
14. OTTO, on July 5th, at 7:30 a.m., took 1/2 gr. in crude form. After 8 m. noticed increased heat of skin without sweat; pulse being fuller and stronger but not quickened. After 1 gr. noticed (after 1/2 h.) pulse was stronger and quicker than usual; then was followed by excited condition of brain with rush of blood toward head and increased warmth of countenance, especially in cheeks; felt much excited but not giddy; everything seemed to move more quickly; what he read he understood more quickly and easily; felt in contented mood. Later, fet some pain in head and eyes. These symptoms lasted altogether 1 1/2 h. After 2 gr. noticed same effects upon skin and pulse, but without congestion of head and increased sensibility (on this occasion he moved about freely all day in open air.). After 3 gr. felt increased warmth in region of stomach, spreading gradually over whole body and followed by general moderate sweating. Only brain symptom was feeling of exceptional cheerfulness and liveliness. Similar effects followed 4 gr. After dose of 5 gr., in addition to general warmth and sweat, noticed shortly after taking it considerable confusion of head, passing on to giddiness and actual headache (as from a mild debauch) ceasing after 3/4 h. on walking in open air; pulse meanwhile was slightly quicker, fuller, and stronger than usual. (Ibid.)

15. SIEBENHAAR, on July 5th, at 5 p.m., took 1 gr. After 1.4 h, found pulse become quicker, fuller, and stronger than usual, and heat of skin increased, chiefly on head and particularly on forehead and temples; symptoms vanished after 1 h. After 1 1/2 gr. noticed same symptoms, with, in addition, heaviness in frontal region and slight rumbling in bowels. After doses of 2 and 3 gr. same effects occurred (except rumbling in bowels), but with greater intensity. (Ibid.)

16. JORG took 1/2 gr. rubbed up with 5 gr. of sugar on July 5th at 10 a.m., for 2 h. felt perceptible movements in intestines followed by frequent passage downwards of foul smelling flatus. In following n., between 1 and 2 a.m., awoke with acute pressing pain in region of coeliac ganglion, pain causing him to perspire freely for 1 h. After this it ceased gradually. During this attack pulse was five to six beats quicker, but rather soft than hard. On rising there was still very slight dull pain in same region; during d. suffered off and on with pressing pains in head, sometimes in forehead, at others in sides. Urine both days appeared more concentrated than usual. Soon after 1 gr., in substance, felt increased warmth in stomach, spreading imperceptibly over whole body, increased action of skin, most after 2 h., and quickened circulation. After 1 1/2 h. dryness of mouth and somewhat troublesome thirst. After 2 h. felt as if blood and heat ascended somewhat towards head. After 5 h., on sitting down to write, noticed that he trembled, especially in hands. After another 1/2 h. hands and arms became steady again. After 7 h. was troubled with pain in region of coeliac ganglion, lasting 2 h. Next d. took 1 1/2 gr., effects of which were slighter and appeared to pass off within 1 h. After 5 h., however perceived a sharp, scraping, and somewhat burning feeling wandering about abdomen,, which came and went for 1/2 h., when it changed to above-mentioned troublesome pain in region of coeliac ganglion, and after another 1 1/2 h. became so acute that sweat rolled off him; how and then a slight rigor occurred, and it felt to him as if very acute inflammation of several viscera were starting from root of coeliac axis or coeliac ganglion. Irritation now seemed to pass upwards and caused him to cough repeatedly, with painful sensation on inner surface of spinal column from diaphragm upwards. Circulation at same time became quickened be about 10 beats per m. (pulse small and soft), and accompanied by singing in head. Ten h. after dose symptoms began to abate, but he woke up several times in n, with dull sensations in region of coeliac ganglion. Bowels remained constipated. On 13th, at 8 a.m., took 2 gr., which he chewed and then swallowed. Heat and sweating came on as before and lasted more or less all forenoon. Form 9 till 10 O’ clock, whilst perspiring, felt slight cutting in region of navel, passage of flatus, urging to stool and to micturition, irritation in region of kidneys and excitement of genitals (feeling as if rectum, bladder, and genitals must be evacuated all at one time, and as if there were general turgescence of that part of body where the three great canals emerge). This urging lasted hardly 1/2 h., but in so far as genitals were concerned, recurred between 12 and 1, lasting 1/4 h. Added to this between 12 and 1, irritation and movements in bowels came on, sometimes changing to actual trembling. After this passed off, at 11 a.m., pressing and stretching pain came on below diaphragm, extending upwards and downwards, passing on in 1/2 h. to pain in region of coeliac ganglion, moderate till 7, and then gradually increasing until 8:30, when it began to diminish, and by 10:30 had passed off. During afternoon, slight cutting pains were felt in abdomen, without diarrhoea, but with constant passing of foul, pungent flatus. Stools were of thinner consistence and smaller quantity than usual. Urine appeared very concentrated and had pungent odour (not of drug). About 10:30 slight muddled feeling, especially in fore part of head, came on, with slight burning in eyelids. In following n. felt constant thirst and slept badly. (Ibid.)

