Acidum Picricum

4. M. W. G. -, nervous temperament, aet. 24. February 9th, 1874, 10 p.m., 1 dose of 5th. 10th, 10 a.m., twitching of lower portion of biceps of left arm lasting 1/2 hour. 12 m. Sensation of fulness and heaviness of head, with disinclination for mental or physical work; desires to sit still; aversion to talking or movement; fulness and heaviness increased till 2 p.m., when it developed into a severe throbbing headache; worse on left side, but chiefly in left eye and occipital region; markedly aggravated by going upstairs, which causes intense throbbing pain in eyeball. 4 p.m. Headache relieved; nausea, accompanied by intermittent griping pains in the epigastric region, continuing until night. February 11th. – During forenoon, at intervals, twitching of biceps of left arm as before, with fulness and heaviness of the head, followed by throbbing pains in eye and occiput (left), but not as marked as before; dulness and indifference; disinclination to talk and study; takes no interest in surrounding things. February 16th, 10 a.m., 1 dose of 5th. 2 p.m. Fulness and heaviness of the head, with disinclination to do anything; followed by severe headache as on 10th; small furuncle in left nostril. 6 p.m. Severe pain in left inguinal region on walking, aggravated by going upstairs; great heaviness and weakness of lower extremities; aggravation between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. (Ibid., p. 157.)

5. Mr. SULLIVAN, in good health; urine acid and normal. January 6th, took 1 dose of 5th. 7th, 3 p.m., scanty soft stool, with burning at anus. Dull pain in anterior muscles of thigh, and in lumbar region, with feeling of lassitude and weakness in same, especially in legs, aggravated by moving. 7 p.m. Dull, steady frontal headache, with vertigo when rising and walking 8 p.m. Full, pressing sensation in head from within outwards, as if head would fly apart; greatly aggravated by motion and study. 8th. – Weakness and heaviness of limbs. (Ibid., p.152.)

6. Three persons experienced symptoms from taking 30th, and one from 25th. These were substantially as above, save that furuncle in nostril of No. 4 became in two provers of 30th a crop of such on face, becoming pustular and very painful, burning and stinging when touched. (Ibid., p. 149, 151, 152. 156.)

7. S. O. GARMON, aet. 32, took daily doses of 2x dil., increasing from 10 drops on 1st d. to 30 on 7th, thence declining to 20 from 9th to 11th d. On 1st d. 30 m. after dose had tingling feeling in lips and slight dull throbbing pain in left temple; in 2 1/2 hour formication over right temporal region, running up over parietal bone, preceded by pain there, running behind ears; also irregular, dull pain in inferior maxilla, with beating in molar teeth; in 7 hours fulness in abdomen; in 9 hours shooting pain through left umbilical region from before backwards. On 2nd d. tingling throbbing, and formication came on 1 hour after dose; in 2 1/2 hours disagreeable pressure as of weight in pit of stomach desire to belch wind without power to do so; in 4 hours disagreeable dull headache, severest over right temple, passing around occiput. On 3rd days, after 4 1/2 hours sharp pain in epigastric region; in evening much flatus, and some in the umbilical region. On 4th days rumbling and much flatus. On 5th days nothing noticed. On 6th days, dull pain diffused throughout head; some pain in abdomen and neck of bladder. On 7th days dull general headache, most in right side, with occasional shoots through temples from right to left; much flatus and rumbling, and quite a sharp pain to left of umbilicus. On 8th days, appetite, hitherto increased, went away; he ate as usual but without relish; lassitude, and disagreeable feeling generally. On 9th days slight full headache; on 11th much flatus. [ The prover also had some unique urinary symptoms, which Dr. Jones gives with reserve, viz. in e. of 3rd d;, urine dark red; on 5th d., urine dark, sp. gr. 1030, copper and fermentation test gave indications of sugar; on 5th and 10th d. very highly coloured.-EDS] (Dr. S. A. Jones’ provings, Allen’s Encyclopedia, vi, 519.)

8. J. A. BAKER took daily for 5 d. 10 drops of lx dil. in m. For first 3 d. head was heavy and hot, and in 30 m. after dose dull pain came on in forehead and temples, worst on right side; there was oppressive feeling in epigastric region, palpitation, irregular pulse, and very hot feeling in lower dorsal and lumbar region. Also, on 2nd d. low spirits; tired feeling; on 3rd d. felt unable to study from pain in head; and had frequent eructations; on 5th days increased flow of urine. From 6th to 10th days took 15 drops daily, and same three times on 11th. On 6th d. had trembling in all muscles; and 6th and 7th head bad in e.; on 9th and 10th also head ached. On 11th there was a pressure between temples, increased after 3rd dose; on 11th urine again increased. On 12th took 20 drops three times; low spirits, headache, copious urine; palpitation after 1st dose, burning along coronal suture after 2nd, after third burning along spine, worse from trying to study, better from motion. On 13th day took 3 doses of 25, 30, and 20 drops respectively. Had diuresis and epigastric oppression as before; after 1st dose, headache, with heat in head, and rheumatic pains in joints and extremities; after 2nd heat in upper eyelids with lachrymation, jerking drawing in urethra, palpitation, great trembling of muscles and general debility, with drowsiness in afternoon till he had slept 1 hour, heat in right side of head and in lower dorsal and lumbar regions; after 3rd dose very irritable. Beating of temporal arteries was noticed on several days during proving; the head symptoms continued some time after discontinuance of drug. (Ibid.)

