247. Pains in very portion of the head, but more in vertex and occiput; pressing and aching; sometimes extending to shoulders and sown the spine.
248. Top of head feels as if it would fly off.
249. Rush of blood to the head, brain feels to large for the cranium, after suppressed uterine discharges or suddenly ceasing pains.
250. Intense aching pain in eyeballs, worse from moving the head.
251. Nervous or muscular irritation, of a rheumatism or neuralgic origin, especially in delicate or hysterical women who, are affected with more or less disease of the generative organs.
252. Neuralgic or rheumatic dysmenorrhoea, with great mental and nervous irritability, sleeplessness, low spirited, sensitive.
253. Chronic affections at puberty, the menses not appearing.
254. Menses suppressed from cold or emotions.
255. Bearing down in uterine region and small of back, limbs feel heavy and torpid.
256. Rheumatic pains in muscles of the neck and back, feeling of stiffness and contraction.
257. Severe aching pains in the back, down the things, through the hips with heavy pressing down.
258. Aching of soreness of all the muscles.
259. Sharp, lancinating pains in various parts, associated with ovarian or uterine irritation.