
10. A women, aet. 26, who had had a child, took 20 dr. of tinct. In 1/2 hours head goes round and round (for 1/2 hours); on Ist day sense of oppression at chest involving heart, p. m.; sense of sinking in chest afternoon and e. Without note of time, -frequent eructations during day; increase of appetite in morning; at n. deep sleep, but accompanied by distressing dreams, waking with heavy dreams; emissions of urine more frequent and more copious. (Ibid.)

11. A girl, aet, 15, took 20 dr. Soon after head empty and giddy, so that she fears she will fall, as if she had passed a night without sleeping; in I hours shivering in a warm room; in 2 hours dull headache, especially in forehead; on Ist day in left parietal bone a fixed dull pain on a small spot, p. m.; repugnance to food at dinner-time, and some nausea; heaviness of legs; on Ist and 2nd day, from time to time a little dry cough; legs frequently numb. (Ibid.)

12. A girl, aet. 16, took 1-2 gr. of extr. with quite insignificant results save great lassitude and sensation of sinking in stomach. (Ibid.)

13. A girl, aet. 19, took 2 gr. In 1/2 hours, while working sudden obscuration of sight, her stitches ran together, but after a moment’s rest she feels better (several times repeated in course of d.); feeling of cold and creeping in pit of stomach with several eructations; in first hours a shoulder runs along back and head; on Ist day dull headache with great indolence and physical prostration; after dinner gurglings in abdomen, and some dull shoots in praecordial region; sense of oppression of chest, she must often breathe deeply and rise up and expand her chest for relief, in open air chest feels freer; she goes to sleep in afternoon while working; at n. sleep profound, but accompanied, contrary to her wont, with vivid dreams. Next period occurred about 6 day in advance. (Ibid.)

14. A young woman, aet. 22, took 2 gr. Immediately and during day several eructations at a time, recurring frequently, and relieving somewhat oppression of chest when present; in 1/2 hours sensation of fulness in abdomen with periodical gurglings and emissions of wind; in J hours, on each movement of head swaying and swinging in head so strong as to threaten giddiness from it, and must close her eyes to make it cease; on Ist day several dull shoots and sense of weight in right hypochondrium; two loose stools, contrary to wont; sense of weight as from stagnation of blood in legs while sitting; great weariness and drowsiness all day; she is sad, the l;east thing irritates and vexes her; titillation in throat, with sensation of tightness all over chest and compelling frequent cough (also 2nd d.). Without note of time, -she passes more urine and more frequently, he must even quite unwontedly relieve herself at n. (Ibid.)

15. a. A married woman, aet. 30 took 2 gr. of extr. Soon after, several drawings and twitchings in arms; in I hours head empty, with dulness; in first hours feebleness of sight lasting a few hours at a time.; on Ist day fixed dull pain at small spot on left parietal bone, p. m.; two soft stools; drawings in limbs and back; lassitude and somnolence, contrary to her wont; on Ist and 2nd day periodical cough in short paroxysms, shaking abdomen; anxious oppression of chest with tendency to breathe deeply and top yawn; dreams much at night; 2nd day, stool delayed 12 hours and hard. 15b. Same took 20 dr. of tinct. Soon, slight burning in throat; in 1/2 hours slight roaring and sense of fulness in head and ears; in I hours a little roughness and some scraping in throat; on Ist day she had, as it were, an immense weight on chest, she must loosen her cloths, which seem too tight, breathing is difficult; several drawings from sacrum towards groins, evening; slight shivering during day; sad humour. Without note of time, -she urinates more abundantly and more frequently, and must even relieve herself (contrary to her wont) at night; menses 4 day too soon with cramp in abdomen. (Ibid.)

16. After 0.2 grm. Lactucarium [The inspissated juice.] austriacum pulse fell from 75 to 62 in 1/2 hours, eructation, slight confusion of head, dryness of mouth, hoarseness, drowsiness, diminished temperature of hands; cheerful disposition as after-effect. In doses of 1 1/2 grm. and upwards it causes stupefaction, vertigo, dilated pupils, sopor. (SCHROFF, Pharmacologie, 537.)

17. FRONMULLER observed, after doses of 10 to 30 grs., in most cases increased rapidity of pulse and breathing, increase of temperature, diminished secretion of urine; in some cases vertigo, confusion of head; rarely tiresome dreams and noise in ears. (Ibid., 538.)

