Apocynum cannabinum

6b. At 1:30 of hot infusion of root. At 2:20 taken suddenly with intense tenesmus, and great and hurrying desire for stool, which was large and light yellow, accompanied by rumbling in bowels and flatus; after it considerable nausea and frequent desire to vomit. At 5 another large stool, with similar symptoms; also frontal headache, with sharp darting pains; pain in right scapula; general muscular weakness; feeling of lassitude. At 6. After taking dose went to dinner, and whilst there came sudden desire for stool, which was exceedingly large, light yellow, fetid, and flatulent as before. Same frontal headache; constant flashes of heat; face looks flushed and hot; some embarrassment in breathing. Hungry all the time; could eat every h. in d.; relishes all kinds of food, and seems to digest them well. Rheumatic pains in joints; increased action of heart, fluttering at times as if it would escape from chest. 21st. -Good n., feeling well. At 10:30 a.m.. An h. after same action on bowels, with endless flatus; vertigo, without headache; pain and weight over eyes; general lassitude of mind and body; burning and powerless feeling at anus. At 1:30. Stool as usual in 1/2 h., preceded by intense pain in bowels. Urine burns in passing; head the same; some pain in r. scapula and muscles of r. forearm. Great craving for dinner at 6:30, hardly satisfied by full meal; another stool; soreness and bearing-down in rectum. [ Urine on 20th and 21st was rather above the normal in quantity and sp. gr., but showed a marked reduction in urea (about 178 gr. as compared with 342 on average of previous work)] 22nd. -Good n., but felt weak and sore and was unrested next m. Similar stools (5 in d.) and rectal sensations. Pain in joints nearly all day and frontal headache. Till 25th 4 stools, loose and flatulent, daily.

6c. 25th. -Took, at 10:30 a.m., of cold infusion of tops. In 1 hours nausea and desire to vomit; frontal headache and vertigo. After lunch at 1:30 stool with usual character and accompaniments; same again at 3, very urgent and profuse; a third, small, at 6. Well next m.

His bowels continued loose for 2-3 weeks after proving, 2 or 3 stools daily; he had also bearing-down pain in rectum and weakness of sphincters. For months mere smelling at drug would make him feel sick. (Ibid., p. 310.) 7. Dr. J. CLARK, et. 34, proved tinct. of fresh plant. Took 3j doses 3 times on August 23rd, and every 2 h. from 8 a.m. on 24th. On latter m. vertigo on rising from stooping; in evening, nausea almost to vomiting and slight headache; grumbling in bowels, followed by furious but painless diarrhea, causing weakness. Next m. same vertigo and hiccup; abdomen felt as though he had drunk large quantities of water. Took medicine irregularly this d., feeling tired and poorly throughout and sick in e. Severe pain when walking in left lower lumbar region. Three stools in day 26th. -Took 3 doses from 3 p.m. onwards: much nausea, wanted to vomit but could not. 27th. -A few more doses taken up to noon. Several stools, thin, copious, lemon coloured, mixed with mucus; great weakness of sphincter ani, so that he cannot pass wind with safety; very sick all day; covered with slight perspiration; weak exhausted. 28th. -In m. mouth dry, tongue sticking to root of mouth. Some nausea and vertigo as before. Feces again escaping when a little wind is allowed to pass; stools till quite watery, not returning to natural condition for 2 d. more. Several times when urinating hardly knew when he had finished. (Ibid., p. 312.) 8a. Dr. ALFRED MARSHALL, et. 25, not easily influenced by medicine, proved cold infusion of root. June 19th. -3ss at 9 and 3j at 11 p.m. 20th. -3j at 7:45 a.m. Increased appetite, even to hunger; smarting and burning in urethra when urinating. At 8:30 3j more. In 1 h. transient fullness in forehead and vertigo. Stool less copious and easy than usual. At 10:30, 3j more. Dull frontal headache thence throughout d. At 2 pricking, tingling, and lameness in left scapular region for short time. Through day marked feeling of general muscular weakness. At 5 small, mushy stool, preceded by much flatus. 8b. At 5:15 took of hot infusion of fresh root. Dull heavy pain in both sides of face and nose, passing into forehead (worse on l.). At 7:15, urgent desire for stool; passage very soft, not fluid, brown, not offensive, painless. Great muscular weakness all e. At 9 and 10:45 repeated dose. Much flatus; and at 11 small and difficult diarrheic passage. At 6 p.m. there had been great itching of back, sides, and limbs; and on going to bed he found his body covered with large papules as of urticaria, most numerous about loins and waist. Sleep very dreamful. Was hurried out of bed at 5 a.m. to have small, loose, flatulent passage from bowels, repeated every 20 m. up to 8. Increased appetite; eruption still present, but not itching; all m. dull heavy sick feeling in stomach and abdomen. At noon small watery stool (hitherto they had been pappy) with much flatus, followed by soreness of anus. Same at 2 p.m. In evening feeling of great weakness and prostration, especially in all muscles; eruption itching again, but less than before; pulsating in r. hypochondrium for some m., recurring several times. Slept well, and on 22nd stools were natural.

