Natrum sulphuricum

2. SCHRETER. Manner of proving unknown. – Very depressed, irritable (5th d.); taciturn, speaks but little, and is generally irritable (1st d.); dull and out of humour in m., when getting up, until breakfast time (7th d.); great fear with dread of a misfortune. Vertigo when getting up, with dulness of head; vertigo after dinner, as if everything were spinning round him, with buzzing in head (1st d.); after vertigo, heat rising from body towards head, becoming more violent until sweat broke out on forehead, after dinner (1st d.); dulness in head. with feebleness; muddled feeling in head, as though he should fall, with darkness before eyes, a few m. (2nd d.); stupid feeling in head all day (4th d.). Pressing headache in right forehead, returning periodically, 15 to 30 m. (2nd d.); boring pain in forehead, as if it would burst, for 1 hours (9th d.); violent boring pain in left forehead, as if it were forcibly closing left eye (4th d.); boring pain in back of head; grasping pain in middle of forehead, while taking cold footbath it ceased, but returned more violently after 1 hours (2nd d.); breaking pain in middle of forehead immediately after dinner, followed by great sleepiness (3rd d.); headache while reading, made him feel hot and perspire, when he ceased reading and walked about heat and perspiration on his head ceased, but pain continued (3rd d.); feeling like an electric shock on top of head, towards right side, once during forenoon and afternoon (4th d.); sensation like electric shock in left head (8th d.); in m., while combing his hair, scalp very sensitive, as though each single hair pained him 93rd d.). Pressing in eyes in evening while reading by lamplight, and eyelids heavy, as though lead were on them (3rd d.); pressure in left eye, as though a lentil had fallen into it (5th d.); itching, in left then in right eye, same in right ear, he had to scratch it (4th d.); itching in right eye and left ear (5th d.); left eye glued together with matter, he had to wash it, at same time aversion to light (3rd day, same in both eyes 14th d.). Ringing in ears as of a small tinkling bell (2nd d.); hissing in left ear (4th d.); pressure from ear outward, as of something pressing on tympanum as far as the meatus externus, at same time he hears well (after 2 hours); pressure in right ear, worse towards 9 a. m. (3rd d.); piercing pain in right ear (after 1 hours. Itching externally on both wings of nose, which makes him scratch and rub (2nd d.). Some perspiration on face, while sitting at meal, with slight oppression of chest, right eye filled with water (1st d.); face pale and wan, immediately on waking in m. very cross and disheartened (2nd d.). Great flow of saliva after meals (4th d.). Sore throat, on obstacle when swallowing, tonsils and glands swollen and inflamed for 3 day, inflammation worse on m. of 2nd day (3rd d.). Great thirst in evening, after violent exercise (1st and 5th d.); great appetite, without thirst (1st and 5th d.). Squeamishness in stomach before meals (2nd d.); eructation of disagreeable smell and taste, with incarceration of flatulence, nausea, and flow of salvia, towards evening; pressure in forehead after meals. Dull, piercing, continuous pain in left hypochondrium when walking outdoors (8th d.); in left hypochondrium and left side of belly, piercing pain, while sitting, forenoon, followed by piercing pain in right chest, but less violent (5th d.); bellyache, such as often precedes purging (5 d.); bellyache without distension (all d.), in afternoon passed wind several times with difficulty, giving relief each time (3rd d.); bellyache in m. before breakfast (5th d.); bellyache around umbilicus while sitting at his desk (4th d.); tearing pain around umbilicus while sitting at his desk (4th d.); tearing pain around umbilicus, with flatus, before breakfast, after breakfast it was better, but 1 hours later it returned, only less violent (4th d.); grumbling and fermenting in abdomen after meals (1st d.); rolling in belly, after 4 hours (9th d.); flatulent colic above umbilicus, flatus will not pass, evening (1st d.); emission of foetid flatus after dinner (2nd day and m. of 6th d.); p. m., emission of foetid flatus after dinner (2nd day and m. of 6th d.); p. m., emission of much wind, hard to pass. Itching in anus. Great burning in urethra when passing urine (2nd d.); burning in r=urethra after passing urine (5th d.); urine of a more lateritious sediment (first days); urine of m. has a whitish – yellow sediment (4th d.). Itching on glans, obliged to scratch (6th d.); itching of lower surface of penis, was obliged to scratch, after which it ceased, a. m. and p. m. (3rd d.); itching on scrotum and lower part of penis 97th d.); itching on perinaeum, he was obliged to scratch 92nd