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Cannabis indica

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Cannabis Indica, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Indian hemp. (Haschisch, bhang, gunjah, churrus, denote various native preparations of this plant, all of which owe their activity to its peculiar resinous exudation.).


1. April 13th, 7 a.m., dr. tinct. – 14th 7 a.m., 20 dr. Between 12 and 2 p.m., when walking slight tendency to vertigo. – 15th, 7 a.m., 30 dr. Head heavy, confused; vertigo from 7:30 a.m., till evening 9:30 a.m., pressive pain on various parts of skull, in left wrist and left ankle, severe pain in muscles below l. scapula. – 19th, 7 a.m., 30 dr. 10 a.m., slight transient weight and heat in sinciput. – 20th. Pain in wrists and ankles, stitches in urethra; some days incomplete urination, it cannot be completed without great pressing. – 23rd, 7 a.m., 45 dr. 8 m., forehead confused, heavy. 6 p.m., shooting in end of urethra; e., pain in right ankle – joint – 25 th, 10 a.m., severe pains in joints of right big toe; in same e. – 29th, 7 a.m., 60 dr. 9 p.m., a peculiar, very painful weariness in both legs. 10 p.m., tearing pain in left knee; during the last d. urine darker and scanty. – 29th and 30th. Two liquid stools and frequent urging to stool without result. – 30 th. E. and n., shooting in end of urethra, pain in left wrist. – May 1st, 7 a.m., and 60 dr. In the n. frequent urination, urine dark coloured, shooting in urethra. – 3rd. Anxious feeling in chest, and quick, small, irregular heart’s beats almost all day – 7th, 10 a.m., small, irregular heart’s beats causing anxiety when sitting and stooping. (LEMBKE, Z. f. h. Kl., iv, 155.)

2. Dr. HEINRICH took, May 6th at 5:30 p.m., 10 gr. of a peculiar preparation of can, ind. called “Biringi.” He chewed it and swallowed all but about 2 gr. of insoluble matter. Then occurred scrapping in fauces, eructation and slight nausea. Could not smoke a cigar in consequence of the dryness and roughness of throat. At 7 p.m., met a friend and spoke all kinds of stupid nonsense to him; everything appeared in a ridiculous light. Face and eyes red, felt hot and had a sense of agility in his movements. This lasted 20 m.; then suddenly he felt much oppressed, everything seemed too narrow, his features were distorted, his face pale; he felt as if all his blood was boiling and streaming up to his head; he felt as if his body was lifted up and he was going to fly; compressive and constrictive feeling in pit of stomach. His anxiety and weakness seemed to deprive him of all power of will, so that his companions had to drag him along. After washing and drinking cold water he felt better for 5 m. His pulse was small and with long intermissions. He felt sure his last hour was come and he cried out “I am dying, I shall soon be dissected in the dissecting room!” Horrible visions rose before him, increasing in horrible character till unconsciousness came on; as consciousness returned some pleasant visions occurred. I seemed to him that he was carried up hills and steep precipices with enormous abysses beneath him, and all the time he chattered continuously. But in spite of his talkativeness he felt that he could not express half what he felt. All his thoughts and actions since childhood seemed to recur to him. When he opened his eyes he saw everything and everybody about him, and he answered questions but broke off into extravagant fancies. He did not know when they applied mustard plasters to his legs and rubbed him with brushes, the sensibility of his skin was so much decreased. He was not aware the he had a rigor, and he passed his urine involuntarily. At 8:30 the pupils were slightly dilated, conjunctiva injected, heart’s beats very weak, sometimes scarcely perceptible, pulse frequently imperceptible for 1 m. and more, it then became stronger and went up to 78 (normal pulse 58 – 60). These alternations of weaker and stronger pulse recurred several times in the h., respiration gentle, regular, belly distended, extremities cold, sometimes trembling, skin insensible to cutaneous irritants. He was possessed with the idea that he must die and would be dissected, and he took leave of those around him. This idea recurred frequently, and was always synchronous with the sinking and extinction of the pulse. At 10 p.m., he regained mastery over his mental functions, stopped chattering and felt pain in praecordial region where mustard had been applied. Thoughts chased another so rapidly through his mind that he thought a much longer time had elapsed than was the case. He did not sleep at n. He passed urine more frequently than usual and not without difficulty. Next m. he was still too confused to be able to do his work or collect his thoughts, and he felt very weak. On the 3rd d. he walked about supported between two persons. The bowels remained constipated for several d. (Zeitesch. d. Verbascum d. hom Aerzte Oester., ii 306).