9. J. D. BAKER, aet. 37, took 10 drops of lx dil. daily for 10 days. On 1st day dull headache in front and right side, with heat in head and upper body (2 hours after dose); in evening pain in head, with some thirst and heat, chiefly in temples, and burning in external ears. On 2nd day profuse urine; about 11 a.m. pain in vertex, with slight fever. On 6th day urine was scanty, and there was itching of body during night; he awoke at 3 a.m. and found it difficult to go to sleep. On 8th day urine became dark yellow with strong odour. On 10th d. eyes felt sore; sight was dim and confused; there was “intense raising of wind”; urine was scanty and dark yellow; pain in lumbar region; shooting pains in hands; numbness of whole body, with pains, as felt when taking cold; pain in right side; slight fever and dull headache; went to bed at 9, but could not get to sleep till 2. Next day, great desire to be alone; severe headache all d., aggravated on rising, better in open air; disgust for food and some thirst, pain in back. On 12th days repeated dose; pain in back continued, worse when sitting; bitter taste in mouth, with great thirst; urine yellow and profuse. On 13th and 14th days took 20 drops: thirst continued, urine was very profuse, left hand went to sleep. (Ibid.) 10. G. E. ADAMS for 16 days took 10 to 40 dros doses of lx dil., generally 4 times a day. On 1st and 2nd days slight headache after taking medicine; all evening of 2nd, headache; frontal, extending to vertex, of dull heavy tingling character; slight colicky pain. On 3rd d. this worse all forenoon, with same headache; two stools before 9 a. m., like gruel, yellowish grey; urine much scantier than usual. Nothing then noticed till 8th d., when he had recurrence of headache in evening lasting all next d.; pain dull, with occasional shoots. From 8th to 10th eyes were dry and smarting, worse from use and lamplight. On 11th d. headache in vertex, vertigo on stooping or lying down, head feels congested. On 12th d. shooting in front part of head, from outside to centre, quite severe all evening; slight pain after micturition. On 13th, vertigo worse in evening; frontal headache all days; urine of milky-olive hue. On 14th headache continued; numb sensation in lower sternum (a symptom experienced much when living in a malarious country). On 15th headache worse, continuing during 16th, relieved by open air. On 16th had a peculiar nervous symptom, never experienced by him save when a fever was departing, a feeling as if he were about to be crushed by the bedclothes; also arms, face tongue and fore part of brain seemed to reach to clouds when going to sleep. (Ibid.)

11 a. G. A. TABER, aet. 23, took from 10 to 20 drops of lx dil. 6 times during 3 days. Seems to have noticed no effects save that pimples which he had on face and neck for several years were (on 4th d.) remarkably increased in number and size.

11b. In a second proving, took lx and 2x dils. during 4 days and lx trit. on 8th and 9th d. On 2nd d. dribbling after urinating. On 3rd found urine passed during previous 24 hours with heavy deposit of urates; and in evening, while walking, sense of great fatigue came on lasting till night, legs feeling heavy. Next d. still got tired on least exertion; in afternoon, soreness in ball of left great toe, going off on exertion; in evening, for 1 hour, pain in lower right occiput, as if right cerebellum was loose, keeps throbbing, worse on movement, better at rest; also momentary sharp pain in right bladder. On 5th d. sensation as of strong pressure on bridge of nose; feeling as if plug were in throat during and after empty swallowing; still easily tired; constant dreaming during night. On 6th d. could not keep thoughts to study, and brain soon tired; notes that this is 4th m. in succession that he has awoke with an erection; on lying down, in afternoon and at night, feeling as if right neck muscles would give out. On 7th day found urates again as on 3rd. On 8th d., in evening pain in right lower occiput, and slight shooting in right side of small of back; could not get to sleep till late from ideas crowding into mind. On 9th d. same headache extending upwards over to right supra-orbital region, for 3 hours; great prostration on walking. On 10th, brief recurrence of occipital pain. Nothing further recorded till 13th d., when he had cold clammy sweat of hands and feet in daytime; this recurred on most of the succeeding days up to the 20th. Therewith, on 14th d., the occipital pain, and great prostration on walking or making least exertion; on 15th, pain from scapula to loins (right) on bending forwards; same prostration on walking; on 16th, heaviness of lids and burning in eyes (evening); while reading sight is blurred, seemingly from winking mucus over eyes, the air also appears smoky; heaviness and weariness of limbs on walking short distance; on 17th, agglutination of lids in morning conjunctivae, especially right, much inflamed, hard work to keep eyes open, relief from cold water or air, aggravation in warm room; throat sore, worse on left side, rough, scrappy sensation on swallowing, better after eating, worse after sleep; still easily tired; on 18th, on awaking, eyes felt as if there were sticks in them, but inflammation had partly subsided; throat sore only on empty deglutition; on 19th, occipital pain again; on 20th, sensation as of sticks in eyes.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.