
15. The following are the symptoms I have observed from iodic saturation: – Acceleration of pulse, palpitation, frequent dry cough, insomnia, rapid emaciation, loss of strength; in others only swelling of legs and tremors, or a painful hardness of the goitre; sometimes wasting of the mammae; remarkable and sustained augmentation of appetite. Treatment has removed these symptoms more readily than I could have expected, but some patients have for a long time retained their thinness, muscular weakness, and

pallor. (COINDET, pere, in Ibid.)

16. The earliest symptom of iodism is a slight pallor spread over the face, and a drawn look on the features. The patient complains of a feeling of general weakness and a need of restoratives, which a cordial or a little succulent food relieves for a time. Let a meal be delayed, then there is malaise, drawings, often even sharp pain at the epigastrium; let it be a full one, and digestion is laborious. The case soon gets worse; tremor of the hands comes on, at first slight, then more and more pronounced; there is a very distressing nervous condition which the patients can hardly describe, an internal agitation like that which head news will cause, or like the disturbance which follows a regretted quarrel or a remorse; it is impossible to fix the attention on one’s reading, drawing, etc.; there are tears or impatience at the least contradiction. Emaciation makes progress day after day till it reaches marasmus; the pulse quickens and becomes exceedingly feeble; the least exertion causes oppression, palpitation, vertigo. On the other hand, the most attentive examination fails to discover any material lesion. There is no thirst, and the renal secretion is normal. I have been consulted on behalf of a considerable number of these cases, and no one has died; nevertheless the cure has been slow and difficult. After 6 mo. of persevering and judicious treatment traces of the malady are still perceptible. (COINDET, fils, in Ibid.)

17. Generally speaking, when Iodium begins to disagree with a patient one of the foremost among the bad symptoms is the sensation of giddiness, or headache, or perhaps of both united. One of Dr. Manson’s patients suffered so much from giddiness, in consequence of taking 15 dr. doses of the tinct., as to be for 2 or 3 days. confined to bed; another was rendered drowsy, and complained of feeling intoxicated; and in a third any quantity of the tinct. above 15 dr. was always productive of headache and drowsiness. Giddiness was likewise remarked by Dr. Ashwell, in a female affected with a hard tumour of the uterus, to whom he was prescribing Iodium, both topically and internally. M. Lugol also, in the performance of some experiments, found many individuals to become affected with stupor and symptoms of intoxication in consequence of accidentally inhaling iodine vapours. (COGSWELL, op. cit.).

18. A bronchocele, dating from puberty, in a young man of 18, was treated successfully with Iodium “It is worthy of remark, ” says the reporter, “that under the use of this medicine the genitals became as it were atrophic, and that erections and pollutions, to which the patient had formerly been very subject, were never observed during this time. ” (Lancet, 1828-9, i, 448.)

19. A patient took Iodium for induration of stomach, and there came on gradually complete impotence with wasting of testicles, which symptoms despaired on leaving off the Iodium (ROSLER, Medorrhinum Corresp. d. Wurtemb. aerzt. Verbascum, vii, No. 23, 183; in Frank’s Mag., ii, 757.)

20. A girl, aet. 13, affected from childhood with indurated glands, took for that and a hard swelling over right nipple 10 to 18 dr. of tinct. 3 or 4 times a day. After 3 weeks there came on suddenly voracious hunger and a leucophlegmatic swelling of both eyelids, with much lachrymation and bodily weakness. After leaving off the Iodium these symptoms disappeared. The gland were cured, but the hard swelling in breast remained. (MUHRBERCK, Hufeland’s Journ., liv., pt. 4, 63; in Ibid.)

21. A youth, aet. 19, who had a goitre for three years, took Iodium for a long time. The goitre disappeared, but he got a numbness of upper and lower extremities and much trembling of hands. These symptoms yielded to cold baths. (FORMEY, Hufeland’s Journ., liv, pt. 6,95; in Ibid.).

22. A woman, aet. 34, took Iodium for goitre. After 4 days there came on fever with dryness of skin, quick, soft pulse, delirium, subsultus tendinum, floccillation, skin cool. The goitre diminished in size. After 14 days was able to leave her bed, though still weak. A repetition of the Iodium caused after 3 days fever, with similar symptoms. (NAUMANN, Hufeland’s Journ., Iv, pt. 1, 69; in Ibid.)

