MERCURIUS CYANATUS signs and symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from the Text Book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics of Rare Homeopathic Remedies by Oscar Hansen. Find out the indications for the use of homeopathy medicine MERCURIUS CYANATUS…

Characteristic Symptoms

      Weakness, so that he cannot stand up. Swelling of salivary glands. White opalescent coat resembling superficial mucous patches of syphilis, on pillars of velum palati and tonsils, then dark and gangrenous. Swallowing difficult. Necrotic destruction of soft parts of palate and fauces.


      Valuable remedy in diphtheria with mercurial symptoms and aggravations, extreme prostration. Dark blood from the nose. Threatening collapse, small intermittent pulse, often rapid. Offensive breath. Syphilitic ulcera of pharynx and nose. Diphtheria of the larynx, croupy cough, dyspnoea. Also where the disease invades the nostrils and diphtheria in scarlatina. Best remedy in syphilitic ulcers of nose and pharynx, when perforation is threatening (Donner).

Oscar Hansen
Dr. Oscar Hansen, M.D., from Denmark, was a corresponding member of the British Homeopathic Society and the American Institute of Homeopathy. His book 'Textbook of Materia Medica and Therapeutics of Rare Homeopathic Remedies' was published in 1899.