
[Some of these symptoms continued a day or two longer, and fresh ones are noted as occurring up to the 25th day; but their causation by the drug is too dubious to admit of their insertion. It may also be fairly questioned whether certain of the foregoing symptoms were not due to a catarrhal chill. – EDS.]. (Amer. Arznciprufungen.) 5. Dr. GOSEWICH took 4th trit., and reports: Headache in morning following incomplete evacuation of bowels, lasting until a 2nd stool follows a few hours after; stool on following m. is golden-yellow; strong pulsation in anus, while sitting, after dinner. (Ibid.) 6. Dr. HELBIG took 5 grains one afternoon. Next morning, on awaking, aching over a large space in middle abdomen; is compelled thereby to lie bent and to press upon the abdomen, which relieves. After rising, pan passed into mild cutting, and he had two normally coloured pappy evacuations. At same time, pain on inner margin of metatarsal bone of great toe, on walking and at rest; first, there is a pressure, then follows a slight drawing, as if the pressure extended itself. On 3rd day, on rising in morning, severe aching in a small circle around navel, as if he had received blow from fist on abdomen. He plainly felt the pain, however, in the intestinal canal, and pressure on umbilical region increased it much; therewith yellow pappy diarrhoea and some nausea. The stool is accompanied by pricking in anus, as if it would tear (in front). Afterwards, a continued pain in anal passage, which obliged him frequently to draw it together, whereby it became tense and ached. In evening slight squeezing pain in right ear. On 6th day a jerking pain in region of left lower ribs, internally, from above downwards, and from without inwards (on walking in m.). On 9th day, at n. in bed, pressive pain in right forearm, beginning midway and ending in wrist, where it seemed as if it would force bones of joint asunder.

These are all the dated symptoms; but the following also are reported:- Pressive pain in left temple especially, occurring now and then; pressive sensation on vertex; pressive aching at angle of right occiput; aching, like a pressure, in occipital scalp; pustules in right external angle of eye, surrounded by many red vessels; in evening h., remarkable coldness of nose to touch; thirst, especially for beer, which seems to alleviate pains in anus; bitter eructations for several days; hard pressive pains in region of right lower ribs, alternating with just such pains in upper chest, as if below sternum, – former transitory but more frequent, latter more enduring but rarer; painfulness of whole abdomen, especially in sides and in front about navel, which parts cannot bear to be touched; on making a false step on pavement in hurts much in epigastrium; stool indeed daily, but difficult to pass, distending rectum first; he must go to stool soon after a meal; after loud rumblings and movements in abdomen, a thin evacuation, passing almost involuntarily, consisting in part of thin, yellow faeces, partly of bilious mucus streaking these, thereafter crawling in anus, compelling rubbing; scraping feeling in throat, producing cough, dry at night, and more moist in morning; chest in front and sides up to axillae painful to touch as if beaten, pain seeming to be between bones and flesh, excited also (in front) by deep breathing (with abdominal pain as above, muscles there painful on rising after lying), pectoral muscles painful on moving arms, and abdominal (at costal attachments) on pressing at stool, lasting 8 day; pain in coccyx, as if he had fallen on it; aching in lower knuckles of first fingers of right hand, evening; soles painful in walking on pavement, as if he had made a long journey – also at rest; in evening, biting griping at navel, obliging him to rub it.

The following are observations by Dr. HELBIG:

6a. E. S. took 2 grains, triturated with sugar of milk. Was morose and ill-humoured for several day; on 4th day had severe drawing sacral pains, spreading over whole pelvis, filling him with ill-humour; they increased in evenings, and lasted 8 days. 6b. Took 2 grains at noon. Had immediately painful sensation in abdomen; towards following morning, three yellowish diarrhoeic stools, therewith dull pain across under ribs, with slight distension, some frontal headache, crawling in bowels, and chilliness, so that he felt very cold whenever he left stove; last stood accompanied by burning in rectum, haemorrhoidal pains, and much flatus, and followed by constipation for 2 days. 6c. Took an unknown quantity, and had bitter taste, with loss of appetite, and cutting in hypochondria. 6d. Another reports downward and inward pressing pan towards nose in mid-forehead, and grasping beneath pit of stomach. 6e. A girl, age, 9, who licked a piece of A., had pressure in forehead immediately, and later displayed unusual cheerfulness. 6f. A woman who rubbed tincture on abdomen had (besides some local irritation) aching in upper and middle parts, going downwards, with sense as of stone within, hurting her, and, when lying on one side, seeming to move to other. She sweated very much during night, and on next day, was taken with dry coryza and diarrhoea. (Ibid.) 7. Dr. HENCKE. – a. Took 10 drops of tincture (1 to 5). During first hours had frequent tenesmus, and in night and following day blunt stitching pain and grasping between shoulders, most towards right. On 2nd day, had in morning nauseating bitter taste in mouth; on rising, sacral pains, and during day drawing about there, with sense of weight, especially in sitting; head confused, with dislike to any exertion; blunt stitches, now in left, now in right, hypochondrium; sense of fulness in abdomen; pressure and drawing in right renal region; this day and next, two pappy stools. On 3rd day, periodical movements and distension of abdomen, especially after eating; on this day and next, sacral heaviness continues, involving rectum. On 5th and following day, hard evacuations. Referred to this dose, but without note of time, are: Dull stitches through left temple, into brain; dull drawing in left side of occiput; after dinner acrid risings; after breakfast some pressure in epigastrium, relieved by eructations; grasping pain in splenic region; fine cuttings in upper abdomen; periodical drawing in right inguinal region; a transitory but recurring drawing in left buttock. Cutting pains become worse after any sour food. 7b. Took 30 drops in m. On 1st day, after 12 hours, a thin pappy stool, and in 3 hours another; also anxious uneasiness, preventing mental labour; pressure about temples, with periodical heat of face and flickering before eyes; a twisting and griping pain in upper abdomen soon after dinner and supper; the dull sense of weight in sacrum, relieved by walking, recurs, and lasts 8 day; on this and following day, periodical clutching in coccygeal region for several m. at a time; periodical blunt stitches in hepatic region, at times moving into chest, and obstructing respiration; and sensitive pressure in orbits. On 2nd day, in m., some drops of blood from nose; twisting and griping in upper abdomen and around umbilicus, compelling him to sit bent up, which relieves; therewith repeated urging to stool, but only flatus passes, very offensive, and producing burning in anus, with temporary relief to pains; heaviness in legs. On 3rd day, frequent tenesmus without stool. On all 3 day, burning in anus for some time after emission of hot flatus. 7c. Took in morning 2 grains, rubbed up with 4 of sugar of milk. Outpressing pain in forehead towards temples began soon, and continued, worse on walking, but especially on stooping; in 1 hours, after frequent urging, scanty, dry stool, with sense as if more would come; in 3 hours, an internal sense of congestion under short ribs; in afternoon, a slight cutting in abdomen, which increases on movement, or when body is drawn up, relieved by sitting bent; in evening, emission of very offensive flatus, which gives ease; at night, awakes with blunt stitches in splenic, going to sacral, region. On this day also, feeling in nose as if blood would come; grasping in both hypochondria; a few blunt stitches in hepatic region; gripings occasionally in umbilical region, sending a shudder through whole body; pappy stool at unwonted time (10 th. after). On 2nd day, peevish and morose; head confused. dim sight while writing; after evacuation, cutting at navel; stool twice, which is quite unusual with him, more pappy; rush of blood to chest, provoking, several times, dry cough; dyspnoea, with periodical pressure and grasping in chest, especially in right half; on this and following day, drawing about and twisting in bowels. On 3rd day, pressive pain in forehead, involving orbits. From 3rd to 5th day, very stiff in sacrum after sitting, rising up was difficult; then feeling as of a load in sacrum and pelvis. Referred to same dose, but without note of time, we have: Drawing in lower front teeth; during deep breathing, stitches in praecordia; dyspnoea, and dull stitches in lower part of chest; stitches in right sacral region. (Ibid.) 8a. Dr. HERING took one dose of gr. 1/2 of the 1, trit., and subsequently the 3rd. From former he reports, 3 hours after, a second soft stool; 8 hours after, a third. From latter, – after 2 or 3 m., pressure in middle of right half of brain, and cold feeling of left side of tongue; 3 hours after, sense of fulness like congestion in the haemorrhoids; later, an indistinct urgency to stool, and a second small stool, which was entirely unusual, whereby the haemorrhoids protrude very much, and there is pain, as if sore and chapped, in anus; 8 hours after (5 p.m.), again a small, thin stool (quite unusual), followed by much fulness and urging in anus; 3 to 4 hours after, on bending to left side, short (inch-long) severe pinching stitches, deep within, at back of left chest, and under left nipple, at times impeding inspiration, changing in a few m. to higher up in front; in 20 or 30 m. later, similar stitches in right chest, in same place, less severe; 9 hours after, pain as if sprained and bruised in tendo- Achillis, especially of left foot. The following symptoms, without date, are also referred to 3rd:- Very peculiar vertigo for some days, – during movement, he feels as if he ought to lie down; there is an internal sensation which makes everything seem insecure, and causes great anxiety, then follows coryza, first on left side, then on right, with copious secretion of mucus, which soon becomes thick, on which the vertigo goes off; wheezing, panting respiration in evening after smoking; sensation as if a hair lay on back of hand and of fingers, many times; itching first in right, then in 1., popliteal space; places scratched sore pain very sensitively. 8b. The following symptoms are marked as H.’s, but without specification of dose:- After 1 hour, internal pain in left thigh, and pressure on left parietal eminence; on 1st day; stitches on right head, between forehead and vertex, from above inwards; pain in hepatic region, as if strained from great exertion; and some itching on small spot on inside of left thigh, above knee. On 3rd day, ill-humour, and peevish mood; painful pimples, like nodules, in skin under chin, behind jaw on right side; in forenoon, left hand falls asleep while sitting; in evening, after much straining, with flatus, a scanty stool, with much pressing, small and soft. Fifth day, on left scalp, near vertex, feeling as if it had been beaten, so that pressure thereon is painful, though it does good.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.