
5. HERRMANN. – Violent giddiness while standing, as if about to fall forwards; constant giddiness with fog before eyes (2 h.); violent vertigo, even when sitting, with great weakness as if he would collapse, and as if eyes would close; whole of head pressive and dull, especially forehead, as after intoxication (1 h.); pressive tearing pain in left occiput externally curving as far as left forehead, more violent when touched; pressive pain on temporal bones (3 h.); prickings under cartilage of lower eyelid (7 h.); paralytic pain in right cheek-bone; pressive pain in left cheek – bone, increased from touch; pressive tearing pain at angle of right lower jaw in masticator muscles, increased from touch (2 h.). Blunt stitching pain left side of lower jaw; tearing pain in fangs of molar teeth, near gums; tearing in muscles of neck; pressive tearing pain left side of neck between mastoid process and angle of lower jaw; repeated empty eructations. Eructations with slight nausea; at once, and later, cutting in bowels, with rumbling in abdomen; pain as if bowels were contracting. Since medicine began to act (8 d.), frequent passing of a quantity of urine, with very slight thirst, he awakes at n. to pass urine, which often is turbid when discharged. Pressive pain over whole sternum, much aggravated from inspiration, feels as if sternum was too narrow and twisted inwards (6 d.), breast-bone pains at every touch; sharp stitches under sternum, aggravated by inspiration,-it feels as if it were too narrow, and so impeded respiration; pressive pain near left nipple (1 h.); intermitting stitches in collar-bone; sharp stitches in last true ribs, side, towards sternum, only during inspiration; prickings in left side at last 2 false ribs; rheumatic tearing in muscles of nape, left side, frequently recurring (1 1/2 h.) tearing pressive pain in lumbar muscles and lowest dorsal vertebrae with adjoining ribs, especially on bending body (8 h.); sharp stitches at dorsal vertebrae, aggravated by inspiration; stitching pain in dorsal vertebrae (3 h.); tearing pain in left axilla and above left nipple, aggravated from touching. Pressive pain on muscles of upper arm inwards, aggravated by touching; paralytic tearing in right upper arm to hand (28 h.); fine stitches from without inwards in both upper arms near elbow-joint, inwards, worse from touching and moving (8 h.); stitching pain in outer tuberosity of humerus, both arms (10 h.); pressive pain on right radius, worse from moving and touching (6 h.); spasmodic contractive pain in left palm, when extending it, it involuntarily contracts again, pain is worse when stretching hand than when closing it (10 h); painful tearing in middle bone of right index; tearing stitching pain in muscles of index and middle fingers of left hand (1 h.); tearing in finger-joints of both hands (10 d.); pressive pain in right hip; blunt stitches in left hip, only during inspiration (4 h.); pressive pain in middle of thigh inwards (5 h.); burning pain in thigh downwards and inwards; tearing in back of foot, worse from touch; pressive tearing pain in metacarpal bones of feet; tearing in front joints of toes, worse from walking; intermittent pressive pain below left heel, while sitting (6 h.); annoying itching mixed with fine stitches at left heel and sole, compelling scratching, burning afterwards, almost like chilblains; sharp stitches in heels from within outwards ((12 h.). Anxious dreams waking him frequently from sleep, which is specially disturbed towards m. Great peevishness, disinclined to speak; great anxiety, as if some evil were impending. (Ibid.)

6. VON PLEYEL. – Dizziness with ebullition and heat in head; heaviness of occiput and nape, descending over whole of back to sacrum; desire for acids, especially lemonade; pressive pain in region of stomach and liver; crawling in anus; frequent liquid mucous stools; frequent micturition; dry coryza; dry coughing and tickling in trachea, on day following expectoration streaked with blood; perceptible swelling of breasts; tickling in nipples with voluptuous feeling; drawing sacral pains to pudendal region; tearing stitches in all joints with feeling as if swollen, with stitching and drawing through long bones; sleep restless with circulatory agitation, heat and profuse perspiration. (Ibid.)

7. ROCH. – Feeling of scraping scratching in palate and uvula, worse from empty swallowing (1/2 h.); repeated transient nausea and inclination to vomit (1/4 h.); feeling of warmth and burning in stomach, about cardiac region, inclination to eructate, with actual eructations tasting of the medicine,-soon after frequent tasteless eructations, after each eructation burning in stomach lessened (10 m.). Paralytic pressive pain in muscles of left scapula, with feeling of burning in that part, extending gradually over thorax of same side, not influenced by either rest or movement; paralytic drawing in head of left humerus, with feeling of lassitude there on moving; drawing paralytic pain through left arm, from head of humerus to elbow (1/2 h.); sore pain as from a wound in and about right hip-joint, worse from turning and moving thigh, after a while subsiding from sitting and lying (12 h.); stitching tearing in tibia below knee; dull tearing to and fro in left calf to malleoli; crawling drawing tearing with intercurrent fugitive stitches in lowest part of tendo Achillis in rest, subsiding during movement and extension of tendon (5 h.); tickling fugitive stitches in ball of left big toe, shaking whole body like slight electric currents,- sitting. As soon as he enters open air all symptoms subside, immediately after entering room they appear again; dull tearing pain in bones of upper and lower extremities, beginning from the middle and extending to joints, where it is felt for some time, more acute and lasting while resting and moving in room, but it disappears in open air (4 h.); state of hypererethism of nerves, music was quite distasteful and unbearable, piercing to very marrow of bones,-therewith pressive pain in occiput, feeling of lassitude, exhaustion, and inclination to sweat, especially on back, – after 1/2 hours this state of things subsided during active movement in open air (1 h.). (Ibid.)

