
3a. HERZOG took 5 doses of tinct., 10, 15, 20, 30, and 50 dr. respectively. Dizzy feeling while writing, going off in open air (2nd d.); oppression of head immediately on getting up (2nd d.); head feels oppressed and dreary as after a debauch (1st d.); on waking, head oppressed, with obstructed nose and roaring in ears (6th d.); beating headache (2nd d.); dull headache (11 hours); flying stitches in left head (3rd d.); tearing pain in right head (5th d.); throbbing pain in right head (8th d.); pressive headache in vertex (10th d.); dizziness and oppression in forehead; pressive pain in forehead (8th d.); pressive pain in left forehead (1 hours); throbbing feeling in left frontal region (2nd d.); several painful pustules on forehead. Twitching of right upper eyelid (9 hours); sensation as of gauze before eye (2nd d.). Feeling in left ear as if a worm were creeping in it (2nd d.); twitching pain in left ear and temple (7th d.); throbbing feeling in left ear (13th d.); tearing sensation in right ear and its neighbourhood (2 hours). Nose stopped (l. nostril) several m. in succession. Altered smell and taste, all things seeming the same; painless eruption at left corner of mouth (8th d.); accumulation of saliva in mouth, with nausea; pressure in stomach after drinking cold water (8th d.); unpleasant creeping sensation in region of stomach; pressive pain in scrob, cordis, n. in bed (1st d.); continual pressive feeling in scrob. cordis, before, during, and after food (1 hours); shooting pain in right hypochondrium, evening (12 hours); grumbling in stomach (soon); several pappy evacuations in day, prover being generally costive (4th d.). Some flying stitches in urethra after micturition (1st d.); swollen testicles, hitherto painless, enlarged to size of a hen’s egg (especially l.), with stitching and tearing pains in both, brief but acute (2nd day; after this swelling, which had lasted for years, subsided [ This was after the 50 dr. dose); brownish – red urine, with offensive smell (2nd and 3rd d.). Continual violent sneezing with heat of face on rising in m. (9th and 10th d.); dry coryza, with frequent sneezing (8th d.); fluent coryza, with diminution of smell and taste, lasting 14 day; fatiguing dry cough, m. and n. (12th d.); scraping dry cough (12 hours); scraping cough with mucous expectoration, hindering sleep – several day in succession. Violent tearing in right shoulder for several evening while in bed, disturbing night’s rest; drawing, then tearing pains in right knee, lasting several hours, n. in bed (1st d.); twitching feeling in right knee (3rd d.); tearing pains in right tibia (8th d.); tearing in right foot, especially in outer malleolus (6th d.); fine drawing and starting in right arm and left hand (4 hours); shooting pain in right arm (2nd d.); pain as if right arm were dislocated, so that only with difficulty could he hold anything in that hand, lasting all (5th) day; several painless pustules on right forearm (8th d.); tearing in forearm (2nd and 4th d.); twitching pain in left forearm (6th d.); weak and paralytic feeling in same (2nd d.); flying stitches in right wrist (2nd day, e.); while walking in open air violent tearing pain in left wrist (5th d.); drawing pain in left wrist and right leg (8 hours); paroxysmal tearing in right hand (11th day, e.); paroxysmal starting and tearing on outer side of right hand towards left finger (2nd day, e.); violent tearing pain in right hand, especially in thumb and index (8th day, e.); itching feeling in left fingers, compelling scratching, whereupon follows burning, which soon goes off after washing with cold water (7th d.); continued jerking pain in left fingers, especially little one (5th d.); fine sharp stitches in left index, evening in bed (4th d.); twitching in left index (2nd day, e.). Erratic tearing pains in limbs (7th d.); slight drawing and jerking sensation in whole body, now here, now there, but especially in joints, returning at indefinite periods and continuing for upwards of a fortnight. Drowsiness in afternoon, which he is scarcely able to resist; very sleepy all day (1st d.); restless sleep, disturbed by unimportant dreams (1st n.); anxious dreams, as of fire (12th n.); increased warmth in hands, ordinarily cold (3 hours); sweat on lower extremities in bed (towards m. of 2nd d.).

