Argentum nitricum

5b. [ A considerable space of time was allowed to elapse between the different provings on one and the same individual] Took 10 drops of 2x dil. in water before going to bed. Confusion of head (after 1/2 h.). Fancies and images crowding upon his mind in sleep. Dull headache whole n. not permitting sound sleep. Wakes in m. from a slumber full of dreams, with painful confusion of head. In m. the lower limbs feel weary. Took 3 drops on tongue without water. R. hemicrania, consisting of drawing with pressure and of heaviness; better at rest; increased by the least motion. General confusion of head the whole day, worst in occiput, in l. side of the head and on the forehead, pressure outwards; frequent and copious discharge of pale urine. Wakes with a sore throat, as if an ulcer were in throat, on r. side, with drawing and tension upward and downward; sensation as if a splinter were lodged in throat when swallowing, eructating, stretching and moving the throat; between whiles undulatory motions and pulsations therein; dark redness of the uvula and fauces. Early in m., on waking, the eyes blur and feel dry; he had great difficulty in opening them. During the day the affection of the eyes assumed the following form:-Pressure in the eyes as if too full; heat and pain in all the ball when moving or touching it; mucous flocks causing illusions of sight and obliging him to wipe the eyes; in evening the scarlet redness, which had shown itself in the inner canthus of the r. eye already in the m., extended as far as the cornea; the conjunctiva of the ball and the eyelids was congested; pain in eye as if a grain of sand were lodged in it, sticking, itching; grey dots and serpent-shaped figures were seen in the axis of vision; mist before the eyes; the candle-light is not coloured, but rather enveloped in mist; winking; the aperture between the lids is diminished; all these symptoms being accompanied with general debility and weariness, and increased temperature of the skin. At noon, violent tickling in the throat obliging him to cough. Pimple on septum of nose which bleeds easily. Pustule on skin of upper lip arising from a painful red shining blotch. In the afternoon dullness of sense, inattentiveness, inability to think; cannot find words to express his thoughts in a suitable manner, hence want of ease in speech. At 10 p.m. recurrence of the above-mentioned affection of the throat, being this time accompanied with roughness and dryness. In n. cough from tickling in larynx. In various parts of the chest pressing tensive pain in spots the size of a dime (sixpence). Agglutination of right eye during n. 2nd d., m., it was closed by crusts of dry mucus, causing the lids to adhere and requiring to be washed away before the eye could be opened; when opened it was found to be redder than yesterday; the pressure and heat in eye were more painful; aperture between lids smaller; photo-phobia. He hawked up yellow-brown mucus tinged with blood. At noon, suffocative cough (recurring several day in succession). Fever after meal; chilliness, desire to lie down, excessive feeling of illness and prostration; confusion in head. The whole afternoon felt feverish and ill; constant faintness and languor. The inflammation of the eye is better in the cool and open air, but intolerable in the warm room. In evening, headache on right side, heaviness, fullness, and pressure (several evening in succession). On 3rd d., headache on waking; full, heavy, stupefied; the pain becomes intolerable by the slightest movement (lasting almost the whole d.). Pain in l. side of head and forehead, first sticking, then digging, extending as far as the malar bone. Digging pain in r. side of the head. Tearing and twinging in r. ear. The eyes are filled with mucus; the inflammation is decreasing, but reading continues to be painful. The ulcerative pain in throat is permanent. Cough from tickling in throat. The urethra feels as if closed from swelling, and an ulcerative pain is experienced in it. Burning after micturition. In e., before retiring (and in the early m.), he has a dry, fatiguing cough, produced by a violent itching, almost burning, titillation in the throat. 