8c. June 25th, at 11 a.m., took of cold infusion of tops, which caused nausea and vomiting, but no other trouble.

8d. Bowels continued to act (contrary to his habit) twice daily until first week in August; and he had constant weight and pressure at anus, so that after sitting 15 or 20 m. he would feel as if rectum protruded, and would be obliged to get up and walk about. He had then a severe attack of inflamed piles, blind and protruding: after which all symptoms disappeared and he regained his usual health.

8e. Urine here also showed diminished urea-gr. 287 from June 20 to 22 as contrasted with gr. 403 on average of previous 6 d. 9a. Mr. EDWARD CHAPIN, student, et. 29, proved tinct. of root. Aug. 13th, on retiring, took 50 dr. Considerable nausea when waking during n. 14th. -At 7:30 a.m. 60 dr. In 20 m. nausea. After action of bowels felt as though everything in him had passed out, and whole abdomen was empty: also sensation as if something were pressing up colon and through liver. Nausea increased, and he felt deathly sick, and had flashes of heat in different parts of body, and very marked piercing pains in right temple, followed by vertigo. At 2:30 took 75, at 4 took 90, and at 8:45 took 100 dr., with nausea, and head symptoms as in m. 15th. -Stool on rising, accompanied and followed as before: with head symptoms ringing in right ear. At 7:45 took 120 dr. Head symptoms continue; and at 8:45 another stool, profuse, mushy, yellowish; sphincter ani feeling relaxed. Headache now more general dull and confused; whole system feels much prostrated. At 5 p.m. 200 dr., and at 10 3iij; some nausea before going to sleep. 16th. -Awoke before 5 with severe headache; bowels moved about 7 a.m., a very copious mushy stool, darkish brown, very fetid; after it sense of “goneness”, also tenesmus, hypogastric aching, and dull weight in head. At 7:45 took 3iv. Severe sticking and piercing pain in right temple, followed by dull feeling in whole head; great prostration, aggravated by motion; flashes of heat in various parts of body; pulse 88. At 11, 6, and 8, urgent stools, thin, frothy, expelled with much force, and followed as before. When micturating could hardly tell urine was passing; but at times it left burning and tingling in urethra. 17th. -In m. and e. very large loose stool with usual concomitants; sphincter felt paralyzed, and anus open afterwards. 18th. -Two more such stools in m., leaving inclination as if more would come.

During days of taking drug (13th-16th) urine was slightly increased in quantity, as also urea; but sp. gr. was a little lower than normal. On 2 d. after omission everything was reversed. Characters and concomitants of stools continued till they became quite normal. Appetite was craving and palate keen throughout proving. For 2 or 3 n. had profuse perspirations; and while under influence of drug had more or less pain in back.

9b. Made second proving of same, 3ss of tinct. on Aug. 29th and 30th. -After 2nd dose (m.) fairly natural stool, but with usual concomitants; also flashes of heat followed by quite profuse perspiration and much spitting of tenacious saliva and mucus. At 1:40 p.m. another 3ss. Aching pain, at times sharp and sticking, in sacrum, occasionally in hip, knee, and ankle; darting pains in different parts of bowels; pain in right temple, followed by confused and dull aching in head; vertigo at times, aggravated by ascending. At 5:15 same dose. Again perspiration and vertigo, also attacks of deathly nausea. After micturition dull pain about sphincter vesicae, as if it tried to close, but could not. 31st. -Restless during night; quite severe headache on waking. At 7:50 a.m. another 3ss. Very large thin stool at 9, with usual concomitants: pain again in knees, especially l. At 6 another 3ss: some nausea, head symptoms as before, with spells of marked vertigo. Stool next m. as before; return of vesical weakness. Pains in joints at times quite severe, also at inferior angle of l. scapula. These symptoms-greater activity of bowels, bearing-down in rectum, relaxation of sphincter ani, r. temporal headache, vertigo, pain in knee-joints, keen appetite-continued for some time: he also occasionally passed blood with stool; and had quick, sharp, catching pains in heart, with palpitation.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.