8. VON SONNENBURG. – Giddiness with stupor; throbbing headache with heaviness and stupor; heat in eyes; thirst for milk; pressive pain in stomach and liver; muco – bloody discharge from anus; retention of urine with discharge in drops and burning; 3 day after menses (26 h.) profuse menstruation occurs again, with violent tormina and labour-like pain-blood was partly thin, partly lumpy, also diminished discharge of red urine, with strangury and mucous vaginal discharge; crawling over back beginning at nape; drawing sacral pain to region pudendal; tearing stitches in all joints, with feeling of swelling, and stitching pains through long bones; sleep disturbed with agitation of blood heat, and profuse perspiration. (Ibid.)

9. STAPF. – She feels full and bloated in stomach, as if she had eaten too much, with rumbling in abdomen; dreams of quarreling with somebody, awakes over it sobbing and weeping; peevishness, indifference to jesting; depression for several days; she is taciturn, peevish, depressed, cheerless, with feeling of exhaustion in all limbs. (Ibid.)

10. W -. – Pressive pain in right forehead; pressive pain in left temporal bone, from within outwards painless drawing from right temple to forehead (4 h.); blue rings round eyes; feeling as if internal and lower eye-muscles were too short when looking upwards; external pressure over right ear; blunt stitches in neck at rest. Increased salivation; after milk bitter taste in mouth; repeated eructations with taste like the medicine; nausea and sense of fullness; nausea with cough (2 h.); sickness and inclination to vomit, saliva collects in mouth; retching immediately after medicine; vomiting of pure bile; nausea and vomiting of food taken previous day, the vomited milk is chopped and tastes sour (1/2 h.); heartburn; whole region of stomach bloated and tight; pressive pain in region of stomach, on pressure internal pain as from a blow; integuments of abdomen tight (2 h.); extreme bloatedness of integuments of abdomen, she thinks she is going to burst; drawing abdominal pain with tension of integuments; bellyache as if he had taken cold and was going to have diarrhea, on passing flatus the aching ceased, but returned at different periods of the day; painless diarrhoea with rumbling in bowels, for 4 day; stool 8 hours earlier than usual; diarrhea with discharge of much flatus. Indescribable uneasiness in lumbar vertebrae, feels drawing from behind forward like slight labour pain (2 h.); irresistible urging to urinate; strong urging to urinate, yet but little passed, but she felt afterwards as if she had to pass more (1/4 h.); menses set in during n. without pain, but 3 to 4 times more copious than usual, after rising lumps of blood passed; during menses os uteri open, blood red, and copious by starts, especially during movement; passes big lumps of coagulated blood; menses last 9 day, and are very copious. Crawling and tickling in larynx, inducing cough and mucous expectoration, also dry cough; in m. frequent hawking of mucus, which loosens easily but does not come up, feels constantly something adhering, which from time to time only induces hawking; feels full in chest, with cough; burning stitches in left chest; stitches in left nipple (2 h.); paralytic sacral pain, especially left side; rheumatic pain in left shoulder-joint; after stripping the shrub, dislocative pain in left wrist, increasing so much that in a few day hand could no longer be moved; stiffness of left wrist, with some slight dislocative pain,-after a few day pain changed into tearing, stitching, and swelling of the joint, prover constantly crying and beside herself, compelled to move painful hand with the other from side to side, or to keep it straight, could not let it hang down, no stitches,-lasted several day, relieved by aconite; drawing pain in left metacarpus; stitching pain in tip of left thumb; intermitting stitches at inner side of thigh; rheumatic pains in left thigh, then along right tibia, then in left forearm, at rest; itching in calf, against which scratching does not avail for long; itching now on right now on left calf, had to scratch violently, pimples appear on the scratched spot, which ache and smart; painful stitches in ball of left big toe; gouty pain in right big toe, it is red, shining, swollen, with violent boring-stitching pains, she could not move either toe or foot, or suffer anything on it-neither stocking nor bedding; after foregoing had lasted for some day came pain in right wrist, hand was stiff, she could not take hold of anything with it,-it then changed from right to left hand; perspiration of feet, extending above ankles, early in bed (18 h.); icy cold feet (2 h.). Legs feel like breaking down, she has to sit down and rest frequently, with it drowsiness and yawning, and exhaustion as after tedious illness, with trembling of arms and whole body. Shiverings over whole body, blackness before eyes, followed by sleepiness (2 h.); shivers with goose-skin, not lasting long, but returning frequently. Disinclined to speak. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.