Medicine Aggravation

In the same way we must not be afraid of applying it, in high dilutions in all sorts of cellulitis, sclerosis etc. It is the best remedy that we know of in all kinds of cellulitis with periaortic inflammation and in symptoms of pseudo anginas. In the last case Cholesterinum M and Calcarea fluorica M are to be added to Silicea M.

In short : Sclerosis-Silicea M Cellulitis which is a torpid infection, Silicea

M. Acute suppuration-Silicea 30 generally Pulmonary suppuration-Silicea 12 or 30 with care.

Natrum muriaticum : In high dilution it is a marvellous remedy for oxygenoid types, children, adolescents, weak and worn out patients.

On the contrary it should not be applied in hydrogenoid patients having nephritis. We may use it in this case in a dilution not higher than 6x.

We should avoid Natrum muriaticum in high dilutions in patients suffering from malaria because it will antidote Quinine. On the contrary it is a marvellous remedy for patients who have suffered from malaria, who have not taken quinine for a long time, and who are suffering from the consequences of malaria.

Whatever may be the constitution and the age of the patient Natrum muriaticum produces always good results in high dilutions in diabetic patients and patients suffering from migraine even in advanced age.

Lycopodium : It has reputation for aggravation but this is much exaggerated. It is a marvellous remedy in all dilutions and it may be applied in children as often as one likes, high dilutions. But in aged persons it should be avoided or given with care. If it is at all necessary to apply it in old patients, use first a dose of Liver 200 and then apply it. It will give no bad results Is it because it is antidoted or canalised by Liver? This question remains to be studied.

On the contrary Lycopodium may cause temporary aggravation. Very frequently it gives temporary shocks without danger and it may play tricks with those homoeopaths who have very little experience with it.

Lycopodium should never be given without proper drainage.

Thuya : Thuya resembles Lycopodium as regards aggravation. Very frequently if gives temporary shocks like that of Lycopodium. These shocks are not dangerous. This is a remedy which can be used to anaphylactics and patients having cervicobrachial neuralgias.

Thuya is a kind of Sulphur of the central nervous system; as for example, it cures the kidney and the liver by causing aggravation of a sciatica. It will aggravate cervico-brachial neuralgia by curing the symptoms of langour. Therefore it will do some good to the patients by causing some disagreeable symptoms, but it is not dangerous.

There is a way of checking aggravation caused by Thuya. It is to give Cimicifuga at the same time and in the same dilution or Thuya 300 and Cimicifuga M.

Sepia : It is a remedy very easy to apply. It is a ground remedy which is so to say very well adapted to all patients.

In my practice I have never seen a clear cut aggravation by Sepia. Sometimes it does not act when it is well indicated. particularly in melancholics where it is very often indicated, while in these cases Calcarea Carbonica M will cause an amelioration of symptoms without causing aggravation.

It also acts marvellously in the tuberculosis of the left apex in women.

(Chiron reports that he treated a woman of Sepia type. He drained her for a long time, then he gave her Sepia 200. She was tubercular and he could not check a maddening evolution).

(However Sepia is an antitubercular of the first order).

It acts, marvellously, specially in the tuberculosis of left apex in women.

(Monod gives Sepia 200 and Nux vomica 6 in tuberculosis and he gets good results. I have also tried this treatment with good results in brunettes having hypotension with aggravation during menses. It is a marvellous remedy for congestive symptoms in tubercular patients.

What should be remembered of Sepia is that it acts no more in confirmed melancholia. However if you read the pathogenesis of Sepia you will see that there is a desire for solitude, the recoiling upon oneself etc… Sepia should be applied just at the beginning of the state of melancholia, if not Calcarea carbonica M should be given which will give good effect because it follows Sepia.

Lachesis : This remedy is also easy to manipulate. However, there is one danger. In mania or in hypomania, Lachesis may cause aggravation and causes a state of acute mania to appear if it is given in the beginning, because, when you study well its pathogenesis you find that it is a remedy of the type of mental disease which serves as a refuge of the organism. The patient who has some physical troubles takes refuge in the mental sphere. The leucorrhoea, the loquacity in women during menopause are necessary for the patients. You know that one of the important symptoms of Lachesis is the aggravation of hallucinations which are normal at the beginning of the sleep, This state of slight hypnotic hallucination that almost all of us have experienced before falling deeply asleep is exacerbated in women of Lachesis type. All these unfold in extraordinary rapidity, it is a real succession of kaleidoscopic visions. The patient has dreams during sleep, and during the day he is liberated from them by falling into loquacity. He is forced to talk much in order that this flux words may act like a real drainage on the mental sphere. But in maniac state, this condition is at its height with the absence of sleep and if you give Lachesis in high dilution you will aggravated the mania.