3b. Sam took 1 dr. of 3rd dil. Oppression and weight of forehead immediately on getting up (5th d.); continual buzzing in ears, and feeling as if water were rushing into them, – loud sounds re – echoing for a long time afterwards (4th and 6th d.); nausea with pressure in region of stomach (24 hours); brownish – red urine with offensive smell (2nd and 3rd d.); tearing drawing in right leg (11th d.); sleep full of dreams, more weary on rising than when lying down (3rd d.) (Ibid.)

4. HELBIG proved doses of 20 – 60 dr. Paroxysm of vertigo (2nd d.); reeling sensation in head, as if intoxicated (immediately); burning stitch through head (1st d.); oppression in forehead, on movement pain there; pustules on forehead; hard – pressing pain in left temporal region, as if in bone; transient biting here and there on scalp (2nd and 3rd d.). Burning and pricking of cheek under right eye (1st day and at times long after); left upper lid twitches frequently for some time. Bright red spot on nose, sensitive to touch, and lasting several day; pricking biting in cheek during several day, coming suddenly and soon passing off; drawing stitches from left submaxillary gland to cheek (3rd d.). Drawing and shooting pain in a left back tooth, which will not bear touching; a tearing sharp – aching pain in upper back teeth, increased by warm food and by staying in a warm room (e. of 1st d.); pricking and biting in front teeth; the approach of a thunderstorm or of cloudy windy weather is always preceded (by 1 – 2 hours or several hours respectively) by pain between drawing, pressure, and cutting in teeth and ear; for whole n. pain in left lower jaw and teeth, and in left ear, also (but less severely) on right side, now relieved, now increased by pressure; pain as if swollen and sore between right gums and cheek (2nd d.); at side of root of tongue a painful, somewhat swollen spot in mouth; nausea, accumulation of water in mouth, and inclination to vomit; quickly passing dull pain from chest to left hypochondrium, like “stitches in the side” (1st d.); warm undulations in region about heart; fruit diet causes diarrhoea and weak feeling in bowels; in walking he feels qualmish, and has to keep seated; disposition to diarrhoea returns in damp weather (rd d.); faces hard, and requiring strong pressure for expulsion. Rather dry cough, from hoarseness, early in morning; contractive pain in chest; oppression of chest during sleep, a sort of nightmare; pain in pectoral muscles, increased by touching (1st d.); pain in cervical muscles (1st d.); pain in sacrum, as if bruised, increased at rest, especially violent in rainy weather (1st d.); transient pains in legs (also fingers), rather dull, a hard downward pressure (1st and 2nd d.); lower limbs fail him, he feels he must sit down (1st d.); pain in tendo Achillis when putting feet to ground; sharp clawing pains in ankles; pains in limbs, especially in forearms and legs to fingers and toes, going off quickly and like a crampy drawing. Pricking here and there in skin; drawing as if in marrow, increasing in bad weather; painful sensitiveness in windy cold weather (several d.). Aversion to all, but especially serious occupation. (Ibid.)