17. LEMBKE, June 14th, 8 p.m., 15 dr. tinct. Pulse before taking it 70. After 10 m. internal coldness in lumbar and sacral regions, increased by walking, warm feeling in stomach, slight discharge of flatus; forehead hot; heaviness of head, chiefly in crown; pupils disposed to dilate quickly; pressure in left knee, over the right, in leg inferiorly; hands warm; severe pressure in right of crown, persistent; then obtuse pressure deep in vertex, with increased heat of scalp in corn, and feeling of weight of head. Occasional internal coldness in lumbar region, pupils dilated, discharge of much flatus; when walking pressure deep in right thigh; drawing in left calf; pressure on right side of forehead; frequent eructation of air; pressure on left sole; fine shooting in left calf. 8:30 p.m., bruised pain in lower part of left forearm. Stitches in skin of right fourth finger, on the side of the last joint. Frequent eructations of air; tired pain in right knee with great feeling of heat in it; thereafter commencing numbness in right toes, followed by a feeling of inward coldness from knee to foot while sitting; drawing-shooting in second joint of left index; pressure in middle of left calf while walking and sitting; inward chill betwixt scapulae; inward coldness through right leg, as if cold air blew upon it. 9 p.m., pressure in left forehead. Drawing in left thumb ball; tired feeling in left arm; weight and pressure in both knees when seated, with internal feeling of coldness in them, as if a cold fluid ran down from knee; walking increased the chilliness; the hands, too, become cold; the air of the room when drawn through the nostrils feels cool; yawning when walking eructation of air. 9:15 p.m., cold hands and feet; drawing in carious lower molars when walking; drawing in decayed upper incisors; pressing in l. leg. and r. toes. 10.30 p.m., shooting in both sides of tendo Achillis when walking from right elbow to hand tired feeling; a cup of tea removed the symptoms. Sleep sounder than usual. – 15th. On waking at 5.30 a.m., feeling of heat all over skin, as of commencing sweat, on which he fell asleep. On rising some heaviness in forehead. – 21st, 8 p.m., 15 dr. spirit of camphor in eau sucree. After some m. chilliness in back, shooting in ball of left foot; drawing in left toes and ball of right foot; the cold feeling in back increases as if a cold air blew on back; pressure in right knee; heaviness of left arm; weariness in legs, especially knees, when sitting; then in left arm from shoulder to wrist, relieved by moving arm; when the arm is at rest the pressive compressive pain recommences; pressure and weight above forehead; the same pain in right arm; slight scraping in throat, causing short cough; eructation with camphor taste; great drawing in right foot; cold feeling in right knee to foot when sitting. 8:30 a.m., feeling of heat, inward shaking from nape to between scapulae, extending a pressure into limbs, with heat and sweat of forehead when sitting; drawing in right sole; pressure in occiput right forearm and ankles; jerking pressure in head above left ear; crawling; creeping feeling over left side of neck and left clavicle; feeling of heat rising from nape to head, with intermediate cold feeling, the skin warm, slightly sweating forehead, moist pulse a little quickened; sudden boring on right of nose for a moment; severe persistent perceive pain in flexor side of left wrist; sweat on back and forehead when sitting; when arms and legs are at rest, pressure and drawing on inner side of both legs to ankle, and still more on inner side of arms; movement relieves, but returns when at rest. 9 a.m, smarting in eyelids, also at 10:15 p.m. When walking, pressure in nape, forehead heavy; eructation of gas; much flatus discharged; stitches deep in left ear; weight and heat in sinciput, aggravated by walking, also pain in legs and ankles; itching in left nostril, sneezing; pressure in sinciput in several parts; when sitting, prickling through legs; great pressure in left ankle and above left and right knee when sitting; when walking, pressure in ankles, more when sitting in knees; slept soundly. – 22nd, m., urine less than usual. Forenoon, weight in forehead, pressure in right leg; smarting on tip of tongue like pepper. – 24th, 8:30 a.m., 5 dr. After some m. increased warmth in nape, head face, which are hot to touch; hands warmer, palms moist, warmth in back; pupils contracted, eyes sensitive to light; pressure in toes; eructation of air; cold feeling in right leg and toes; all these symptoms when sitting and reading; weight in head, pressure in left knee; hands sweat profusely; small black spots hover before eyes; pressure in right ankle externally and right knee; heavy feeling in right wrist with drawing in thumb and stiff feeling in fingers; increase of cold feeling in right leg, like cold wind blowing on it; drawing in instep. 