Acidum Fluoricum

1c. The 6th and 30th were also proved, in what manner is not stated. The following symptoms are recorded as observed after the 6th:- In evening he is very discontented, and looks at everything in the worst light; in the morning, after a restless night, his temper is very cheerful and joyous. On making his notes he mistakes right and left, a circumstance that does not easily happen to him-2nd day. Dullness and painful tension in head towards night, 2nd days. In evening, after animated conversation, heat in face and headache, like a pressing and forcing deep interiorly towards left; appearing at times and subsiding again; it then passes to left upper jaw, as if teeth ached, even at those places where roots of teeth had been extracted a year ago – 2nd day. In chewing, taste like ink; seems to proved from a lower tooth on left side-2nd day. With diarrhoea, pain more particularly in region of navel-several hours. He feels as it the wind were retained in the anus. Before and after urination, pain in lower part of bladder, there is also pain on pressure-1st and 2nd days. Urination more frequent-several days. A violent, slightly burning, quick nervous pain proceeds from region of bladder down to right thigh, while lying in bed-1st days. Burning shooting pain, as if it were in nerve, from right hip downwards, particularly on inside of knee; further down less distinctly-2nd day. Violent itchings, and small pimples here and there.

1d. From the 30th, the following symptoms had been verified by lower attenuations:-With his usual good appetite, he nevertheless is soon satisfied. The evacuation becomes protracted, insufficient, and lumpy. On awaking, right upper arm and shoulder feel bruised and benumbed, after lying on left side- several days. (Materia Medica of American Provings.)

2. Dr. ESREY, after taking 1st, had sickness of stomach from 3 to 4 hours; after 2nd, had shooting pain in left forehead, increased lachrymation, soreness of wrists and pain in corns. (Ibid.)

3. Dr. FREITAG took 30th, followed by 6th. From latter attenuation are reported-Headache in forehead and temples. Behind right ear a pain which moves upward in head; at same time in right heel. Pain in right ear-4th days. Pain in right side of neck. Pressing pain in left arm, just above elbow, and numb pain down forearms to hands. Acute needle-pricks in fingers. Severe pains in all left toes save 1st after 8th dose; also pains, of short duration, in left leg, arm and hand. Pressure and sensation of lameness, particularly in hand, arm to elbow, and foot. After 30th occurred (confirmed by Hering’s experiment with 3rd) pimples on abdomen, but principally on thighs and legs, points of which soon formed a crust, and scaled off 17 days after commencing proving. (Ibid.)

4. Dr. HUSEMANN took 30th and 1st. From latter only symptom reported is – In evening of 2nd day, after retiring, on closing eyes red sparklings cross each other in all possible directions; this gradually ceases, and there remains a red flaming trembling for a few minutes, which disappears after opening eyes. Symptoms from 30th are mostly trivial, and the few noteworthy and unconfirmed. (Ibid.)

5. Dr. WALLTER WILLIAMSON took at 5 p. m. 20 drops of 5th. Immediately felt stunning sensation in head, most in front, and stiffness and soreness in nucha. At 10 took teaspoonful of 1 to 200 solution: in 15 minutes following symptoms appeared in succession, – compressing pain in right frontal eminence, dislocative pain in first joint of right little finger, drawing round left eye, pain in right outer ankle, heat in sole of right foot, deep-seated pain below right knee, with pain on inside, sticking under ribs to left of ensiform cartilage, trembling in right biceps. On 9th heavy pain in left half of head along coronal sutures. took another teaspoonful. Excessive languor, decidedly uncomfortable sensation in stomach. P. m.-Profuse sour offensive perspiration, free evacuation of bowels twice. On 10th, soreness in muscles of thighs, aching in right elbow-joint, lameness in left hip. On 11th, soreness and pain on motion in left hip, particularly felt on getting in and out of bed; elevated round and red blotches over eyebrows, most on left, but longer-lasting on right; in eyebrows some pityriasis, with pricking sensation. On 12th eruptions continued through day, but other symptoms were absent till evening, when he had pricking sensation in ends of index fingers, most in left, and in right thumb; penetrating pain in left side of left knee; aching in left elbow; crawling in sole of right foot; copious urine of pungent and strong odour; pain in right frontal eminence; aching in left index; dryness of left half of palate and roof of mouth. At night sweetish taste in throat, and deep-seated pain in left lumbar region. (Ibid.)

