
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Manganum, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Including M.aceticum, manganous acetate, Mn (C2H3O2)2.4H2O; M. carbonicum, manganous carbonates, MnCO3; M. muriaticum, manganic chloride, and M. oxydatum, native black manganous oxide. See also Kali manganicum.


1. HAHNEMANN, Mat. Medorrhinum Pura, part vi of original, vol. ii of translation. Contains 89 symptoms from self, and 242 from 10 fellow-observers; obtained from acetate.

2. IBID., Chronic Diseases, part iv of original, vol. of translation. Contains the above, with addition of 124 symptoms from Nenning (preparation unknown).

3. LEMBKE proved M. muriaticum. Nov. 9th, 7 a. m., took 5 dr. of a solution of gr. v of Mang. mur. in 3ij distilled water. Soon eructation of air, rumbling in belly several times. 7:30 a. m., dull pressure in stomach. 8:30 a. m., pressive pain in r. maxillary joint; pressure in r. knee, extending down to leg and settling in ankle-joint, with bruised feeling. Later same pain in l. ankle-joint. 9:30 a. m., drawing, pressing pain in r. hand. -11th, 7 a. m., same dose. Immediately eructation of air and rumbling in belly, pressure in l. foot. 7:45 a. m., pressure in stomach, increased by pressing on it, for 1/2 hours 9 a. m., pain in l. thumb-joint. Severe drawing pain on inner side of r. knee. 9:30 a. m., pressure in l. ankle-joint, twitching feeling there. -14th. 7 a. m., 5 dr. 8 a. m., tearing in occipital bone, r. side. Noon, repeated tearing in bones of l. foot. -15th, a. m., a violent pain on anterior aspect of l. shoulder-joint, increased by pressing on it, rolling hummers on its axis, and all movements of upper arm, lasting all day 4 p. m., squeezing in l. foot-bones and ankle-joints. -16th, m., same pain in l. shoulder- joint, it had gone off by evening -17th, 7 a. m., 5 dr. No symptoms. -22nd, 7 a. m., 10 dr. 8 a. m., pressure on right of head. -26th, 7:30 a. m., 20 dr. At 9 a. m. slight pressure on stomach. -Dec. 3rd, 7 a. m., 20 dr. Pressing and drawing in ankle-joints and bones of feet, repeatedly also on Dec. 4th. – 7th, 7 a. m., 20 dr. 8 a. m., severe pressive pains on inner side of r. knee when sitting. Tension in r. ankle-joint and bones of foot repeatedly, a. m.-8th, 10 a. m., pain on inner side of r. knee. -16th, 7 a. m., 20 dr. 8 a. m., pressing in l. foot. Noon, pressure on outer side of r. ankle-joint when walking, later the former pain on inner side of l. ankle-joint between inner and heel. Towards evening drawing and pressing in r. knee, extending down leg when sitting. -20th, 7 a. m., 30 dr. Drawing and pressing in lower part of right calf down to foot-bones, with a feeling as if they were forced asunder; the same in l. leg, but not so severe, when sitting. 10 a. m., pressive pain in r. knee, boring in skull, r. side; drawing pain with weak feeling in right thigh when sitting. -29th, 7 a. m., 40 dr. No symptoms. -31st, 7 a. m., 15 dr. No symptoms. (N. Z.f. Hom. Kl., ii, 28.)

