1. 3. c. “Feeling in head as if there were not room enough, and as if everything would come out at forehead.”

1. 4. 2nd d., drawing pains in l. side of throat, better in cold air. 3rd d., tongue covered with dirty fur, especially behind, m.; dry red hands, as though he had been in the cold.

1. 5. 2nd d., pressive pain in occiput, with numb feeling in elbow-joint. 1. 6. Agreeable warm feeling in urethra; urine frothy but clear. 1. 9. In l. 5, for “about” read “above.” Heat down oesophagus to stomach; feeling of diarrhoea, soft stool. 1. 10. 2nd d., pain in l. iliac region.

Antimonium [Ant-t] III. 3, l. 6, for “Mosley” read “Mosler.”

Apis [Apis]

In 1. 3, l. 1, for “28th” read “20th.” In II. 17, l. 5, for “1878” read “1868.” Mr. Langstroth (see 1. 4) reports that in 1874, by which time he had become impervious to the sting, he sold all his bees. Next year, he extracted some stings for a friend who wishes to have the poison. That n., a moaning in sleep (which used to come on at beginning of each year’s work among his bees) recurred severely; and therewith was intense dryness of tongue and fauces; sense as of heartburn; smarting of eyes; heavy dropping sensation in lids; breaking out fiery spots over various parts of body; disposition to almost tear flesh of cheeks; dreaming of most excited kind, full of violent motion. Some of these symptoms recurred subsequently at every contact with bee-poison, even on receiving letters from those who handled bees, until in began to keep them again, when them again, when his former comparative in vulnerability returned (Hom. World, Jan., 1886.)

Apocyanum [Apoc] 8. a. For “Marshall,” read “Wanstall.”

Aranea diadema [Aran] 1. 3. The following symptoms have been obtained from a proving on a healthy woman: In ring and little fingers of both hands feeling as if they had gone to sleep and of formication; periods 8 d. too early, too strong and too copious; at n., immediately after lying down, sudden violent pains in teeth of whole upper and lower jaw. (v. GRAUVOGL, Text-book of Hom., ii, 355.)

Argentum nitricum [Arg-n]

1. 7, l. 1, for “Schacbert” read “Schachert.”


On p. 391, l. 6, for “April” read “August.”

Belladonna 1. 2, l. 2, for “13” read “14.” 1. 16, l. 5, for “ten” read “tow.”

Barium On p. 524, the bottom line should have been the top one.


We are indebted to Dr. Rubini for a copy of his original pamphlet on this drug, annotated by himself, so as to denote the symptoms observed on himself and Mad. Rubini respectively (both of whom, he tells us, took 10 drops of the mother tincture daily.) We received this too late to be utilised in forming the pathogenesis in the body of our work; but are glad to present our readers with the following reconstruction of Dr. Rubini’s part of it:

1. 1. a. Dr. RUBINI. On 1st d., great heat of head and inflamed face, as if he had stood before a strong fire, also excessive pain in head, with maddening and suffocating feeling, so that he cannot rest in bed, temples throbbing so violently that it seemed as if skull would burst; momentary dazzling of sight; noise in ears, diminishing hearing during d., like rushing of river all n.; during n. dry cough from itching in larynx; great thirst, causing him to drink much water; great desire to pass water, but can pass none for a long time, at last it flows abundantly; after a very short rigor at 2 p.m. slight fever with pain in head, terminating, with slight sweat at 4 p.m.; slight fever with pain in head, terminating with slight sweat at 4 p.m.; slight rigor at 10, great coldness for 1/2 h. at n. On 2nd d., feeling of emptiness in head; again pulsating pain in temples, getting intolerable. on 3rd d., m., foetid breath; insupportable heat in about. in. as though something burnt him internally, abdominal walls when touched with hand feel burning and much hotter than other parts of body; bilious diarrhoea, present also on previous d., with abdominal pains, & stools in d.; sanguineous. congestion in chest, preventing him lying down in bed. On 4th d., very great and intolerable pain in head, from congestion there; acrid acid in stomach, which comes up into the throat and mouth and makes everything he eats taste sour. On 6th d., dazzling of vision, after which there appear before eyes circles of red light, obscuring sight; constriction in oesophagus, preventing swallowing, he must drink a large quantity of water to get it down into stomach; slight delirium at n., ceasing on rousing up, but recommencing as soon as he falls asleep again. On 8th d., construction in throat, obliging him to swallow saliva frequently. On 9th d., watery diarrhoea, very abundant each time, 10 motions in m., always preceded by pains and borborygmus. On 10th d. talked nonsense while asleep at n., even when aroused speaking unconnectedly; feeling of constriction in throat which prevents free speech, and on forcing himself to speak voice is low and hoarse; constriction of neck of bladder, preventing passage of urine till after much straining. On 11th d., vertigo from sanguineous congestion to head. On 12th d., face inflamed and red, with pulsating pains in head; mucous diarrhoea preceded by drawing pains, 3 stools in d. On 15th d., extraordinary irritability, smallest contrariety putting him into a passion; sensation of great weight in anus and desire to evacuate, but nothing passes. On 20th n., interrupted sleep, feels weary next m. as if he had not slept at all; great appetite, but weak and slow digestion; great itching in ankles, which next d. extends to lower part of tibia. On 24th d. a dry scaly patch, 2 inches broad, appeared on l. internal malleolus, and on 38th d. came on r., while on 30th and 48th d. respectively similar patches appeared on r. and l. elbow (outer side).