23. A delicate, nervous woman, aet. 28, affected with goitre, after taking Iodium for several day, had palpitation of heart, vertigo, twitchings of facial muscles, great prostration, constant feeling of constriction in goitre, incessant urging to urinate, a febrile state with alternate chills and heat, complete anorexia, loss of sleep, emaciation. After taking volatile stimulants for 8 days she recovered. (SCHMID, Hufeland’s Journ., lviii, pt. 2, 124; in Ibid.)

24. A strong man, aet 25, 8 years ago took for goiter (which had been partially removed by iodine ointment) 6, 8, and upon the 8th day 10 dr,. tinct. When he had taken 2 doses of the last quantity and had drunk half a pint of wine he was suddenly attacked by pale face, cold sweat, trembling of limbs, constriction of chest, constant inclination to vomit, without actual vomiting; anxiety, headache, and at last fainting. From that time his digestion, which had heretofore been excellent, was quite ruined. During the next 2 years he had every day or every other day, after the ingestion of the slightest meal, indigestion with a headache that often made him unconscious. In after years he got better, but had to be extremely careful of his diet. He is better when he drinks cold water. Milk always disagrees. (SCHNEIDER, Hufeland’s Journ., xci, pt. 1, 84; in Frank’s Mag., l. c.)

25. A lady, aet 26, of nervous, irritable constitution, wishing to commit suicide, swallowed 2 drm. tinct. Iodium Immediately burning and dryness from throat to stomach, with tearing pains in epigastrium and futile efforts to vomit. Seen 1 hour later the sufferings had increased,, face red, eyes watering, pulse contracted, small, concentrated; extremely acute pains in stomach, aggravated by the slightest pressure. The stomach seemed in a permanent state of contraction. After drinking a quantity of warm water she vomited. On this the pains left the stomach and went into the abdomen, especially along the colon. After a few days was quite well. (MONTCOURRIER, Rec. period de la Soc. de Medorrhinum, ciii, pt. 3,333; in Frank’s Mag., iii, 533.)

26. A woman, aet. 32, hysterical, took for goiter various preparations of iodine. Each time after 14 days use of the medicine the goiter diminished, but at same time there occurred increased sensitiveness of retina, a kind of photophobia, so that by day objects appeared in a flaming, fiery red illumination, which dazzle he eyes, and in evening artificial light could not be borne. These symptoms went off on leaving off the Iodium, but the goitre then became larger. (Medorrhinum Zeit. v. Verbascum f. Heilk in Preussen, 1834, No.19, 89, in Frank’s Mag., i, 65.)

27. A woman, aet. 28, of irritable temperament, and irritability of larynx and lungs, took for goitre at first 4, then after 8 day 5 dr. morning and night No effect was produced on goitre, but on 16th day pains in larynx, cough; pressure in stomach and quick pulse after eating anything. After leaving off the med. for some weeks she again took it in small doses, then 6 dr. None of the former symptoms appeared, but her complexion changed from yellow to brown, and in a few day the skin seemed as if smoked. This lasted a considerable time. (VOGEL, Rust’s Mag., xiv, pt. 1, 158; in Frank’s Mag.; i, 515.)

28. A woman, aet. 20, took for goitre tinct. Iod for several months. The goitre disappeared, but there occurred pressive shooting pains in hepatic region, loss of appetite, irregularity of menses, and emaciation. In May there came on quartan ague; during the pyrexia constant diarrhoea. After the 8th attack of ague she became so weak she had to keep her bed. After 3 days she had continued fever with dry tongue, great restlessness, little sleep, and very small, quick pulse. On sitting up in bed she fainted, the pain in liver more severe and constant; it was hard but not much swollen. The pain continued, and she died. (SUTTINGER, Ibid., xvi, pt 1, 113; in Frank’s Mag., i, 516.)

29. A woman, aet. 26, otherwise healthy, took for goitre 10 dr. tinct. Iodium 3 times a day. After taking it for 10 weeks had to leave it off on account of pregnancy. Four months after delivery, as she did not nurse her child, she again took Iodium in the same way. After taking it three months with no effect on goitre, she rubbed in iodide of pot. When she had taken the med. 5 months and applied it externally months, she noticed a complete disappearance of the mammae, with great emaciation of the body but without any diminution of the goitre, which, indeed, was rather larger. (REICHENAU, Ibid. xxii, pt. 2, 291; in Frank’s Mag., left c.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.