had most severe headache on following day, with slightly congested conjunctivae.

13b. Took 15 min. at 10 a. m. 10:20, semi-intoxication; sense of painful stricture over temples, pulse beating with great force, heat and weight at stomach. II, intoxication nearly passed off; eructations, borborygmus, headache; urine passed twice in an hour, copious. 1 p. m., repeated dose. 1:20, intoxication and headache more marked than in m. 10:40, nausea and umbilical pain; face painfully congested. 2:30, free evacuation of bowels, with great pain in track of colon and burning at anus. Urine passed in small quantities, often high-coloured. 3:10, slight nausea and pain in bowels; pulse full and strong; intense headache; conjunctivae congested. Temp. 100.2. 3:30, these symptoms still present; another stool. 5 headache less severe; nausea and pains in bowels gone. Passed an almost sleepless night; severe headache all next day, appetite poor, nausea after breakfast; no stool this day (Sphygmographic tracings showed “great increase in heart force and lessened arterial tension.”). (Criminal Abortion, Boston, 1872.).


I. A young servant, et. 18, was in good health, but catamenia had not appeared for some time. On evening and during n. of Jan. 6th, 1854, she complained of some pain in abdomen. Next m. she refused to rise and dress, but said she was very well. During m. there was slight sanguineous vaginal discharge, and bedclothes were saturated with urine. She cried when her mistress spoke of sending her home, but did not speak after 7 a. m. Mr. May saw her at 2 p. m.; she took no notice of him, and could not be got to answer his inquiries. On his placing his hand, however, on the abdomen she contracted the muscles, and resisted attempts to examine per vaginum, beginning also to cry. At 3 p. m. vomiting set in, and continued during n. (savin powder being found in ejecta), and she died at 3 next m. At autopsy (56 hours later) stomach was found reddened in patches, and here and there perforated (evidently post mortem). Kidneys, uterus, and ovaries slightly congested; she was not pregnant. There was no congestion of the rectum. (Assoc. Medorrhinum Journ., 1854, p. 224.)

2. Mr. GOWER was sent for between 5 and 6 p. m. on Sunday, and found a woman (24) sitting by the fire with a face of great anxiety, and pulse of 150. Her symptoms were such as might belong to latter stage of typhus or gastro-enteritis. He was told she had been vomiting for a week previously, and she could not keep down the medicines he gave. On Wednesday m. labour came on. It was natural, but she sank faster after it, and died next m. Powdered leaves or tops of S. were found in stomach post mortem. There was inflammation of esophagus, stomach, and duodenum, less in jejunum and ileum, more again in transverse colon. All intestinal glands were enlarged. Peritoneum was generally inflamed, as also were the kidneys; there was no urine in bladder. uterus and right ovary were normal, but left ovary was reddened, turgid, and adherent by recent bristles of lymph to sigmoid flexure of colon. Peritonitis seemed to have spread from above downward. (Lond. Medorrhinum Gaz., N. S., i, 646.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.