Homeopathy Remedy Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum

Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum…

      Triturate with sugar of milk for use.

General Action and Relationship

      See Aurum and Natrum mur.


      Increase of secretions from stomach intestines and kidneys. Boring in those parts which are at rest. Circulation accelerated. Weakness; in morning on rising. Symptoms are most frequent during rest.

Clinical Hysterical spasms, with unconsciousness for several hours, beginning with coldness with coldness starting from abdomen, sometimes with pulsation in occiput with inflamed uterus filling the whole pelvis, interfering with the action of the bowels and bladder, entirely cured.


      Tearing diagonally over H. Aching. Deep seated drawing, and in face.

Forehead-Tearing in bone. Sticking in bone. Boring in bone; in bone above eyes; in I. bone, extending in to eye; in bone, with cutting. Pain; wandering; wandering in bone. Drawing in I. side; in and heaviness; on r. bone, mostly with a bruised feeling. Heaviness; in sinciput; in sinciput when sitting; in sitting in sinciput, with heat; in sinciput, with pressure.

Boring in temple; in I. as with a wedge. Distensive pressure in temples. Throbbing in temples. Vertex, cutting shooting across I. side; tearing across to i. side; boring in r. side; drawing diagonally across Side, tearing in I. cutting in I. above forehead, when siting; cutting in a spot in r; drawing in I. Occiput, boring inside; B. in r. side when sitting, Frequent tearing on various parts of skull. Cutting in a spot on scalp of r. side of vertex.


      Boring in r. Stitches in r. Stitches in I; in ball; in margins of lids, with burning; in r. inner canthus; 1. outer canthus. Boring in edges of lids. Boring in bones below eyes; above eyes; above r. eye. in bone over I. eye; in orbit above r. when walking.


      Stitches in r.; deep in I.; in front of I. Boring in depth of r.; behind ear; in bone behind r; deep-seated in neighborhood of r. Pressure in bone over r.; in bone above ear. Tingling deep in



      Boring in bones; close to r. bone; along I. side; in r. side, with cutting. Pressure in I. side of bone. Drawing from tip upward, also on sides, with sensation as if it and adjacent parts were thickened; d. in r. nostril and in skin of cheek on I. side of nose, with biting pain. Air passes with unusual freedom. Sneezing.


      Twitching about chin, towards lip. Stitching in skin of I. cheek; in skin of cheek, then heat. Tearing in I. cheek. Cutting in a spot in skin of r. cheek. Boring deep in I. cheek.

; in I. zygoma. Drawing pain downward in I. cheek. Drawing in chin; in I. cheek; in r. cheek when sitting. Lip, crack in middle of lower, with biting, burning, and pain on touch; stitches in I. side of lower; stitches in vermilion border of lower, pulsation in lower, with sensations if its centre were thickened. Jaw, boring in I. side; in r. side of upper.


      Boring in roots of r. teeth; when sitting, alternating with stitches; B. in lower incisors, extending towards knee, with cutting. Drawing in lower incisors. Tension in roots of I. teeth. Stitches in tip of tongue; below tongue, with scraping. Biting on tip of tongue. Burning in tip; on under surface of tip of tongue. Burning in tip; on under surface of tongue and below tongue; deep-seated below tongue, on sides of fraenum. Redness behind upper incisors, with swelling and with pain, (<) motion and warm or salt food, the inflamed spot is like a yellow blister, with a red edge, the redness extending towards I. palate, afterwards it is rose-red, painful to touch and feels rough and swollen. Mouth and throat dry. Salivation; with scraping in fauces; with taste partly sweetish, partly metallic. Taste coppery after milksop, which was salted only a little, with smarting pain i. and with dullness of teeth; coppery, with constriction of salivary glands, clear saliva and dullness of teeth, (>) eating, but returning.

Clinical Indurations of tongue.


      Nausea. Gastric irritation. Pressure in epigastric region.

Anus and Stool

      Haemorrhoid painful, protruding. Stitches in anus. Constipation or diarrhoea.

Urinary Organs

      Stitches in end of urethra. Cutting in end of urethra, also on urinating. Frequent urination. Diuresis.

Sexual Organs

      Clinical – Obstinate leucorrhoea, with spasmodic contractions of muscles of vagina. Chronic metritis and prolapsus. Induration of vaginal portion of uterus. Enlargement of uterus for fourteen years, twice its natural size, entirely cured, uterus replaced itself. Induration of ovaries, reaching as far as umbilicus. Cases of ovarian dropsy. Ulcerations of neck of womb and vagina, resulting from inflammations and indurations. Causes of subinvolution, Anteversion and prolapsus, with greenish-yellow discharge. All these cases were curd by internal use of the remedy, generally 3rd trite., it usually caused increase of appetite.

