Carboneum sulphuratum

6. Anna G-, aet 28, was treated for sore-throat, toothache, and swollen gums with C. sulph., and in 4 days had nothing but slight swelling of gum remaining. As she was leaving for the country she thought she could not do better than take a lot of the medicine which had cured her, and she swallowed 1/2 drachm. After 1.1/2 hours the doctor found her weeping and moaning in bed, forehead hot, pupils dilated, face swollen, red, angles of mouth twitching, rumbling in bowels. She complained of confusion of head, vertigo, burning and scraping all down oesophagus, increased secretion of saliva, constant sour eructation, feeling of warmth in chest, burning in scrobiculus cordis and stomach, rumbling and colicy tearing pain in belly. The worst was the horrible burning in oesophagus and stomach; pulse 90 to 95. She was treated with opium and gum emulsion. The vertigo, burning, scraping subsided in 8 hours, but she got violent diarrhoea of sour smelling faeces, with severe tenesmus. She got other treatment, and recovered in 3 days. ( Ibid., 71).

7. Dr. KONIGSHOFER, aet 36, in good health. – March 14th 6 a. m. took 10 dr., 2nd dil. After 1/2 hour confusion of head, dull pain in forehead and temples, in right temple a peculiar pressive pain, with slight nausea, and inclination to vomit, rumbling in bowels for 2 hour During day transient stitches in rectum, pressive pain in gastric region, increased discharge of flatus. E., unusual sleepiness. 15th, 6 a. m. 20 dr., only weariness and slight dyspnoea noticed. – 16th, 6 a. m., 30 dr. Soon transient stitches in stomach; rumbling in bowels, empty eructation, dull shooting pain in hypogastrium when pressed. – 18th, 6 a. m., 50 dr. Soon, confusion of head, dull pressure in forehead and temples, with drowsiness; scraping feeling, with fine pricking in throat; dry cough; dull pressive pain in right side of chest; rumbling in bowels, drawing pain in left temple; almost all day pressive frontal pain, with occasional transient tearing pain in temples. -19th, 6 a. m., 10 dr. of 1st dil. During forenoon, drawing pain in right sternocleidomastoideus muscles; transient twitching shooting pains in left instep and right wrist; dull pressive pain in left heel; screening feeling in throat, causing cough; nausea; pressive frontal headache; griping in small intestines, with discharge of flatus – 20th, 6 a. m. 20 dr. Soon inclination to vomit pressure in stomach for a short while; tearing pains in left foot, especially tarsal bones; pressed; griping in bowels, followed and relieved by stool. Afternoon, fluctuating pain in both temples, especially when shaking head, and treading strongly. All day flow of sweetish saliva; quivering of eyelids. – 23rd, 6 a. m., 40 dr. Griping pain in umbilical region, with urging to stool, nausea and flow of saliva for 1 hour. – 26th, 6 a. m., 5 dr., 1st dec. dil. Soon, pepper-like burning on tip of tongue and in oesophagus, empty eructation. All day dull pressive frontal headache. -27th, 6 a. m., 10 dr. No more symptoms. (Ibid., 73)

8. Mrs. KONIGSHOFER, aet 26. – March 12th, 10 a. m., 10 dr., 2nd dil. After 1/2 hour great confusion of head, tearing in left temple, occasional dull pressure in forehead down to eyes; drowsiness, with heaviness of upper eyelids, which felt like to close; great nausea and inclination to vomit; eructation of air. After 1 hour vomiting of bitter water. Sleep at night disturbed by many disagreeable dreams, accompanied by weeping. – 13th, 6 a. m., 15 dr. Confusion of head and pressive pain in sinciput. – 14th, 6 a. m., 25 dr. In forenoon, the pressive headache with burning in borders of eyelids. Two stools in rapid succession- 15th, 35 dr. After breakfast, pain in abdomen, and belching up of breakfast without nausea. During forenoon frequent slight pressure in stomach, burning of borders of eyelids, confusion of head, slight pressive frontal headache, increased by reading and stooping drawing pain in temples; sleep disturbed by dreams. – 16th, 6 a. m. 50 dr. After 1/2 hour smarting in right lower eyelid, burning of borders of lids, which are red. After 3/4 hour, pain in belly, discharge of flatus, stool with relief of pain. After 2 hours, shooting in left ear, later, drawing pain in left thigh when walking. After breakfast, pain in stomach, especially on breathing deep; abdomen painful to pressure, marked feeling of cold and chilliness from within outwards; cold feet. (These symptoms not unusual.) Afternoon, heat of face, especially cheeks. All day constant scraping, rough feeling in throat as it catarrh was coming on. – 19th, 6 a. m., 10 dr., 1st dil. Soon, uncomfortable feeling in stomach. Transient pain in right temple when stooping; headache when reading. (Ibid. 75.)

