
7. BIRKNER, medical student, aet. 23, healthy except a disposition to constipation. – February 26th, 8 a. m., 4 gr. Pulse before taking dose 56, 2 hours later 70, after dinner 84; 10 p. m., 54; no stool. Passed urine 4 times, twice it had a sediment; it was acid. 10 a. m., pressure in gastric region, and also at 7 p. m., but then it was more on left side. – 27th, m., pulse 54, noon 82, evening 60. 10 a. m., slow stool. Passed urine 4 times, once (m.) with sediment. – 28th, 7 a. m., in bed, chilliness, cutting in bowels, discharge of flatus. 8 a. m. copious loose stool. All a. m., cutting and rumbling in bowels; occasional pulsation in gastric region and chilliness, especially in scrob. cordis. 11 a. m., a second diarrhoeic stool. Passed urine 5 times, 3 times it showed a sediment. Pulse, m. 56; 2 p. m., 75; 9 p. m. 64. – March Ist. No stool. Passed urine 5 times, twice with sediment. Pulse, m.. 52, noon 78, evening 54. – and. Urine passed 6 times, once with sediment, constipation. Pulse, m. 54, noon 80, evening 62. – 3rd., 8 a. m., 8 gr. pulse, m. 55, later 68, after dinner 88, at 10 p. m., 68 Soon after taking dose, chilliness, which recurred in forenoon several times. 10 a. m., soft stool; confusion of head with feeling as if brain had increased in size. At increased by pressure, oppression of chest and rapid breathing. 11 a. m., head free, but pain returned at 3 p. m., changed into heaviness of head, and was worse in evening, when it became pressive pain in occiput and on region of coronal suture. The fullness of abdomen, the cutting and rumbling in bowels, and the pain in scrob. cordis, lasted all d. Eructations, discharge of flatus. 9 a. m., great heat all over body, with great turgescence of veins; great weariness made him go early to bed. – 4th. Restless sleep at n. 9 a. m., confusion of head, lasting till noon. 4 p. m., constant heat of head with cold extremities, worse at 6 p. m., with general burning heat and dryness of skin. Much flatulence discharged up and down. 9 p. m., along with heat of head, confusion, pressive pain in head, and a kind of dazedness. No inclination for work, thoughts lost. Pulse, m. 56, noon 80, evening 72. Urine with a sediment. – 5th. Restless bad sleep. On waking, headache, especially in occiput, relieved by rising. Pulse, m. 54, noon 78, evening 58, rather irregular. Urine had a sediment only m. – 6th. Pulse, m. 54, noon 76, evening 54. Slight sediment in urine. – 7th. Pulse, m. 53, noon 72, evening 54 Sediment in urine, m. Stool normal. (Ibid., 162.)

8. R. H. GEYER, medical student, aet. 24. a. April 3rd, 9:30 p. m., 2 gr. – 4th, m., anorexia, full feeling in stomach, eructations with taste of rotten eggs, great exhaustion. After dinner painful full feeling and pressure in stomach for some h. Sleep disturbed by disagreeable dreams. – 5th, 10 a. m., painful stiffness of nape. 10 p. m., tearing in stomach. – 6th. Last n. woke by pains under stiffness of nape.. 10 p. m., tearing in stomach. – 6th. Last n. woke by pains under sternum; the lower part of sternum seemed drawn or pressed inwards. – 7th, afternoon, great prostration and languor; constant pressive pain in sternum.

8 b. April 20th, 9 p. m., 4 gr. At n. sweat betwixt scapulae, later itching there. – 21st. Great weariness with much yawning and stretching of limbs. Next n. sweat. – 22nd. Much eye – gum had accumulated during n. After dinner great weariness and constant pandiculation; very little appetite, easily satiated. – 23rd, m., great weariness; bruised pain at insertion of deltoids; frequent intolerable twitching and creeping at mouth of anus, removed by scratching; tightness of chest, as though ribs were contracted anteriorly; stool loose, thin in shape, passes slowly with pressing; the sphincter ani is very lax as if paralysed; rectum contracted, as shown not only by the thin shape of the excrements, but by a peculiar indescribable sensation during stool – 24th. Burning in stomach and lower part of oesophagus; frequent pressure in the scrob. cordis. – 25th. Continued pain across hypogastrium as from incarcerated flatulence at 10 a. m. Noon, pressure in stomach; evening, buried feeling in sacrum. 26th In m. in bed stitches in cartilages of left 5th and 6th ribs for 1/2 hour; occasionally repeated throbbing pain in r half of forehead; great weariness all day – 27th. Nightmare at night; soon afterwards lascivious dreams and painful erections. Afternoon, great sexual excitement and erections; painful tension across chest. – 28th. At n. tiresome dreams; pain in anterior hemispheres of brain as though a net were drawn through the cerebral substance of that part; bruised pain at insertion of deltoids, the shoulders can hardly bear the coat; perspiration on forehead after moderate exercise in cool weather; involuntary jerking motion of I, 2nd and 3rd fingers; in right hand spasmodic pain here and there, without moving hand or fingers. – 29th. Pressive pain on head as though a great weight pressed the parietal bones against brain; pressive pain in forehead and under sternum. – May 1st. After constipation for several days stool of firm and large faeces; the sphincter ani very strong, at same time an obtuse cutting pain in anus, and thence forward to navel, as also fine pricks in scrob. cordis. the first day there was great weariness, which in the first 5 days was intolerable, caused satiety and fullness of stomach; discharges of wind upwards and downwards. – 5th. Peculiar sensitiveness and feeling of tension of scalp, soreness of roots of hair, as though matter were under scalp, chiefly on right side. – June Ist. He still complained of drawing in arms and pain in bones of extremities. (Ibid., 167)