4th d., hoarseness and roughness in throat. Pain in r. axilla as if strained or torn. Upon raising shoulder, pain descended along arm as far as hand, where a prickling sensation was felt. Paralytic drawing pain in whole of the r. upper extremity. During micturition burning and feeling of contraction in forepart of urethra. Whilst ejaculating the last drops of urine, cutting in back part of urethra as far as anus. Sunken, pale, bluish countenance. Diminished appetite; speedy repletion. Stitches in chest. 5th d., restless night, sleep disturbed by frequent paroxysms of cough; from 4 to 6 a.m., sweat. Dryness of the tongue in the m. In forenoon, accumulation of mucus in posterior nares obliging him to hawk. In evening, cough; he is unable to bear the usual smoke of tobacco; dry tongue (e.). In m., during first micturition, he feels a heat in the urethra with itching and tickling. Inability to emit the urine with a free rushing stream. Stoppage of nose and a good deal of itching. A third dose was taken at 10 a.m. on 6th d. of proving. About noon, intense titillation of palate and fauces, causing eyes to run and a fatiguing hacking cough. Scraping in throat. When drinking cold water, and on empty swallowing, a sore feeling deep in throat. Sensation as if dampness were running along the urethra from behind forward. Painful urging in the urethra. After micturition, which l. urethra feeling painful as if ulcerated, he again had desire to micturate, but ineffectual. In afternoon, painful heaviness and coldness in the head, with difficulty in collecting his senses and a glowing heat in the head and cheeks. Difficult and fatiguing apprehension. Debilitated and weary. So debilitated in the afternoon that he had to lie down, accompanied with increased warmth in whole body and heat in palms of hands. Going upstairs is very troublesome, accompanied with severe drawing in calves. Rough tongue. Painful blotches in the l. corner of the mouth. Restless, stupefied sleep with horrid dreams. The lips, tongue, mouth and fauces are parched. Next day tip of the tongue is red and painful; papilla erect. The l. eye is now affected as the right was; canthus is red as blood; swelling of caruncula lachrymalis, it stands out from the canthus like a lump of flesh; intensely red clusters of vessels extend from inner canthus to cornea; relaxation and swelling of the conjunctiva; the secretion of mucus and tears increases. After breakfast diarrhoeic stool, during which, after micturating, a burning drop was still running along the urethra. The urine on micturating was a longer time than usual in making its appearance. Vanishing of sight; is constantly obliged to wipe off the mucus which is in the axis of vision. Pain in the head as if it would burst (from mental labour). Does not pass a n. without headache. After a meal, a cough which hinders speech. Paralytic weakness of the lower limbs and emaciation of same. Red swelling of conjunctiva round cornea towards inner canthus; the conjunctiva of eye and lids is blood-red. Look old; skin of face is tightly drawn over bones, and hence marked prominence of facial muscles. Burning during micturition and feeling of swelling in the urethra; the latter portion of the urine is not ejected freely. Itching and smarting in the l. eye. The headache is worse in the open air. Fullness and heaviness of the head. On 3rd d. tongue and mouth are parched and dry. In m. fetor from mouth. Itching from nose. Dragging pains when urinating. Sore feeling in interior of urethra even after micturition. The urethra is hard, swollen, and knotty to touch. The r. testicle is hard and larger than usual. Tumour-like itching elevations in the hairy scalp and in nape of neck. Blear-eyedness. Pustule in the l. corner of the mouth. Fixed ulcerative pains deep in throat, apparently in the posterior wall of the pharynx. When yawning and taking a deep breath the pain is changed to an aching. [The phenomena denoting an affection of the mucous membrane in the parts designated above-ocular and palpebral conjunctiva, nose, mouth, fauces, and urethra-were the most troublesome and permanent.]