d.); itching on one veneris in afternoon (1st d.); sweat on scrotum, while sitting towards evening (5th d.). Oppression of chest in m., on awaking (5th d.); stitch in left side of chest, when yawning, with pain in nape of neck and in shoulder – blades as if bruised (after 2 d.); piercing pain as from a spindle in left chest, when walking fast towards evening 93rd d.); stitch in left side of chest, as of a dull instrument, after meals (2nd d.); much expectoration of mucus in m. after heavy, anxious dreams (4th d.) Itching on back when undressing in evening (3rd d.). No strength in left hand, if he takes hold of anything heavy it drops from his hand (1st d.); when closing hand or graining anything pain in flexor muscles, from wrist to above elbow, as if they had been too much extended (5th d.); trembling in hands on awaking, later when writing (2nd d.). Pain as if he had been bruised in muscles of right thigh in front, chiefly when walking, for 6 hours in afternoon (3rd d.); pain in extensors of left thigh as if they had been stretched too much (th d.); weariness in knees. breaking and attending pain in right shin (6th d.); sprained sensation in right ankle, could not step well on it until he had walked up and down room several times, in m. when getting up (4th d.); irritating itching on top of both feet, from ankle to toes, which made him scratch. which increased the itching, in evening while undressing (second day); on outside of left foot near left toe, a glow has of firing afternoon (2nd d.); alternating sole of foot and toes (4th d.); feet are sensitive, sore, and heavy as lead, in m. when waking (2nd d.); itching of all toes, causing him to scratch, which relieved it, in evening when going to bed (1st d.); pain in extremities, as if bruised, or as after a long journey on foot, all m. (8th d.). Weariness of whole body, particularly in knees, that feel as if they could hardly bear hum (3rd d.); trembling of whole body, with spasmodic visible motion of muscles, worse on left side of chest, with great anxiety and fear of a misfortune. Stretching and yawning, with internal coldness; lazy, sleepy directly after breakfast, no inclination to work (5th d.); grew sleepy earlier than usual, 9 p. m., but he also woke up earlier (2nd d.); restless sleep, he awoke often, had heavy, anxious dreams, and afterwards raised much mucus (4th d.). Internal coldness with yawning and stretching; shuddering chilliness, with thirst, he drank much water, chilliness did not last long, and was not followed by heat or sweat, but thirst lasted all m. (3rd d.). (Ibid., vol iii.)

3. a. LEMBKE. August 11th, 1865, 6:45 a. m., 10 dr. 5th dil. – 12th, 11 p. m. tearing on dorsum of left foot and right knee. – 13th, 8:30 a. m., same dose. 9 a. m., wandering pains in sinciput. 10:30 a. m., pressure near nose. 11 p. m., a second soft stool. – 14th, 8 a. m., same dose. 8:45 a. m., strong compression above left elbow. 9:30 a. m., pressing in left calf while standing. Noon, pressing in left deltoid. I p. m. several stitches under left ribs anteriorly; soon afterwards boring in dorsum and outer side of left foot. – 15th, 8 a. m., same dose. About noon and later, 2 fingers breadth from left ear, feeling as if skin were drawn up. 2 p. m., stitches in left short ribs when sitting, tearing in left ankle, pressing in right calf, later in left ankle, aggravated by moving joint and treading, more persistent when at rest. 7:30 p. m., tearing in back of left forearm. 9:30 p. m., pain in right big toe. – 16th, 8 a. m., when sitting pressive pain in muscles of anterior part of right thigh, then in left knee, drawing in left thumb – joint, later in left side of forehead. – 17th, 8 a. m., same dose. 8:30 and later, pressive pain in left forearm. Repeated shooting in all left toes; pressure in right deltoid. 2 p. m., drawing in various parts of right thigh; pressure in left shoulder; tearing in sinciput. 4 p. m., pressure in whole left arm; severe compression in right wrist rapidly. 5 p. m., same in right elbow – joint; pressure in right knee – joint at side of patella; drawing and pressive pain in occiput with feeling of heat and pain there; drawing in right toes. 6 p. m., great compression in left leg followed by shooting in all left toes; burning on tip of tongue. Though he had drunk less, passed urine often and more copiously; the urine was darker coloured. 9 p. m., boring as with a blunt instrument in right angle of lower jaw, later in right side of forehead spreading over sinciput. – 18th, 7:30 a. m., on left zygoma as if skin were drawn up. 1 p. m., drawing in calves, pressure in left knee when walking, then in left shoulder, 4th left finger, right wrist, lo. zygoma, and left side of head. 2 p. m., pressure in left thumb joint, pulsation in tip of left little finger for some m., 3 p. m. pressure in right big toe. 5 p. m., boring pain in right side of frontal bone; boring as with a blunt instrument in left temple. 