
The following are even without note of time:- Painful compression of head every m.; pain deep in orbits, as if in muscles, worse on right side; pain in back of throat on swallowing; in evening much offensive flatus, loud and silent; early in m., in folds of skin near anus (left side), a violent irresistible itching in little pints; while stretching out left hand, sense as if nerves were too short, and became dragged, with electric-like shock; indolence, and if he sits, he deliberates about standing up; in evening, in open air, frequent violent yawning, without sleepiness. The afternoon was generally his time of aggravation, especially for symptoms of mucous membranes.

8c. The following symptoms are vouched for by Hering, but marked. Prover seems to have taken daily small doses of 1x trit. for some days. From him are reported, – dull pain in right side under ribs, the same in all positions, worse while standing, so that he bends himself forwards; burning through whole abdomen; sensation in rectum as if loose; diarrhoeic stools on m. of 7th day; pains of weakness in ankles and wrists; for several n. wakes with thirst, drinks a glass of cold water, and breaks out into a sweat. (Ibid.) 9. Dr. Koch took 3x trit., and reports in m. after waking an exceedingly fine but violent stitch on under part of tongue from behind forward, which twice recurs during movement of tongue (neuralgia sublingualis); 1. epididymis very painful, on walking and when handled, whole forenoon; sacral pains on waking, with lassitude; painful weariness in walking, especially in calves, hip-joints, and inguinal region. (Ibid.) 10. – a. Dr. NEIDHARD took gr. j of 1x trit., at 10:30 a.m. Immediately, strong sense of firmness of will, and pain in right side of stomach, followed by commotion in lower abdomen with downward tendency. In afternoon, soreness in left side of mouth within. At 5 p.m., crushing sensation in stomach and abdomen, with ineffectual desire to evacuate bowels, but in spite of constant tenesmus nothing results but a violent and easy discharge of flatus. Later in evening two pappy bilious evacuations, with much wind; also gnawing pain in a carious tooth of lower jaw, which continued off and on – as did also the expulsion of flatus – all the night. During next day all symptoms disappeared. 10b. Dr. N – gave to another gr. ij of 2x trituration every evening for two weeks. First dose caused, in 5 minutes, weight in abdomen passing down to rectum, lasting 5 minutes, also a loose pappy evacuation from bowels. Each succeeding dose had less laxative effect, and finally obstinate constipation set in, with knotty passages. Prover also experienced – increased appetite; weakness in right hypochondrium; pressure in anus; paler and more copious urine, flowing easily, but requiring waiting awhile before it came; dryness and inflammation of throat, with cough and expectoration, and weakness of chest. (Ibid.) 11. Dr. PREU made our provings with a trituration of one part (by weight) of Cape aloes with three of milk-sugar. 11a. Took two grains. On 1st day moroseness; bitter eructation;l feeling of weakness in abdomen as if diarrhoea would result, and after 8 hours a copious evacuation with much flatus; in metacarpal joint of 4th finger a frequently recurring shooting and cramp-like pain. On 2nd day very ill-humour, seldom moderated by sadness; peevish towards himself without reason; dull pressive pain in anterior part of head, aversion to drinks, especially cold drinks; distension of whole colon, especially at left flexure, with pain, increased on movement and suddenly disappearing on emission of flatus. On 3rd day, internal restlessness nd excitement; drawing cutting pains across and through abdomen all day, with ill-humour, fretfulness, aversion to society, and indisposition to go into open air, though pain is made better thereby. On 4th day indisposition to mechanical or mental exertion, with great disposition to desultory thinking; now and again rumbling in abdomen. 11b. Took 3 grains. At 8 p.m. sudden urging, which passes off just as suddenly; at 9 diarrhoea; itching and burning in anus, painful to the last degree, prevent his sleeping for a long time. On 2nd and 3rd day, flatulent distension, with overwhelming despondency. On 4th and 5th day, dull pressive pain in hepatic region. 11c. Took 2 grains. On 1st day, dull pressive pain in supraorbital region; emission of hot flatus, with burning in anus; at n., frequent sudden urging as to soft stool with sense of gurgling in abdomen, passing off as quickly, without stool. This day and next much rumbling in abdomen, and, till 3rd day, lassitude and inertia. On 2nd day, great restlessness and excitement, but in middle of day great laziness; increased appetite; transient stitches in hepatic region; distension of upper abdomen; many times urgency as to diarrhoea, and hot flatus only passes, with great relief, but urging soon returns with sensation as of a plug wedged in between os pubis and coccyx; in evening, a diarrhoeic stool; flying stitches in metacarpal joints of hands. On 3rd day, lassitude alternating with great mental activity; some abdominal distension. 11d. Took 4 grains. On 1st day, soon after dose, troublesome sense of fulness in gastric region, followed by distension of epigastrium and hypochondria, with pain in right hypochondrium, going away after expulsion of flatus, but returning with renewed distension; dull pressive pain in sinciput (afternoon); pressure in stomach with feeling of warmth there; in abdomen flatulence drawing about, with distension; late in evening copious evacuation of bowels, not liquid, in addition to ordinary m. one; outward drawing pain in axilla; painful drawing and stiffness of left middle finger, especially fixed in metacarpal joint; outward pressing pain in right thigh. During the pains everything disgusts him. On 2nd day, indisposition to movement, – and especially to mental labour, which soon fatigues; burning pain in right eye, as if a fine current of hot air passed through axis of vision (this also on previous d.); sense of fulness in pharynx, with or without tasteless eructations; great evacuations in morning; dull stitching pain under shoulder- blades; pressure outwards in left axilla, and dull