3. Dec. 6th, 1886, Mr. – took 60 minims of tinct. at 11:25 p.m., Read till 12.5 a.m., then began to think about it, imagining that no effect would follow, when he felt sudden, dull, aching pain and constriction, with numbness and tingling as if electrified, beginning in right arm, gradually passing down to feet and then to head, chiefly felt in arm and axilla. Came on and off like wave of sensation, confined to right side (this side was next the fire). Peculiar metallic sensation in right half of tongue; slight rather hazy; buzzing in right ear, he seemed to go to sleep now and then a for a few moments, which, however, appeared much prolonged, with pleasant dreams, then woke up and wrote down these notes. Only 10 m. had elapsed seemed 2h.; sensations exalted and magnified; pulse seemed stronger; ideas flowed more rapidly; pictures on wall seemed larger than reality; thought he was in Mr. C – ‘s room, recognised pictures as belonging to him, though they were really Mr. R – ‘s, in whose room he was. Pulse, counted by friend, 120, full and bounding, is usually 84 at this time. When he ceases to exercise his will falls into a kind of dream which seems painfully prolonged; feels as if he never would get through n. While writing these notes time seemed prolonged; seemed to dream between each two strokes of pencil; all feelings of pleasure and pain seem exalted; teeth of right side of mouth seem to him to be clenched (not noticed by his friend; was probably subjective; 9 d. later took morphia acetas which caused feeling as if both sides of teeth were clenched; never had it at any other time). R. side of body felt much enlarged; he thought if he continued to grow thus he must bend over to opposite side (all these symptoms occurred within 1st h.). Memory seemed failing; pleasant burning heat over whole body; oppression on chest; feeling of sickness at heart; heart’s beating felt much embarrassed, sharp and quick, weak and small; its contractions seemed jerky. This lasted till he went to bed, 3 a.m., Pulse he counted as 130; then followed great constriction in head, as from iron skull cap; memory seemed gone (afterwards, however, remembered nearly all that had taken place); pencil seemed very large; felt very badly; felt sick at heart (word “heart” really refers to heart); fits of mental depression; no power of will; his friends now went out of room; he thought they had left him to his fate and wrote “cowards” in his notes; they seemed gone a long time. When they had gone he went into bedroom; stood in reverie, which seemed 3 or 4 h., looking through half opened door into sitting – room; sitting room seemed to be of an immense depth below him, though really on same floor; globe of lamp appeared of enormous size; passed through sort of dream connected with all this; there was curious sensation connected with the air, but he cannot recollect it. Ceased to take notes about 1 a.m. Following symptoms were given me from memory a few d. afterwards: Very excited; began dancing about room; frequently laughing; talked nonsense, knew it, but could not stop without effort of will, which he did not care to make. His friends tried to persuade him to go into surgery to take beer and morphia, but he was sensible enough to refuse. His power of will with regard to commands of others seemed intact, but not over himself except under strong stimulus. Thus, when Mr. H came into room, not wishing to be thought drunk, he lay down on a sofa, and could keep from talking by great effort, but when he did speak to Mr. H – he slightly wandered. When Mr. H – left he went on as before. About 3 a.m., having roused himself to sobriety, he went to bed. Stumbled down steps on leaving his friend’s room. Here he met another, who called him by name, and told him to take care of coal scuttle at foot of stairs. He felt displeased at his name being called out at that time of n. Went upstairs all right; avoided scuttle, of which he seemed somehow afraid. Had distinct sensation that he must keep sober till he got to bed, otherwise he might do something foolish. Went to bed, fell into drowsy state. Imagined finger nails of both hands about size of a plate, very curved, otherwise of natural shape; on opening and shutting fingers they seemed to slide over one another like a fan; on tapping them against hard surface delicious sensation was produced. Remembered events of childhood (not now, but recollects that he could then). Very delicious dreams, cannot remember much of them now. Woke in m. not quite sober; could no read or understand his letters properly; felt drowsy till 1:30 p.m., with alternate waking and sleeping, but waking time was a pleasant dreamy state. 1:30 p.m., increased appetite, ate good lunch (had no breakfast). All afternoon, alternate dozing and waking; same pleasant dreamy state while waking. Increased appetite at dinner. After dinner dozing and waking as before, then took coffee, which removed it. Dryness of mouth with thirst all d. Since then for a day or two, depression of spirits and disinclination to study. In writing these notes he kept repeating sentences and words. (BERRIDGE Hahn. Monthly, iii 461.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.