5. SEIDEL took 3 doses, of 10, 20, and 20 dr. respectively. Whole head feels dreary, with pressure in forehead (1 1/1 hours); violent drawing tearing pain in forehead extending to temples and eyes, especially when moving about room (1st d.); deep in right occiput a pressive pain with paroxysmal drawing upwards (1st – 3rd d.); violent pain in same as if a foreign body had been forced into it (10th d.); itching on scalp, compelling scratching, on which it becomes burning (several evening, diminishing). Drawing from left half of face into eye, leaving pressure therein (1/2 hours); swollen, slightly reddened lids (1st d.); festering lids for first nights; early in m. burning and pressure in inner corners of eyes, with increased secretion of gum there (2nd d.); slight burning and pressure in eyes; burning pain in eyes, heat and redness there while reading or writing; periodical biting pain in right eye; right pupil very dilated, left contracted, with pressure in left ball (1st days); periodical boring or drawing pain in and about ears (1st days); troublesome dryness in nose (8 hours); obstructed nose in m. (1st days); unwonted nasal secretion in open air (1st days). Drawing in left back teeth (1st day, and frequently recurring later); quickly passing pain in single teeth, returning especially in damp weather or before a thunderstorm; sourish – tasting and somewhat augmented saliva (early on 1st days); while swallowing food pain at back of throat (e. of 1st d.); after eating bread burning in throat and yawning (1st and 3rd d.); somewhat increased thirst; nausea during stooping, diminished by eructation (soon); sharp pressure in scrob. cordis, 1. hours after dinner (1st and 2nd d.); pressive clawing pain in scrob. cordis, sometimes spreading into both hypochondria and impeding respiration (2nd d.); deep in scrob. cordis a continued pressive pain with alternate drawing and dull stitches along edge of short ribs, frequently increasing to oppression of breathing, anguish, and heat in face, especially p. m. while standing (3rd – 5th d.); sometimes fine, sometimes dull stitching superficial pain, with pressure here and there in scrob. cordis and short ribs, especially on left side (3rd and 4th d.); periodical clawing pain under short ribs; early in m. urging and clawing pain under short ribs, with full feeling in scrob. cordis and oppression of breathing (1st d.); in left hypochondrium a fast – seated pain, with tension on stooping (1st and 2nd d.); after supper, pinching pain across epigastrium (6th d.); after eating, first a cutting, then a pressive pain in upper abdomen (2 hours); l the usual breakfast causes disagreeable feeling of repletion in abdomen, relieved by eructation (1/2 hours); slight digging sensation in abdomen, with fulness of same (soon); flatulent griping at various spots in abdomen (1st days); incarceration of flatus in m., fasting; drawing from left groin into left, thigh (1st and 2nd d.); drawing pain in right and (slighter) in left inguinal ring while sitting, on walking a tension there (5th d.); frequent ineffectual urging to stool, succeeded by a pappy evacuation (1st and 2nd d.); urging to stool, as if diarrhoea would follow, then comes only a normal evacuation, but requiring much expulsive action (1st, 2nd, and 3rd day; on latter days powder of sphincter felt lessened); after stool first empty feeling, then pinching in abdomen (2nd d.); l throbbing pain in anus (1st and 5th d.); biting pain in anus, with flow of a little humour (4th d.). Burning sore pain between scrotum and thighs, especially while walking (1st days); throbbing pain in glands penis; occasional twitching at urethral orifice between acts of micturition; itching and increased sweat on scrotum (1st – 3rd d.); scrotum readily shrinks up, especially while walking and standing, or from cold, tastes somewhat drawn up, swollen, and painful as if bruised, alternating with drawing there, very tender (as also epididymis) to touch, – pain extends into abdomen and thighs, especially on right side (for several d.); urging to urinate, with drawing in vesical region and groins (2nd d.); the somewhat profuse pale urine has an offensive acrid odors (2nd and 3rd d.); sexual desire and power at first diminished, later increased. Several sneezings with nasal flux (1st d.); l great dryness in trachea (m. of 2nd d.); several attacks of dry cough, excited by tickling in trachea (1st d.); scraping rough feeling in throat, with sense of weight, which obliges him to hack frequently (1st d.); pressive pain in chest with dyspnoea (3rd d.); squeezing pain through chest transversely (5th and 6th d.); anxious bubbling sensation from abdomen, impeding respiration; tensive feeling in pectoral muscles with same result; l whole thorax feeling strained and