
b. The following symptoms also appeared, but after a glass of wine had been taken on the previous day, they being bracketed accordingly: M. in bed, pressive headache, so severe as almost to deprive him of his sense, with feeling as if whole brain were full of lead, relieved on getting up; therewith dull drawing pain over left eye. (Ibid.)

6. a. O – took, under Seidel’s observation, 10 dr. of tinct. early in m. In 1/2 hours considerable dryness of lips and whole mouth, and prickling sensation on tongue; in 1 hours, flat, bitter taste, general warm feeling, and slight sweat over body; for some day pappy stools with tenesmus, and urging to urinate.

6b. Took 20 dr. at similar time. In 1/2 hours again dry lips and mouth, and borborygmus; in 1 hours the warmth nd sweat, stitches in uvula; in 3 hours violent congestion to chest, returning for 2 day in greater or less degree; in 8 hours considerable feeling of weakness in right arm, with prickling in tips of fingers; in 27 hours violent boring tearing pain in left shoulder – joint, with “going to sleep” of arm, and prickling in finger – tips, – it recurred for several day, as did pappy stools with tenesmus. On 7th day boring throbbing pain in right shoulder – joint, and in cavity of right tibia. There was same frequent desire to urinate. (Ibid.)

7. A – took 10 dr. in evening under same. Shortly after, much and continuous nausea, with inclination to vomit; and, while lying in bed, vertigo, as if head would sink back deeper and deeper into pillow, with anxiety, – this recurred more slightly the 2nd e. Next m., periodical burning in eyes, which, however, are not inflamed; sourish, saltish taste in mouth; she feels nausea on swallowing saliva; during day, oppression of head, with drawing in eyes, increased in open air; increased nasal flux; the menses, which had ceased 2 day ago, reappear. 2nd day, same taste, & c., in morning; diarrhoeic evacuations; violent drawing from rectum to pudenda; in evening, humming nd ringing before ears (felt also soon after taking medicine). 3rd day, some increase of nasal mucus with obstructed nostrils (also on 4th d.); small vesicles on inner surface of lower lip and below tongue, occasioning biting pain while eating; paroxysmal drawing pressing pain in upper abdomen, with nausea; loose stool with much pressing. 4th day, violent drawing pain in right lower teeth, going off after eating; very costive. In rough weather, 17 – 18 day later, she had acute drawing in ankle and leg, and also along right arm. (Ibid.)

8. SCH – took 24 dr. in evening under same. In a few m. a pleasant warmth spread all over body. In 1/2 hours, moderate epistaxis from left nostril; painful pressive feeling in metacarpal bone of left index finger. In 5 hours, flying dull stitches in left side of head and whole left arm. Profuse sweat that n. 2nd day, evening, sudden painful shooting at urethral orifice. 5th and 6th day, headache as when coryza is impending, and shooting there, especially in forehead. In rough weather, strain pain in right wrist, worse at rest, but hindering movement. (Ibid.)

9. [The following symptoms are simply referred to the source mentioned, which is inaccessible, without explanation as to how they were obtained.] Vertigo, as if one would fall hither and thither, as from strong tobacco; violent drawing in left os frontes, followed immediately by a cold shudder across face; pressive pain in same, as if with the thumb; tension in same; slight cold creeping in upper half of temporal region; pressure in temporal bones. Much saliva in mouth; tasteless eructations; pinching in umbilical region after eating; weight and sluggishness in abdomen, not as if from food there; pressive pain in left lumbar region. At urethral orifice a brief but acute pain, independent of micturition. Tensive pain in muscles of left neck, even during rest; shocks across lower part of spinal column, or rather single continuous pressures as from a blunt point. Cold bubbling sensation in knees, trembling of hands during motion and rest. Warmth in face and over body even to thighs; slow pulse. (Prakt. Mittheilungen, March, 1827; from Allen.)

10. LEMBKE took, March 23rd, 7 a. m., 10 dr. tinct. No symptoms. – 30th, 9 a. m., 30 dr. No symptoms. – April 14th, 7 a. m., 50 dr. Noon, much normal urine passed. 1 p. m., pressive pain in left thumb – joint, worse when moved, lasts several hours, until evening, and all next day 5 p. m., pressure in left big – toe joint repeatedly. (N. Zeitsch. f. hom. Kl., iv, 197.)

II. The following symptoms have been recorded by various writers as results observed from overdosing with Rh., chiefly in arthritic subjects: – Vertigo; same with sopor; stupefaction; dulling of senses; a sort of intoxication; dreary sensation in head; headache; lachrymation; itching in eyes; itching and creeping in nose; dryness of mouth; burning and constriction in fauces; thirst; nausea; vomiting; pain in stomach; diarrhoea; diuresis; oppressed breathing and suffocative sensation; formication and disagreeable sensations in gouty limbs; insensibility and paralysis of limbs; itching and pains of all sorts; eruptions; convulsions; drowsiness; restless sleep; sweat of aromatic or offensive odour, with itching and formication; slackened and weakened pulse; frightful visions; attacks of anxieties; mental derangement, a sort of delirium. (STAPF, op. cit.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.