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Errors in Homeopathic Practice

Advise on the selection of crude substance for preparation of medicine. Some precautions that to be noted in drug proving….

The Dose

Advise on the repetition of dosage and selection of potency in WHAT WE MUST NOT DO IN HOMOEOPATHY by Dr. Fortier Bernoville …

Repetition of the Dose

Advice on Repetition of homeopathic medicine by Dr. Fortier Bernoville in his book WHAT WE MUST NOT DO IN HOMOEOPATHY….

Medicine Aggravation

Medicine Aggravation in Homeeopathy explained by Dr. Fortier Bernoville in his book WHAT WE MUST NOT DO IN HOMOEOPATHY….

Errors to Avoid As Regards Patients

How can we avoid Errors in homeopathic practice in regards to dianosis of the patient, of the disease and of the remedy discussed by Dr. Fortier Bernoville in his book WHAT WE MUST NOT DO IN HOMOEOPATHY….