5c. M- took 10 drops of 6x dil. in 1/2 spoonful of distilled water at 10 a.m. Unusual appetite and great desire to eat. Intermittent dull pressure, as of a foreign body, in the oblique muscles, near the crest of the ilium. After dinner depression of spirits. The throat feels rough and scraping, as if raw and sore. The isthmus, posterior nares and velum pendulum palati are red. Soap-like, ball-shaped clots of mucus in the throat occasion slight turn of cough, by which the mucus is thrown off. Roughness in the throat excites hawking. The dose was repeated next d. at same h. Soon after taking drug meditative and brooding, with vacant stare. Tickling in the throat as if he had drawn in a little feather, obliging him to hawk. Drawing with pressure in the top of l. shoulder, as if pressed with a load. Prickling itching of various parts of the body, especially marked around l. nipple. Slight astringent sensation about lips, buccal cavity, and tongue. The lips are dry and glutinous without thirst. With constriction of the mouth, confluence of watery saliva. Aching drawing pain in whole abdomen as far as groin, with distension as in ascites. At 10 a.m., and again in the afternoon, long and deep yawning. Yawning and chilliness. Ulcerative pain in small spot in the velum pendulum palati. Peculiar uneasiness and emptiness in abdomen with nausea. Painful urging sensation in groin, more intense when part is touched. Pimples on chin and cheeks, rapidly filling with pus. Irresistible desire for sugar in evening; after eating it he experiences, about midnight, a fermenting flatulent colic, waking him from sleep, and followed by small discharges of watery faeces, accompanied with emission of a quantity of noisy flatulence. A good deal of urging with the diarrhoea. In the m. he has diarrhoea, as above, but papescent, preceded by colic. Flat taste in the mouth after rising, tongue being white at tip and yellow at root, with sticky, dry lips, without thirst. Nausea as from hunger. Drawing tearing in l. side of patella. Paralytic painful drawing, as if bruised, in rectus cruris muscle, a hand’s breadth above the l. patella. Clawing sensation moving about in the pleura, costal and visceral, with slight oppression of the chest. Took 10 drops without any water, 3rd d., at noon. The existing nausea in the stomach is momentarily increased, then suddenly abating. Constant drawing and digging in l. frontal eminence, afterwards accompanied with drawing tearing along whole arm. Undulating tearing in the whole forehead. Stinging ulcerative pain on l. side near stomach, directly below short ribs, made more violent by deep inspiration and by contact. Coitus painful; the urethra feels stretched; want of pleasurable feeling. Ulcerative pain in urethra between acts of micturition, as if a splinter had been thrust into it. At 6 p.m. another scanty brown evacuation. Gnawing pain in l. side near stomach. Disagreeable sensation in the body, moving about; at one time felt in limbs (especially r. upper limb), at another time in head (especially in r. temple). Next d., great debility and weariness of the calves in bed, as after a distant journey on foot. After rising, great nervousness, feeling of weakness, tremulousness, irritated and at the same time fretful mood. In m. he had one evacuation at the usual time, but much less copious than usual. An hours after the first he had a second evacuation, loose and in pieces, very little of it. At 10 a.m. he took 10 drops on the tongue, without water. At 10:30 another paroxysm of yawning, same as yesterday. Not long after that he had a peculiar paroxysm of spasm of esophagus, developing itself in the following manner: efforts to eructate, with distension of the stomach as if it would burst; the esophagus is spasmodically closed at its orifice, hence the efforts to eructate the ineffectual, and are accompanied with excessive strangulation and urging pain in stomach, faintish nausea, confluence of water in the mouth, and inability to stir; all this paroxysm ended in frequent and violent eructations, the spasm lasting in all 1/4 h., occasionally increasing, and then again decreasing. Rheumatic tearing where thumb joins metacarpus. Clawing in r. anterior cervical muscles like cramp. Confusion of the head, especially after drinking coffee. Stitches and digging in left frontal eminence (this symptom is perceived several times a day, but more frequently in the afternoon, and is the most constant of all the head-symptoms). He wakes frequently at night, owing to tormenting dreams about putrid waters, fishes, serpents, filling him with horror. He dreams towards m. that an insect had inflicted a deep bite in his heel, burrowing in the wound, and making it necessary that the insect should be cut out. Next day, early in m., on waking, he experiences a violent pressure between the shoulders, which is especially deep seated at angle of right shoulder. After breakfast he feels extremely debilitated, nervous, tremulous; he dares not undertake anything lest he should succeed. His spirits feel more affected than yesterday. Paralytic drawing in bones of forearm. For some d. past great apprehensive caution has been alternating with light sense of indifference. Drawing in streaks or bands over the surface of the brain, apparently in membranes and sinuses. Drawing in a streak from occiput into middle of brain. Slight digging in parenchyma of the brain, drawing to and fro. Sudden stitches darting through the abdomen, like electric sparks, especially when suddenly passing from a state of rest into a state of motion (only on l. side.). Paralytic heaviness in l. lumbar region, extending as far as hip-joint of the same side; lumbar region feels rigid and tense. Stiffness, heaviness, and paralytic pains from the sacrum along the pelvis and hips. Heavy and paralytic feeling in the region of the sacrum, making it difficult to sit a long while, and obliging him to stretch the dorsal spine as much as possible while sitting. The sacral region feels so painful that blowing the nose and sneezing causes him to start. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.