bruised (1st days); periodical pinching pain ion chest externally, especially when moving about indoors (1st d.). Painful feeling as if neck was swollen (6 hours); tensive rheumatic pain in right neck externally, with drawing to behind ear (4th d.); stiffness of nape and tearing in shoulder, m. in bed (3rd and 4th d.); in right shoulder joint violent throbbing drawing pain (5th d.); in left shoulder – blade rheumatic drawing pain (2nd d.); rheumatic pain between scapulae, hindering movement (8 hours); m. in bed digging, drawing pain in back, shoulders, and arm, hindering sleep, with bruised pain of whole body (2nd – 4th d.); several large pustules on back and shoulders (12th d.); sacral pain while sitting; dislocation pain in sacrum. While lying on right hip digging pain in same (2nd day, e.); contusive pains occasionally in some of the muscles of the lower extremities while sitting (3rd. d.); weakness and heaviness in whole right lower limb (4th. d.); pain as if sprained in right hip – joint while walking (4th d.); painful drawing in right thigh (5 hours); cold feeling with goose skin on several spots in lower limbs; while rising from sitting posture feeling of coldness and rigidity in thighs (Ist day, e.); weight in thighs when commencing to walk, diminishing as he goes on (Ist d.); itching on inner surface of thighs and small red blotches; tensive pain on inner surface of right thigh (Ist d.); on same several dark red blotches, occasioning a sore pain when walking (4th and 5th d.); tensive sprained pain in right knee on bending it (16th and 18th day, in rough weather); drawing in right knee while at rest, in hollow of same while walking (Ist d.); drawing along front surface of leg (5th d.); feeling of rigidity in left leg, with slight creeping therein (2 hours), formication along there after 3 hours and 10 hours, in foot after 1 hours; shooting creeping (as from “going to sleep”) in right foot and hand (2 1/2 hours); unpleasant tingling in feet, especially balls and heels (2nd d.); sudden stitch darts through left heel (2 1/2 hours); dull pain in right heel (4th d.); drawing digging pain in joints of upper extremities, especially 1., at rest (Ist and 2nd d.); weight and tremulous, paralytic weakness in right arm, at rest, lessened on movement (4th d.); crampy contractive pain in left arm, with paralytic feeling, so that only with difficulty can it be raised (3 hours); drawing in upper arm (1st d.), pulsation there (6th d.); drawing in muscles of left upper arm, with weakness of whole arm (2nd d.); drawing pain all down left upper arm (1 1/2 hours); sharp stitches from deep in left upper arm (5th d.); drawing in right elbow (1st d.); feeling in forearms as if blood therein stagnated, with weakness and heaviness of limb, especially at rest, – therewith veins of hands very prominent, a pleasant warmth spreading through hands and pricking sensation felt in single fingers, as if “gone to sleep” (several times); pain as if strained in wrists, with increased warmth; digging drawing in wrists, very painful, and increased warmth in hands; considerable digging up and drawing in wrists, especially at rest (several times during rough weather); during and after movement of wrists stained pain in them; continued pain in left wrist drawing towards hand, with impeded movement (10th d.); puffiness of hands (2 hours); feeling of heaviness and debility in hands, with frequent drawing on single small spots in bones (1st d.); sudden formication in single fingers or other places in hands and feet, continuous in right thumb; roused from sleep at n. by continued painful itching between index and middle finger of left hand (17th day, rough weather); first numbness, then formication, in right little finger (7th d.). Creeping sensation in limbs (especially arms), making them restless, while quiet, obliging him to move them (several times, especially in rough weather). Great weariness and bruised feeling of whole body (1st d.). Great drowsiness with burning of eyes, p. m. (1st and 2nd d.); speedy, deep calm sleep at first, but towards m. frequent waking and tossing about (2nd and 3rd d.); contrary to his habit, he lies in bed on his back, with legs crossed. Cold feet (1st day.); cold feeling along thigh from left knee (2nd d.); paroxysmal burning heat in face (e. of 1st d.); hands, especially tips of fingers, feel hot, with visible sweat (1/2 hours); slight dampness of lower extremities, m. in bed (1st days); increased and foetid sweat in axilla (1st hours); when walking in open air he sweats very readily and feels tired. Forgetfulness and sudden vanishing of thoughts, he omits words in writing; indifferent, phlegmatic mood, neither pleasant nor unpleasant impressions affect him.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.