stitching pains from thence to ulna; weariness of right arm; jerking drawing in metacarpal joint of left fourth finger. On the 3rd day, ill-humour and incapacity for labour, with peevish restlessness; pressive pain in forehead from this till 5th day; dull pan in left hypochondrium; hot flatus; distension, especially in epigastrium, and stitches as on 2nd day; pain and stiffness in corresponding joint of right hand. Smelling camphor relieved troubles quickly and considerably, so that for a while there followed even inclination and ability for mental work requiring clear thinking; after an hours, however, the troubles returned. On 4th day, troublesome beating of external occipital arteries, with cold feeling of back of head; twinging ear-ache, crampy pain in right ear; oppression and painfulness of whole left side of face, extending from an inflamed spot in left sternum alternating with same under right ribs; same in left hypochondrium; distension and drawing in abdomen; excessively painful tearing stitches in second joint of left fourth finger; weight and weary pain in right thigh. On 5th day, jerking- drawing, blunt stitching pain in finger, knee and elbow joints; several pimples in various places and a furuncle on upper arm. On 6th day, dull stitches in splenic region through left chest, also in supra-orbital region, in frontal eminences, and in finger- joints. On 7th day, much exhaustion and laziness; eructations as on 2nd day; transitory splenic stitches; distension and drawing in colon. On 8th day, lassitude and heaviness in limbs with dull stitching pains in joints. (Ibid.) 12a. Dr. RAUE took hourly doses of 1x trit., 3 times in evening and twice next m. At 9 a.m., tenesmus, after 1/2 hours small thin stool, then for some hours griping in belly as after a chill, and hereupon headache. From 11 o’clock, feeling of dull pressure through whole head, shaking on movement as if brain lay loose in it, sensibly increased in fresh cold air, and also when hanging head down, and for awhile after rising up a beating, thumping, pulsating pain, especially in occiput; eating relieved for a time. Tongue next day was coated whitish-yellow, and there was bad taste (as after senna leaves) all forenoon; stool occurred as yesterday, preceded by tenesmus and followed by belly-ache; and there was the same headache, but slighter. On 3rd day no headache; slighter urging to stool all day; two normal motions in evening. 12b. A woman proved tinct. and reports: Vertigo as if everything whirled round with her, worse on going upstairs and turning quickly; dull headache all over forehead, with heaviness in eyes and nausea; headache in forehead and vertex (4th d.) like a load, worse in warmth, better in cool air; no appetite; and feverish feeling (pulse 104); much eructation with pressure in stomach (2nd d.); on several day nausea immediately after dose, must sit still to keep off vomiting, therewith pains from stomach to both sides of chest; pressure in pit of stomach through to back like a load, with soreness, rising and falling, accompanied by frequent eructations; weak feeling in pit of stomach, like a load, and burning there; diarrhoea, during gripings, after midnight, stools yellowish green, with pain before and after; stitching pain over arch of pubes (4th d.); a sharp pain drawing through groin to middle of thigh; pain in heart, going through to under left scapula; sacral pains, in rest and movement (2nd d.). (Ibid.) 13. WHITEY took 1st cent. trit., and reports throbbing headache and (evening) dryness of tongue and mouth, with increased thirst and redder lips. (Ibid.) 14. ZUMBROCK, after triturating drug, observed feeling like tenesmus in rectum near anus, more towards perinaeum; and sudden blunt shoots from below upwards on right side of head, in evening and following morning. (Ibid.) 15. B. and St., each age 20, former of bilious, latter of lymphatic temperament, took small doses of A. (one to three grains). Symptoms observed were: 15a. (St.) Violent but transient stitches in left temporal region, increased by every step; dryness in mouth and much thirst, dry heat in mouth, tongue very red and rather dry; dryness in throat; congestions in abdomen; boring pain in umbilical region; all day, discharge of much fetid flatus; blood comes after stool; burning pain in anus after a hard stool; urine scanty, scalding; at n., heavy dreams. 15b. (B.) Attacks of vertigo; drawing, shooting pain in left inner ear, afterwards also in right; superficial cracking f upper lip towards inside, when laughing; stitches in third right hollow molar; throbbing in same after smoking tobacco; nausea; empty eructation; eructation with taste of ingesta; rumbling, wind on stomach; fulness of stomach after drinking water, and bilious eructation; pressure and tension in right epigastrium; increased heat in abdomen; rumbling, gurgling, rolling in belly; full feeling in belly; distension; dull stitches in umbilical region when sneezing; discharge of much flatus; pinching before stool; bilious stool; frequent call to stool; after a pappy stool, straining, but without further evacuation; frequent calls to urinate; urine deep yellow; tearing in right thigh; pulse quicker as usual (BUCHNER, Allg. hom. Zeit., xx, 263.) 16a. Dr. WATZKE proved A. from 20th to 26th of April, 1853, commencing with 3 drops of tincture, and increasing the dose by 1 drop each d. From thence to May 2nd he took medicine only every 2nd day, increasing as before by 1 drop daily. The dose was always taken 1 or 2 hours before noon meal. The only symptoms he could positively attribute to A. belonged to the abdomen and its functions. On the first days, he twice had increased tension and peculiar sensation in abdomen soon after dinner, with hurried call to stool, only a little brownish slimy, half-fluid motion being passed. On 6th day stool, though soft and copious, was passed with difficulty and repeated effort. In the last days, feeling of fulness, swelling an heat in the rectum, recurring repeatedly and especially when walking, lasting 10 to 15 m. Creeping, itching, smarting on various parts, e.g. perinaeum, houghs, calves, inner side of thigh, were felt throughout were due to the medicine.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.