8 p. m., on dorsum of nose feelings as if an insect were crawling there, for 1 hours when walking; pressure in left knee, then in right wrist and in right temple. Later, pressure on right knee when sitting, also in right thumb joint. 9 p. m., shooting in all left toes; pressure in left shoulder. Drawing and pressure in both legs when sitting, later in right knee. 9:30 p. m., pressure as of a peg in right angle of lower jaw, repeatedly; great smarting on tip of tongue. – 19th. On rising, 6:15 a. m. tearing in right fingers repeatedly. 7:30 a. m. tearing in right shoulders, left toes in muscles of right thigh, in left forearm. 8 a. m., compression in right knee and left ankle; drawing on right side of head, in r, ankle. 11 a. m. and later, tearing in toes fingers when walking. 2 p. m., boring in left side of occiput. 5 p. m., compression in right wrist and left elbow; drawing in teeth of lower jaw. 9 p. m. severe persistent tearing in right sole when sitting and standing. 10 p. m., tearing in left fingers and pressing pain deep in 8 a. m., tearing on dorsum of right foot and in left hand, when sitting pressure in right knee, also when walking; compression in left forearm; transient pain in right j=knee when walking; boring in left shoulder anteriorly; drawing in skin on outer side of left leg. 9 a. m., drawing below left scapula, then in nuchal muscles and left thumb, then pressure deep in head; drawing in right elbow; tearing in joints of left little finger. 2 p. m. boring in left side of head. 4 p. m. tearing in left thumb; piercing left wrist. 9, shooting in region of left nipple when sitting drawing in lower incisors. 10:30 p. m., boring in left side of head, in left knee, then in right -, wandering pain left side of head especially behind ear; compression in left then in right elbow drawing right palm, in left ankle – joint. – 21st, 8 a. m., boring; shooting in left big toe; pressure and heaviness in left shoulder. fingers and hand, in left side of nape, in muscles of right thigh, in right hand many of the pains and feeling in left zygoma as if skin were drawn up. – 22nd, 8 a. m., same dose. 9 a. m., drawing in joints of left big toe;; compression in left wrist. tearing in fingers, especially in left thumb; boring in left wrist; when walking pressing and tired pain above left ankle, pressure in both pressure as from a pea, drawing in right toes and outer border of foot. – 23rd. On waking 6 a. m., in bed shooting in joint of left big toe, worse when pressed on. Soon after rising pressing between scapula and on right side of forehead. 9 a. m., pressure in left ankle when walking, then above left knee, and tired pain in both knees; tearing in right toes and left thumb. 10:30 a. m., drawing between scapulae and boring in left side of frontal bone; tearing in left scapula and left pectoral muscles extending to nape, when walking. 3 p. m., repeated boring on right tibia when walking. Drawing in right fingers and in forehead, repeatedly; bruised pain and tired feeling in elbows; pressure and weight in forehead. 7 p. m,., tension and pressure in left fingers and thereafter in right arm and left toes; in left zygoma shooting and feeling as if skin were drawn up; shooting in region of middle thoracic; in occiput wandering pains, then in both zygomata. 9 p. m., boring in bone behind right ear; pressure in right knee; persistent boring in joint of left big toe, alternating with same pain in right and pressure above both eyebrows. – 24th, 6 a. m., in bed tearing in left ankles and toes. 8 a. m., boring in joint of left big toe. Tearing in right scapula and left wrist. Acute shooting in left knee, then in right shoulder; drawing in forehead and fingers, in left little finger and in hand. 4 p. m., drawing in knees and left toes; stitches dart through root of tongue. – 25th, 8 a. m., repeated shooting in femoral muscles, drawing and stiffness in right fingers. Pressing in flexors of both forearms; pressure in right wrist, when walking, then in right ankle, in left pectoral muscles, in left and. 2 p. m., pressure in nape extending to occiput for 10 m., aggravated by moving head. 9 p. m., pressing in left wrist, in finger – joints, cutting tearing in left little finger to border of hand. Pressure ion right foot and left shoulder – joint. Tearing in left side of frontal bone. Cutting pains under right border of ribs anteriorly. Severe pressive pains in scrob. cordis when walking for some m. – 26th. Some of former pains but slighter, worse evening 10 p. m., boring in right side of frontal bone, when sitting.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.