Therefore if you have to treat a case of hypomania do not give Lachesis. The remedies suitable in such cases are Hyoscyamus 6, and Cannabis indica 6. You must know how to apply medicines having centripetal action when remedies having centrifugal action are dangerous.

Besides that, Lachesis is a remedy easy to manipulate.

I will put the question to Dr. Nebel, why he applies Lachesis and Luesinum together which he calls Lu-Lu.

(It is because he considers Lachesis as an important drainer of Luesinum).

Drosera : This remedy should be applied with care. Dr. Curie, homoeopath, the grandfather of Pierre Curie, gave us the results of his provings with this drug. These results are followed by the English school. According to the English school, Drosera should be very rarely or never repeated. It is sometimes given only once in the lifetime of the patient in chronic state.

This remedy is specially indicated in glandular tuberculosis. It behaves like Phosphorus and Tuberculines at the same time.

I have some cases that were marvellously ameliorated by Drosera. On the other hand I have observed that the 60th dilution is more easily tolerated by the patient than the 200.


This is a very intricate question. I will give her only the summary.

We must know well the rules of Nebel. They are as follows :

In oxygenoids who defend well : T.K.

In hydrogenoids with florid type : Denys.

In hydrogenoids and carbonitrogenoids : T.R.

These rules should always be strictly followed.

Serum of Marmoreck : It is not dangerous when one is careful and applies it in lower dilutions. It is dangerous in high dilutions because it favours the anaphylactic symptoms. It may be applied in the 5th or 6th and in these dilutions it is often our best weapon in tuberculosis with cavity.

Spengler : Always well tolerated. It is the satellite of Marmoreck. It seems to me that Marmoreck acts better with Spengler.

It is interesting to state that Marmoreck gives us good results while it is abandoned in Allopathy, because the tubercular antigene does not cause the formation of antibodies. Consequently it cannot act. I think that it acts simply because it is a dilution of the toxin.

T.K : It is very difficult to manipulate. Nebel recommends it only in oxygenoid patients who defend well.

Denys : It is easy to manipulate in homoeopathy. We must start with, say 12th or 30th and we must remember that it acts well in florid types, who have the tendency to become fatty.

T.R.: Inspite of its reputation, it is a delicate remedy to manipulate. Do not give T.R. to a person less than 40 years old. If you apply it before the age of 40 or 50 you will have to face aggravation.

(Chiron applies it in young patients alternating with Natrum muriaticum).

(Of the tuberculins, Marmoreck is the best. Some prefer Bacillinum 200. this remedy is very mild. It does not cause aggravation but it is very often inactive like Spengler. If Marmoreck is properly used, it acts really well).

Mauritius Fortier-Bernoville
Mauritius (Maurice) Fortier Bernoville 1896 – 1939 MD was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become the Chief editor of L’Homeopathie Moderne (founded in 1932; ceased publication in 1940), one of the founders of the Laboratoire Homeopathiques Modernes, and the founder of the Institut National Homeopathique Francais.

Bernoville was a major lecturer in homeopathy, and he was active in Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, and a founder of the le Syndicat national des médecins homœopathes français in 1932, and a member of the French Society of Homeopathy, and the Society of Homeopathy in the Rhone.

Fortier-Bernoville wrote several books, including Une etude sur Phosphorus (1930), L'Homoeopathie en Medecine Infantile (1931), his best known Comment guerir par l'Homoeopathie (1929, 1937), and an interesting work on iridology, Introduction a l'etude de l'Iridologie (1932).

With Louis-Alcime Rousseau, he wrote several booklets, including Diseases of Respiratory and Digestive Systems of Children, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Rheumatism, treatment of hay fever (1929), The importance of chemistry and toxicology in the indications of Phosphorus (1931), and Homeopathic Medicine for Children (1931). He also wrote several short pamphlets, including What We Must Not Do in Homoeopathy, which discusses the logistics of drainage and how to avoid aggravations.

He was an opponent of Kentian homeopathy and a proponent of drainage and artificial phylectenular autotherapy as well.