9. Dr. A. NOACK. a. Oct. 22nd, 9 a. m., 4 gr. Taste at first bitter changing into sweetish, something like alum. Pulse at first 85, after 3/4 hours 75, at 8 p. m. 65. Forenoon, slight rumbling in bowels from flatulence, painful tension of gastric region; nausea for several hours after dinner; 2 p. m., copious stool, at first consistent, afterwards diarrhoeic; great secretion of urine; evening, great lassitude in thighs.. – 23rd, 5 a. m., pulse 66, 10 a. m., 70, 9 p. m. 60, pulse in m. weak and small. – 24th. In m. in bed cutting in middle of belly, later spreading to upper part of belly and lasting 2 hours; thirst all d. Urine copious, very acid, with a glittering scum; pulse small and weak. 10 p. m., urging to stool, and soft stool passed with difficult. At n. tension of abdomen, cutting-drawing in abdomen and urging to urinate, relieved by passing a large quantity of urine as clear as watery, but soon became turbid and deposited a fine reddish-yellow sediment. No stool. – 26th. Much watery urine; no stool. – 27th. copious light yellow urine; large stool.

9 b. July 16th, 11 p. m., 10 gr. After quiet, sound, dreamless sleep, lasting longer than usual, felt unrefreshed on waking; back (especially between scapulae), ribs, arms and legs as if bruised; slight griping and rumbling in bowels for 1 hour, abdomen tense, full, heavy, tongue covered with a thin coating of saliva; taste pappy; hawking of a quantity of very viscid mucus; chest felt hollow, so that breathing was peculiarly easy; skin dry, its veins prominent. 10 a. m., copious stool of dark greenish-brown colour and ordinary consistency, but of such large size that the anus was painful from its passage after dinner,

feeling of heaviness in abdomen as if a stone lay there, lasted all afternoon. All day abdomen tense, some very fetid flatus passed. Urine very dark m., less so afternoon, copious, acid. confusion of head, some frontal headache, especially on right side, lasting all afternoon. Pulse in m. small, weak and compressible, afternoon larger and undulating; 7 a. m., 66; 10 a. m., 86; 3 p. m., 75; 9 p. m. 75 – 18th. Increased secretion of urine, dark coloured. (Ibid., 170)

10. RUST says causes heat in epigastrium, quick pulse, slight perspiration. Larger doses cause greater heat of stomach, dryness in mouth and fauces, thirst; dry tongue, with yellow fur, burning in throat, eructation, flatulence constipation, warm skin and turbid urine. (Rust’s Mag xii, H.3)

11. BERAUDI says 15 to 20 gr. cause increased saliva, nausea, pains in bowels, sometimes diarrhoea, quick pulse, dimness of vision, noise in ears, headache, weight in head and rush of blood to head. (Omodei’s Annali Univ. di Medorrhinum, Nov. and Dec., 1829.)

12. BARBIER says 6 to 8 gr. act strongly on intestinal canal, after 1/2 to 2 hours causing movements, distension of bowels, and throbbing in epigastrium; the intestines seem to be in parts distended and hardened, there is abnormal contraction of muscular fibres and violent colic; heat of stomach spreading to abdomen and chest and head, especially severe in throat; burning thirst; sometimes a 2 or 3 hard stools with tenesmus. Sometimes constipation, also sickness, and now and then pain and drawing in limbs. (Traite elem. de Mat. Medorrhinum,4th Edit., i,357.)

13. ELSON made experiments to ascertain effects of sulphate of C. upon healthy pulse. On 1st day took gr. v every 1/2 hours; on 2nd day took gr. x at same intervals; on 3rd day gr. xx in like manner. On day of no medication 6 observations made; mean pulse 70 1/3. On days of medication, there appeared: – 1. (11 doses) 11 observations, mean pulse 76 10 /11; 2. (12 doses) 12 observations, mean pulse 78 1/6; 3. (11 doses) 11 observations mean pulse 94 8/10. Thus C. decidedly accelerated pulse. (Am. J. of Medorrhinum Sc., N. S. iii, 97.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.