Carboneum sulphuratum

11. Dr. PEMERL, aet. 36. Except tendency to chest congestion, well.-March 10th, 7:30 a. m., 1 dr. No effect. -11th, 7 a. m., 5 dr. of solution of 10 parts of C. sulph. in 90 parts alcohol. Prickling in tip of nose, like inclination to sneeze; after 1/4 hour rumbling in belly like flatulence. After 3/4 hour single fine tearings from right side of middle abdomen towards bladder, itching pricking in various parts of skin. After 1 1/4 hour on small spots on inner side of upper arm and thigh, intermittent dull shooting pain (painful twitching of some muscular fibres.) After 3 hours slight attacks of nausea, dull shooting in proximal joint of left index; after 3 hours, tearing in abdomen frequently recurring till dinner-time; dull jerking- shooting in lower right side of chest. Similar jerking shooting pains occur occasionally in right hough, and in hypogastrium towards spermatic cord till dinner-time. After 5 hours a dry stool. – 12th, 6:30 a. m., 10 dr. After 2 hours dull jerking shooting pain in caecum, lasting 1 to 2 m. After 3 hours slight nausea. After 4 hours nausea with flow of saliva. After 5 hours stool. -13th. Hunger, and yet dislike to eat. – 14th. 15 dr. of 1st dil. Soon, slight attack of jerking pricking pain in a small spot on inner side of right arm. After coffee, slight shooting in hypogastrium, followed by semi-fluid broken-up stool; soon afterwards shooting without stool. After 2 hours slight shooting in a carious upper tooth on right side. After 3 hours similar shooting in a sound lower right molar. After 3 hours watery stool. After 3.1/4 hours nausea with flow of saliva lasting some m. and frequently returning till after dinner. After 4 hours fine itching pricking repeatedly in various parts of skin; jerking cutting in hypogastrium, stooping and laying arm over abdomen are disagreeable the first causes nausea, the last bellyache; a violently itching wheal (like nettle-rash) on back of right forearm, making him scratch; single pricks in ear. After 5 hours hunger, but distaste for food, which, however, tasted well. After 5.1/2 hour jerkings shooting pain in left testicle for 2 m. After 8.1/2 hours boring in right ear. After 9 to 11 hours pain in the insertion of tendo Achillis to heel when going upstairs. After 11 hour jerking in elbow. – 14th. The itching pricking in various parts of skin occasionally. Soon after breakfast soft pappy stool preceded by cutting in belly; the itching -pricking pains in various parts frequently recurred, especially on tuberosity of right ischium, and the insertion of gracilis and sartorius muscles in hough. – 15th, 20 dr. Several discrete papulae on right forearm, itching when touched. After 2 hours nausea and uncomfortable rumbling in hypogastrium; great distraction, difficulty of comprehending what he reads; soft mucus hawked up; itching pricks in right nipple cutting about navel and slight nausea 1 hour after dinner; dull shooting or itching pains in various parts all day; little appetite. E., scanty soft stool passed with difficulty 16th, m. in bed dull stitches in caecal region with discharge of flatus; itching in calves and legs; single stitches in right eye. After 1.1/2 hours at first firm, then liquid stool, with burning in anus; 3 hours later a feculent stool, followed by burning in anus. When going to bed itching on thighs. – 17th, 5 a. m., in bed, the peculiar itching pricking pain in external tendons of left hough lasting a few m. 6 a. m., the former pain in caecum, going off by discharge of flatus. Itching in bend of right elbow above and below it, and in thighs. All day single transient stitches on chest and under left short ribs 9 a. m., scraping rough pain (as from a foreign body) in left side of throat extending to left ear when swallowing, lasting 1 to 2 m. Between 9 and 10 a. m., two stools, the first soft and lumpy, the last liquid. All days occasional itching and itching pricking in various parts of body. -18th. Many dreams towards morning. on waking itching in both thighs, right side of back up to renal region, and right forearm, making him scratch; there came there small colourless papules, which itched more when scratched, became red and formed an itch-like eruption; they bled and burned when scratched. 9 a. m., jerking shooting pain, first in the right then in the left hypochondrium, for a few m. burning acrid sour eructations after dinner slight itching-pricking pain on right side under navel, followed by semi-fluid stool. Itching shooting pain in right sternocleido-mastoideus muscles. Voice rather hoarse. -19th, morning in bed slight itching in same places. 