18. WIBMER took 2 grm. of extr. After 10 m. slight pressure in frontal region, gradually increasing, and at last becoming intolerable. After 1/4 hours diminished ability to think and general drowsiness. After 3/4 hours there still remained some dull headache, which lasted a good while longer. (Wirk. der. Arzn. u. Gifte, iii, 200.)

19. SCHNELLER and his companions proved left, taking 1/2 to 30 gr. of extr. at a dose. The sole results were:-Confusion of head; drawing pain in forehead. Nausea and eructations (soon). Sensitiveness of umbilical region (soon); distension of abdomen (soon); diminished peristaltic action of bowels. Stool scanty and dry. (Zeitsch. d. Ges. d. Aerzt. zu Wien, 1847.)

20. Doses of gr. iij-v of lactucarium caused a peculiar indescribable feeling of lightness of the whole body. Gr. vj-viij increased the feeling of lightness, caused dilated pupils, but no narcotic symptoms. Gr. vj, taken immediately after a meal, caused derangement of digestion, pressure in stomach; following day slimy mouth and furred tongue. He felt rather disinclined for work, and cross. After a similar dose evening he always slept well and woke much refreshed, but on repeating this dose several successive evening he soon felt very exhausted and looked ill for several d. On taking a similar dose every 3 or 4 hours all day the pulse sank from 73 to 67 and at last to 60; the temperature fell simultaneously about 2 10/2 R. Sleep restless and nor refreshing. Gr. x to xv caused nausea, pressure in stomach, and outbreak of cool sweat, oppression of breathing, cold feeling in chest, great exhaustion, vertigo, considerable dilatation of pupils, yawning and stretching of limbs. Next n. sleep long and restless; on waking weariness and great prostration as though he had not slept. Pupils very dilated, tongue with a thick slimy coating, taste flat, no appetite, great discomfort, pressure in stomach, pains in shoulders, and peculiar weakness in legs, so that he often staggered when walking. Occasionally diarrhoea, sometimes constipation. Symptoms removed by a few dr. of acetic ether followed by a glass of hock; coffee had less effect on the symptoms. After j there was great dilation of pupils and imperfect sight, which continued several hours after a sleep of 15 h. On waking, great prostration, pain in limbs, hands and feet cool foe several hours, anorexia. (ROTHAMEL, Heidel. kl. Annal., v, 2, 284.).


1. On March 15th, 1876, a family of 4 sat down to supper at 7, a salad consisting of dandelion, chicory, and wild lettuce (Lactuca vir.) being served up. They all partook of the salad, except one, the uncle, who rejected the lettuce leaves, eating only the dandelion and chicory. They went to bed at 9, and the uncle slept well and experienced no ill effects. A workman, one of the number, aet. 25, and of robust health, was waked up about 11 o’clock with sharp, colicky pains, soon followed by nausea and vomiting, which lasted all n. He fell asleep at 5 a. m., but in m. was astonished to find himself unable to distinguish objects clearly. he was unable to read either small or large print. The mother, a women of lymphatic temperament, had colic all n., but vomiting did not set in until 12 hours after the meal. The vomited matter consisted of the supper, including the salad. Her vision was affected like that of the workman. A healthy and intelligent boy of 10 was the other victim. About midnight he became affected with lively delirium, which increased until m.; he jumped about on the bed, sang, and played all sorts of pranks without their being able to quiet him. He hand no colic and no vomiting. Dr. Boe was called at 7 a. m., and was struck with the unusual appearance of all three. The pupils of all of them were widely dilated, especially the child’s, in whose case only a narrow rim of iris was visible. They were entirely unable to see anything clearly. The child, who was very intelligent, endeavored to read the letters forming the heading of the newspaper; he mistook M for P and O for V. The effort caused considerable congestion of the eyes. In the delirium he had hallucinations, seeing on his bed a soldier, an ink stand, & c. All 3 had several liquid stools. At midday they were in the same state, but by 5 p. m. were improving. The child was still delirious, however. This lasted till 4 a. m. the following day, when he fell asleep. By 8 a. m. next day they were well, except the boy, who had some headache; some slight dilatation of the pupils persisted in them all. None of them had any fever or any other abnormal symptoms. ( Bull. Gen. de Therap., xc, 368.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.