4. Same proved black oxide. -Sept. 10th, 7:30 a. m., took 4 gr. 9 a. m., prickling in l. hand. 10 a. m., several times cutting in stomach, pressure and heat in forehead. 9 a.m. scanty, hard and retarded stool. -11th, 7 a. m., 4 gr. 8 a. m., urine straw-coloured, neutral (before proving it was very acid), later it became acid. 4 p. m., violent cutting in abdomen, extending up to chest. -12th, 7 a. m., 8 gr. Urine increased somewhat. 3:30 p. m., feeling of weight and pressure in l. lumbar region, increased by bending to l. for some m. -13th, 7 a. m., 8 gr. 10 a. m., severe cutting about navel. -15th, 3:30 p. m., 20 gr. Thinks that since commencing proving mang. he gets tired and is more ready to be overcome with heat and perspiration than before forehead also feels confused. Before the dose boring in r. tibia, after taking it a curious pressure under sternum. – 16th, 7:30 a. m., 25 gr. 10 a. m., twitching burning, and heat in skin of forehead, for 1 h. 2 p. m., boring in tibia below r. knee. Since commencing the proving the stools, though regular, had a reddish-brown colour. -17th, 7:30 a. m., 30 gr. Noon, nausea; pressure and boring in some bones. -18th, 8 a. m., 30 gr. Forehead hot and heavy, much internal heat and less sensation of cold air than usual. -19th, 7 a. m., 30 gr. 8:30 a. m., violent cutting upwards in umbilical region. Stool hard. 11 p. m., very severe squeezing pain in r. ankle-joint, making it painful to stand or move, for a few m. -20th. Stool liquid and bright coloured. 3 p. m., stitches in l. hypochondrium, increased by inspiration and pressure. -21st, 9:30 a. m., violent cutting in bowels and bright loose stool, after which the pain persists in umbilical region; it is worse on pressure. After 1/2 h. another similar stool, and again e. During day very exhausted after slight exertion. -22nd, m., liquid, bright stool, followed by cutting in umbilical region. -26th, 7:30 a. m., 6 gr. 9 a. m., cutting in umbilical region. 1 p. m., pain in l. tibia when walking. All day very exhausted after slight exertion; weight and pressure in forehead, heat of whole body, pale face. -27th, 7:30 a. m., 6 gr. 2 p. m., tearing in side of head and face. Shooting and tickling in larynx, dry cough (is subject to this symptom). – 28th, 7:30 a. m., 6 gr. Occasional pressure in stomach. 1 p. m., severe burning sensation under eyes for some m. – 29th, 7:30, 6 gr. No symptoms. -30th, 6 gr. Only slight pain in stomach. This and next day scraping and tickling in larynx, followed by dry cough. (Ibid, iii, 4.).


1a. In the chemical works of Tennant and Co. a considerable number of men are employed in grinding the black oxide of manganese. The surface of their bodies is constantly covered with the M.; the air they breath is loaded with it in form of powder, and they swallow portions of it with their food. In 1821 a previously healthy young man engaged at the work exhibited symptoms of paraplegia. The loss of power in the lower limbs was at first so slight that it was scarcely observed, and he never complained of it, but it slowly increased, and at the end of some months he had to quit the work. He removed to distant part of the country, but at the end of a year he had made little or no progress towards recovery.

1b. In 1829 a workman engaged in grinding M., and previously healthy, was similarly affected. He continued at the work for many months. The paralysis increased, and the M. was suspected as the cause. He removed to another department of the works without further increase of symptoms. But after seven years there was very slight amendment. The loss of power is most apparent in lower extremities, causing him to stagger and be inclined to run forward when he attempts to walk. The arm were also affected, but in a less degree. He complains that in speaking he cannot make himself heard by persons at a moderate distance; there is no difficulty of articulation, but weakness of voice. No deficiency of sensibility anywhere, intellect and external senses unimpaired, but there is an expression of vacancy in countenance, apparently from paralysed state of facial muscles. The saliva is apt to escape from mouth, especially when speaking.

1c. Since the above cases, 3 other workmen engaged in grinding M. have been similarly affected. As soon as staggering recovered. (COWPER, BRITISH ANNALS of Medicine, Pharmacy, Vital Statistics, and General Science, vol. i, p. 41, 1837.).

Experiments on animals

1a. In frogs M. causes general paralysis, amounting to complete prostration, and at same time causes stoppage of heart.

1b. 1/4 grm. M. injected into vein of rabbit causes immediately tetanic convulsions, dilated pupils, and sometimes exophthalmos, followed by death. The same effects have been observed in dogs from injection of 1 grm. in veins. After death the heart does not react to electricity, so they die of paralysis of heart. 1c. When repeated small doses are injected into veins of dog, to the extent of more than 1 grm., the animal becomes very weak, and dies after 3 or 4 d. P.M. shows fatty degeneration of liver. This change is liver is observed especially after the muriate and sulphate. The heart’s power is distinctly weakened by M. Its beats become rarer. It Contracts with less power, and at last it stops, its cavities full of blood. It increases the quantity of nitrogenous substances in the urine and diminishes them in the faces. (LASCHKEWITSCH, Centralbl. f. day med. Wissensch., May 26th, 1866, No. 24.)

2. HUNEFELD gave to a rabbit nearly 3ij of manganic acid in 3 d., in doses of 10-15 gr. The only obvious effect was increased secretion of urine. The animal being killed, the peritoneum and external coat of the colon were found green, the muscles were readily lacerated and pale, the liver was inflamed, the bile increased. (WIBMER, op. cit.)

3a. A rabbit had 3j mang, sulph. in 1 1/2 oz. water introduced into stomach. Immediately it ate, but soon lost appetite. Heart’s beat at first weak, latterly could scarcely be felt, there ensued paralysis at first of posterior then of anterior extremities. After a few deep inspirations it died. P.M.-Stomach slightly inflamed. M. m. on inflamed spots easily detached.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.