Besides these symptoms, prover states that for first 5 d. he had great burning in stomach; for first 6 d. discoloration of face and emaciation; for first 4 d. weakness of sight, object appearing as if clouded; for first 10 d. sensation of very annoying movement from before backwards in cardiac region, as if a reptile was moving about inside, worse d. than n.; for first 15 d. sharp wandering pains in thoracic cavity, very annoying, especially in scapular region, anxiety recurring in e., and transient sensation of weight in stomach every time drug is taken; for first 14 d. loss of appetite and nausea; it is only by an effort he can swallow a few mouthfuls. After 3 d. pulsating pain in temples and ears (especially r. side) became continuous and very severe, and lasted 8 d., with feeling of weight; pulsations so severe as to lift head from pillow, giving much annoyance and causing depression; pain making him cry out, increased by sound of talking and by strong light. For 20 d. tensive pain in vertex also, recurring every 2nd d. Another marked symptom for 15 d. was constriction of chest, described as if hop of iron constricted it, or a cord were tightly tied round it (at false ribs); this caused oppression of breathing, aggravated by movement; heart also felt constricted, as if an iron hand prevented its movements; on 10th d. same sensation in throat; on 3rd d. sense as if someone were pressing and holding chest tightly, so that he cried out, “Leave me alone!”; on 5th d. constriction felt in shoulders, so that he could not move.

Without note of time, he is said to have experienced sensation of great weight in r. temple and eyebrow, diminished by pressure; dimness of sight, periodically recurring, so that at a few paces he cannot recognise even his friends; very slow digestion, even after 8 or 10 h. taste of food rises up in throat, a;; food causes weight in stomach, and so much suffering that he prefers to remain without eating; constipation as from haemorrhoidal congestion, swollen varices outside anus causing much pain, at anus itching, smarting and pricking as with sharp pins (ceasing on rubbing); formication and weight in arms, which cannot be raised freely, l. worst; oedema of hands (specially l.) and of feet and legs to knee, pitting on pressure. he cannot rest still when sitting, but must throw his legs about hither and thither involuntarily; depression and languor all d.; general malaise, and such weakness as to be unable to rise from seat; great prostration of forces, so that he must remain in bed, not feeling able to use his legs.

1 b. Mad. RUBINI. Was sleepless 1st n., without apparent cause, for a following n. from pulsation in scrobiculus cordis and ears; for 5 d. more could not sleep in early part of n., and when she fell asleep she awoke suddenly. An unwonted melancholy, with great taciturnity and irresistible inclination to weep, affected her for first 6 d.; on 7th became fear of death, thinking she had some incurable disease; on 9th took from of love of solitude, avoiding those about her who tried to comfort her. On 2nd d., heavy dull pains in region of heart, increased on pressure; on 4th d., acute pain there, impeding respiration and motion of body, continuing 4 d. more, with such painful stitches as to cause her to weep and cry out loudly; all this time constant oppression and anxieties, as if chest were constricted with an iron hoop, and could not expand in normal respiration, with periodical attacks of suffocation and faintness, cold sweat on face and absence of pulse, also constant great palpitation d. and n., worst when walking and lying on l. side, increased also on recurrence of catamenia. Sensation of great weight on stomach for first 8 d.; loss of appetite on 2nd and 3rd d. On 4th d., distressing sensation in bowels as if serpent was twisting about there; on 5th d., wandering pains about umbilicus, ceasing and recurring periodically; on 7th d., very violent pains there, almost causing her to faint, more or less all d. Constipation first 6 d., on 7th diarrhoea of very loose faces, preceded by great pain, & motions from 6 to 12 a.m. none later. On first 4 d. urine more copious than usual; on 1st n. involuntary escape, and for 5 n. more frequent desire, with large flow; on 4th d., urine passed by drops with much heat, which next d. increases gradually and becomes insupportable. After 8 d. very painful menstruation accompanied by great prostration of strength, so that she must remain in bed 3 d. On 1st d., general rigor, so severe as to make teeth chatter, lasting 3 h. though she heaps blankets over her; succeeded by burning for 20 h. with suffocation, pain in head, and restlessness so that she cannot remain quiet in bed; copious sweat follows. after 13 d. quotidian intermittent fever periodically for many d. beginning with slight rigor at 1 p.m., then burning heat and dyspnoea, and 9in e.) great pulsating pains in uterus and its neighborhood, extending to thighs, increasing up to 11 p.m., when all terminates with a slight sweat, and she is free till 1 next d.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.