6. Dr. JEANES took 5 drops of 3rd. Immediately after, acid taste and greasy feeling in mouth. In 5 morning confusion and pain through head. In 8 minutes pain in inner condyle of left femur; in 45 minutes in right hip. In 2 hours burning feeling in sole of right foot. In 3 hours pain about right wrist and finger- joints, in first joints of toes of right foot, in right instep (with burning). There was, after taking dose, prickling of tongue and increase of saliva for some hour, with afterwards smarting feeling of palate, as if something very acid had been gargled; feeling of tenderness and irritability in larynx; coughing to clear throat causes feeling of soreness, which shows an unusual degree of sensibility. (Ibid.)

7. Dr. NEIDHARD took, at 9:30 a. m., 30 drops of 2nd. In a few minutes uneasiness about heart, in 15 minutes aching there; after 1 hour soreness and jerking, which in another hour became painful. With cardiac uneasiness began determination of blood to head, with heat in forehead, gradually increasing to frontal headache. Very soon eructation of wind and sickness at stomach; latter increasing upto 2 hours, with general heat, heaviness, and lameness. In 15 minutes slight lameness in right arm, and burning in eyes. Very soon, aching pain in sacrum, and during 1st and 2nd hours jerking there. In 1 hour rheumatic pain in bones of left arm, from elbow to shoulder, with lameness. In 2-3 hours pyrosis with nausea, heaviness above eyes and sick headache. In 3-4 hours pyrosis with nausea, heaviness above eyes and sick headache. In 3-4 hours violent burning pain in all the toes, so that he can hardly walk; soreness in chest. In 4 hours pressive headache in both temples; toothache, drawing in left lower jaw; still some sickness of stomach, with vertigo and headache; occasionally stitches and drawing through left testicle to abdominal ring and spermatic cord; oppression with pain in chest; small stitches in side; pain in right knee-joint with some in bones of right forearm. After dinner some bitter eructations. In evening headache in right forehead and itching in right internal canthus of eye; inclination to diarrhoea, two stools. Next day, afternoon, frequent acid educations, with pyrosis and passage of flatulence; pain in right upper arm in bone towards elbow, passing over to left; two hard stools. (Ibid.)

8. Mr. E. SMITH proved 1st and 2nd.

8 a. 5 minutes after taking 40 drops of 2nd, there commenced an increased flow of saliva, which caused him to spit constantly for about 10 minutes, when he began to feel a pain in head, a sensation as if head were too heavy, and would drop down from one side to the other, also a pressing outward from within; after this pain had commenced the flow of saliva began to diminish, and in about an hour ceased entirely. The feeling of heaviness in head continued in a diminished degree until going to bed: he awoke with it in morning, but it ceased at 9 a. m. On bending the head (stooping) on previous evening a dull, quick throbbing pain came in right temple, lasting only a short time.

8b. Soon after taking 1st, 6 p. m. 10 days later, there commenced the same salivation, with a dull heavy pain in whole head, slight fever heat under eyes, sickness of stomach with desire to vomit, heat in gums, later in pharynx. These feelings passed away in an hour. At 7:30 a dull heavy pain in upper part of forehead, passing sometimes to upper part of both temples, more particularly in left. This pain is increased on stooping. Shooting pain in bowels, as if from wind, sometimes very acute. Next morning there was rumbling there, with wandering pains. Dead feeling in right knee-joint. At 10:30 (other pains having ceased, save in head and knee), a sore pain left side of the chest, as if beneath skin, felt only on moving, and a similar pain in left scapula. He awoke in morning with a slight pain in forehead, which soon passed away. On getting up, pain in left chest, as yesterday. After breakfast, no pains save on quickly moving head, which caused aching all day. (Ibid.).


The local effects of the acid are those of a powerful corrosive caustic. This is seen in the case of fatal poisoning reported by King (Trans. of Path. Soc., xxiv, 98), where half an ounce caused violent vomiting, speedily followed by collapse, and death in 35 hours; in the instance given by Gruber (Oest. Medorrhinum Wochenschrift, N. S., ii, 2, 242), where a minute’s exposure of the hand to the vapour set up violent pain, inflammation, vesication, and suppuration, with fever; and in the experiments of Kreiner, who took solutions of various strength, which excited the objective and subjective symptoms of inflammation in mouth and throat, with vomiting, followed by nausea, eructations, and lassitude. (Ibid.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.