Respiratory Organs

      Tickling in larynx and some what deeper; in larynx, with dry cough. Cough spasmodic; short dry, with scraping in larynx; short dry, even to retching; Difficult respiration, with anxiety.


      Stitches in wall below I. axillae; in wall, now affected by reception. Tearing between ribs, below I. nipple, when walking. Boring in wall above I. nipple. Wandering pain in I. wall during rest. Drawing pain above I. clavicle, towards shoulder and nape, when sitting. Pressure between sternum and r. nipple; behind sternum, extending into back, when walking; outward sternum, extending into back, when walking; outwards from. nipple, unaffected by aspiration.


      Violent beats, with pressure while standing. Beats rapid, irregular, on slight motion, with oppression. Irregular beating, with anxiety and difficulty in breathing, afterwards arrest of breath. Palpitation irregular when stooping; rapid, small, irregular, on slight motion, with oppression. Irregular beating, with anxiety and difficulty in breathing, afterwards arrest of breath. Palpitation irregular, anxious, when walking; palpitation irregular when sitting, with inclination to inspire deeply; palpitation small, rapid, when standing and sitting, with necessity to inspire deeply.


      Cracking in cervical vertebrae on bending head. Sticking in I. side, with burning. Tearing in I. side. Pain in I. side; burning, in skin of nape. Drawing in skin on I. side, with burning. tension in I. muscles as far as clavicle, (<) bending head to r., with pressure, at time unbearable during rest.


      Boring in I. scapula. Drawing in dorsal vertebra; in muscles on I. side, with pressure. Pressure on r. scapula; in muscles on side of I. scapula.

Upper Extremities

      Stitches in r. axilla during rest. Shoulder, boring; pressure in r; pressure in I. when walking frequent P. in joints; drawing. Upper arm, sticking above inner condyle of I: pinching above inner condyle of r; boring above r. elbow; pressure above r. elbow; pressure in r. deltoid, with warm, which extends into finger; drawing drawing in skin of r.

Elbow-Tearing in I., motion. Boring on r.; in i. during rest. Bruised pain in r. Pressure; during rest; in bed of I. when walking; inward in I. E and forearm during rest. Drawing; in I. during rest.

Forearm-Boring in lower part of I. Bruised pain in r during rest. Pain as from weariness in lower apart of I. in r. with warmth. Burning pain in skin of dorsal side of i. pressure in I., (<) rest.

Wrist-Boring. Bruised pain during rest and in joints of arms. Pressure; in I. then r.; r. then I. when sitting;during rest; in r., (<) rest. Drawing in bones of r. hand, with bruised sensation.

Fingers-Stitches in roots of I.; tip of r. little several joints. Tearing in roots; in second joint of r. thumb. Boring in roots; on joints of r.; first joint of I. index during rest. Pressure in roots of I; joints of r. little; second joint of r. them. Stretching sensation in r. when walking; in roots of I., then in I. wrist, when sitting. Drawing in roots; on back of second phalanx of r. thumb; in roots of I. when sitting and walking; painful, in r. when sitting. Tension in roots; in roots of r.

Lower Extremities

      Sticking in skin above knee; in fin flesh on inner side of I. thigh; in flesh above r. knee, on inner side. Tearing in skin above I. knee. Cutting in skin above. I. knee. Boring above r. knee Pressing in I. hip-joint when sitting.

Knee-Stitches in I; in I. when sitting; in I. when walking. Boring.; in r.;when sitting; r. when sitting; I. when standing. Pressive; in r. when walking: I. when sitting; r. knee and foot, (>) motion, with drawing; in r., as if bruised. Drawing in I. r. when sitting.

Leg-Sticking in skin of I. calf when sitting. Boring below r. knee; in sides of r. tendo-achillis when sitting, afterwards when walking. Pain as from weariness, (>) motion. Drawing in shins.

Tibia-Tearing; on I. Boring; in I. lower part; r., then I.; I. when sitting. pressure on r; in lower part of I.; in lower part of I., extending through foot and toes, extending again in a turning through foot and toes, extending again in a turning motion to the tibia, when sitting, Drawing in r.; in lower part; in centre of i., extending into ankle.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.