9 a.m., hands cool, blood vessels contracted; weight in head; pupils contracted; muscae volitantes; when standing or walking, the right leg, especially the knee, is painful; much flatus; hands cold, cold feeling in head; pain in back on stooping; singing in left ear; repeated sneezing; smarting in eyelids; when walking alternate chilliness and heat in sacrum; pain in right knee, drawing in left tibia, in muscles of upper arm; weariness in sacrum; later pressure in left knee and tibia, drawing in right angle of lower jaw, shooting in chin; several times during d. when walking drawing in left tibia. – 29th, 8 a.m., 10 dr. Immediately heat in head, specially in crown, in ears; immediately thereafter burning in face, drawing in left toes repeatedly; the heat in face and head increases, face becomes red, great burning in ears; drawing in left arm, veins distended, hands hot, eyes sensitive to light, black spots hover before them; pulse slightly quickened; gnawing in muscles on inner side of l. upper arm; coldness in all right leg to toes (pressure in left ankle) like a stream of cold air going down through calf to foot, also when standing; bruised pain in right elbow, wrist, and fingers; heaviness of head. 8:30 a.m., when walking heaviness in whole right leg; heat in face and head declines, but more heaviness in sinciput; when sitting always coldness in right leg, when walking weight in it; pressure in muscles above right elbow; frequent eructation tasting of camphor; drawing in left palm. pressure in left knee, drawing in calf muscles and left leg to foot, when sitting; drawing in head over ears; pressure in sinciput; repeated warm feeling in stomach; drawing in l. side of nose, on right shoulder, then severe pressure on shoulder; drawing in right instep when walking, in skin above and below left clavicle; bruised pain in both shoulders; pulse fuller, fuller, larger; severe pain in back all day, slight tendency to perspire when moving at 2 p.m. At 5 p.m., cold feeling of r. leg when sitting, repeatedly; burning on border of tongue, also on palate; tearing in left instep, in left elbow, on right tibia; bruised pain in left arm, especially shoulder joint. 9 p.m., in skin of root of nose some pricking or crawling from dorsum to tip of toe; repeatedly, so that he must rub the nose, when it goes off, but soon returns; at n. emission without dream. – 30th. More towards e. drawing in left tibia and borders of foot; drawing in l. side of nape, towards l. shoulder, when a rest and when moving; stool delayed and very hard. 10 p.m., drawing in r. tibia and pressure in left forehead. – July 25th, 3:30 p.m., 30 dr. After some m. heat in occiput, heaviness of knees, pressure in forehead, hot feeling through back, skin of body and face moist, great pressure in ankles and knees; blood – vessels much distended, pupils contracted, everything appears brighter; pulse 80. Drawing in instep, heaviness in arms, hands and legs; hot feeling streams through back and into legs; pressive pain in right elbow; drawing between left fingers; heat in face and head; repeated flushes of heat in back, with general warm sweat; tearing behind and above ears; numb feeling in r. leg; vertigo when sitting – at 4.30 p.m. Severe shooting in r. big toe; drawing on l. side of nape to shoulder; black spots hover before eyes, with sensation of increased brightness; still heat and general perspiration; pulse 80; burning in borders of lids; shooting in calves; drawing in toes; shooting under l. knee, in l. cheek; numbness of r. foot; drawing about l. ankle; frequent eructation – at 5 p.m. Weight in sinciput, pressure in l. shoulder, worse when raising arm; heat and perspiration gone; compression in ankles, pressure in r. hip-joint. 5.30 p.m., return of heat in black, then through whole body and in face, with moist skin. All these symptoms when seated. When walking prickling in l. toe tips, when in r.; mucus flatus; pressure in r. shoulder; drawing in toes, drawing pain in skin of nape and below both zygomatic processes; pressure in toes; stiffness of nape; burning and shooting in r. sole; discharge of flatus and eructation of wind continued till 7.30 p.m. After 6 p.m., tearing in l. groin; burning in l. eyelids; drawing in r. side of forehead; boring in r. zygoma; when walking painful feeling of stiffness in outer side of r. thigh; The pain in nape persists, especially in region of 5th, 6th, and 7th cervical vertebrae, aggravated by moving head, relieved by pressure of hand. 7 p.m., tearing in instep when sitting; pressure in l. wrist, then in l. ankle; so weary and drowsy he must go to bed; sleep restless. – 26th, m., tearing in r. hand; during d. pressure in shoulders and knees, also when walking, drawing in toes and inner side of l. upper arm, in l. forearm, in hands, betwixt fingers. The pains worst in e. (N.Z.f.h.K., x, 161, 169.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.