7:15 a. m., 20 dr., 1st dil. Jerking shooting pain in right shoulder-joint After 1 hour burning sour eructation, pricking in various parts of body. After 3 hours. uneasiness in hypogastrium with nausea, increased by stooping and moving. Insufficient liquid stool after cutting in abdomen. distraction, cannot take in what he reads; flow of saliva and nausea frequently; diminished appetite; after eating slight cutting in abdomen; jerking shooting in rectus superior muscle of right eye. After 5 hours fine jerking stitches in left ear. All afternoon malaise, nausea with slight colic, disgust at beer. – 20th. On waking at 6 a. m. dull drawing shooting toothache in a carious upper molar and the corresponding lower molar, till he got up. Pinching in bowels with discharge of flatus. The former pain in hough, not lasting long. After rising and washing itching on belly and right shoulder; single obtuse stitches in right eye when reading; nose rather stuffed. 9 a. m., jerking shooting pain in the carious tooth; discomfort in abdomen and slight nausea, followed by soft feculent stool; discomfort returns after stool. Jerking stitches on various parts of body. Nausea increased by the pressure on abdomen whilst sitting and writing, relieved by open air; disagreeable cold feeling in both cheeks during the abdominal symptoms; disagreeable painful feeling in left lobe of liver in fits; flow of saliva; unsatisfactory belching; hunger, but dislike to food. These symptoms removed in open air and after eating. 5 p.m., pressure shooting sensation in last right ribs, about 4 fingers breadths from scrobiculus. 21st, 4 a. m., after waking cutting pains in abdomen, with rising up, as from displacement of flatulence increased by inspiration and pressure

to shooting pain, and becoming settled in caecum, lasting 1 hour; turning from one side to the other, and banding body together, increased the pain, or made the former pain return. 6 a. m., cutting pains rising up and recurring in fits near scrobiculus in region of right false ribs. Itching and pricking in various parts of head all forenoon.- 22nd, 10 a. m., a soft insufficient stool. During day frequent pinching stitches in right side of abdomen; jerking stitches in various parts of body, especially muscles of right eye; some pain in left orbicularis oculi muscle towards its outer canthus, especially when moving lids. 23rd. last evening and during night jerking shooting pain in tendon of biceps in forearms coming and going in fits; reminiscence of yesterday’s symptoms in hypochondria and abdomen, last night and this morning 8 a.m., slight sour eructation 1 hour after coffee. Jerking shooting in muscles of right eye in fits and alternately 11 am. two small loose stools, preceded by shooting pain in left lobe of liver, and followed by shooting pain in caecum. – 24th. On waking, morning, some flatulent symptoms; observed some sore pimples among hair. Since 11 a. m. after sitting some time recurrence of flatulent symptoms in hypochondrium, and occasional jerking shooting pains in left deltoid and both houghs at insertion of sartorius and gracilis, also in right tuberosity of ischium. – 26th, 7 a. m., 30 dr. Eructations of air as after eating radishes. Prickly nipping in left hypogastrium. Cloudy sight. 7:30 a. m., roughness in throat, hoarse voice, sneezing, prickly twitching in left hypochondrium. Jerking stitches at insertion of tendo Achillis in heel; mucus expectorated has a salt taste. 8:30, after coffee discomfort in abdomen, much hawking with inclination to vomit, sneezing and traces of blood in nasal mucus. 10 a. m., nasty pappy taste, scraping in throat. Head confused, distraction, violent cramp in right sole, frequent inodorous eructations of air with burning in scrobiculus. Stool at first firm, then loose followed by feeling as if more were to come. Nausea and flow of saliva; itching pricks in various parts. After supper severe cutting in bowels with hurried call to stool. – 27th. Some jerking stitches in ball of right toe; rough and scrappy in throat, rough hoarse voice; pinching shooting in caecum, constipation. – 28th-31st. Similar symptoms, but slight. – April 3rd, 6:30 a. m., 10 dr., 3rd dec. dil. 7 to 8 a. m., scrapy rough feeling in fauces; jerking stitches in various parts of skin, fits of pinching jerking on a small spot to right of navel in attacks of 1/2 m. duration; empty eructation, itching on a small spot on right forearm, where later some papules appeared; when driving pain in tuberosity of right ischium and along flexor aspect of leg. E., unsatisfactory hard stool with straining. – 4th, 8 a. m., the pain in right hypochondrium returned. 9 a. m. jerking-shooting pain in right lumbar region for 1 m. 10 a. m., slight cutting in abdomen. Loose stool. 11 a. m., jerking-shooting pain in caecum. – 5th, 7 a. m., 36 dr. Pricking jerking in various parts of skin, jerking-shooting in middle of right thigh, in metacarpal joint of index and in ball of right big toe. 11 a. m., discomfort in epigastrium, with flow of saliva and slight nausea; jerking shooting in various finger- joints. -6th. After coffee transient stitches at left of sternum, 7 p. m., jerking stitches in right lumbar and left thumb-joint; great itching in left hip and pelvic region. – 7th. Itching in various parts, jerking stitches in upper arm and shoulder-joint. Cross humour. The itching and jerking shooting pains lasted several days longer. (Ibid. 81.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.