9. L. M. -, aet. 60, a strong healthy man. – March 19th, 7 a. m., took 10 dr., 2nd dil. No effect. – 20th. 20 dr. The following night tearing pain in right elbow and left shoulder (where he had formerly often rheumatic pains). – 21st. 30 dr., no effect 22nd, 7 a. m., 40 dr. Pain in abdomen as from a purgative. – 23rd. 50 dr., griping and rumbling in bowels as if diarrhoea were coming on. – 26th, 2 a. m., 10 dr., 1st dil. No effect from this nor from 20 dr., taken 24 hours later. – 28th, 2 a. m., 30 dr. In 1/2 hour heat all over with slight headache and hard pulse; cramp in calves and toes (accustomed to cramp after fatigue). 5 a. m., the heat went off, and he fell asleep, – 29th, 2 a. m., 35 dr. Same sort of attack, but milder; after a good sleep woke quite well. ( Ibid., 77.)

10. Dr. PRIMBS. – April 7th, morning, 3ss of 4th dil. Fulness in stomach, pressure under sternum, hoarseness for 2 hours, slight pressive pain in forehead, pressure in right parietal bone; pressive pain in left forearm on touching or leaning on it, pain in left wrist-joint. – 9th, morning 3ss of 1st dil. Slight frontal pain, which soon spread to left parietal bone, and lasted there 2 hours, pressure under sternum and in stomach. -10th, morning on rising, slight pressive headache, soon going off. – 11th, 99 a. m., 1 dr. of pure C. sulph. Eructation with taste of medicine; burning pain in gullet; after a few m. slight transient pain in forehead, gradually spreading to left temple; pressive pain in temples; heat in head and face. After dinner, single stitches in right ear, recurring at intervals of 1/4 hour, pressive frontal pain with hot feeling for 2 hours, lachrymation when reading; towards evening the stitches in right ear increased and lasted nearly 1/4 hours, eructation. – 12th. On waking, slight pain in forehead, soon going off. – 13th, 9 a. m., 3 dr. Eructation with nausea, pressive pain in forehead, from frontal protuberance to left temple, with occasional tearing in that direction; pressure and heat in left eyeball; burning in gullet and root of tongue, pricking on tip of tongue; increased flow of saliva, burning feeling in stomach increased by pressure, slight colicky pains; going to sleep of left arm, with pain and weariness in it. After dinner, which was relished, diarrhoea suddenly came on, repeated twice during the afternoon with colicky pain. E., the headache returned; shooting in right ear; very excited at night, strong erections with burning in urethra. – 14th. Slight headache; weariness of whole body, especially of left arm, going off at noon. – 16th, 9 a. m., 5 dr. Violent burning in gullet; nausea, eructations, and inclination to vomit; great increase of saliva and metallic taste, chilly feeling, urging to stool, slight pains in forehead, occasional burning in gullet; nausea, educations, and inclination to vomit; great increase of saliva and metallic taste, chilly feeling, urging to stool, slight pains in forehead, occasional burning in left arm, going off at noon. – 16th, 9 a. m., 5 dr. Violent burning in gullet; nausea, eructations, and inclination to vomit; great increase of saliva and metallic taste, chilly feeling, urging to stool slight pains in forehead, occasional burning in left side of chest and under sternum, trembling and shooting gin left forearm, especially in wrist, pressive pain in right ear repeatedly, as if a blunt instrument were roughly struck against drum-head; twice watery diarrhoea, pain under sternum increased at 11 a. m. Pain in right ear persistent; burning in stomach and hepatic region increased by pressure, hot feeling in forehead with moderate pressive pain and desire to stroke the forehead with hand; pressure in eyes, shooting in left temple, extending to occiput; burning and scraping in fauces and oesophagus, shooting in left wrist; constrictive feeling in stomach, and yet good appetite. Afternoon, tearing pin in right knee and ankle- joint; pressive pain in left forearm, increased by pressure, lasting 1/2 hour; slight pressive pain in forehead; distension of abdomen,, with sore feeling; 2 watery stools; drawing pain in left lower jaw; pressure under sternum; urging to stool; tearing and pressure in sacrum. Excitement at night, erection and emission. – 17th. Slight frontal pain, occasional shooting in left half of thorax, feeling of fulness in stomach, which is sensitive to pressure; sore feeling in walls of abdomen; watery diarrhoea. Afternoon, drawing in sacrum; burning and itching in anus; feeling of fulness; single stitches in right ear; mucous diarrhoea, erections; very restless night, frequent waking, alternating with drams. – 18th. Confusion of head, occasional pressive pain in right arm; mucous diarrhoea; occasional shooting in right ear. -19th. All symptoms gone. – 20th. 6 dr., immediately eructation, burning on tongue, slight frontal pain. (Ibid., 78).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.