9. Evening

Until 6 A.M.:- Guai.

Spasmodic, cramp-like, in the right zygoma:- MEZER.

Pale:- Phosphorus

Red:- Croc., IGN.


Dryness of the:- Senec.

Palate:- Cyclamen

Tongue:- Nux-M.

Taste: Bitter:- Am-C., Pulsatilla

Pus, of, in the mouth:- Hyoscyamus


Toothache:- Alumina, Ant-C., BELL., Hyoscyamus, Kali-I., Kalm., LYC., Mag-S., Mercurius, MEZER., Nux vomica, PHOS., Pulsatilla, Rat., Rhus toxicodendron, Staphysagria, SULPH., Sulph-Ac.

Bed, in:- AM-C., Ant-C., BRY., Calc-C., Chamomilla, Ignatia, Kali-M., MAG-C., Mercurius, PULS., Sulphur, Sulph-Ac., Tarent.

Sudden, immediately after lying down:- Tarent.


Dryness of the:- ALUM., Bar-C., Zincum met.

Pressure in the:- Hepar

Roughness in the:- Alumina, Seneg.

Sore, excoriating sensation in the:- Carbo vegetabilis, Sulph-Ac.

Spasmodic symptoms of the oesophagus:- Arsenicum

Sticking in the:- Carb-An.


Appetite best in the evening:- Benz-Ac., Kali-N.

Not in the morning:- Benz-Ac.

Wanting:- Stannum

Empty sensation in the stomach after eating:- SEP.

At 7 P.M.:- Calcarea phos.

Eructations:- Alumina, Ambr., CAUST., Pulsatilla

Acid:- Alumina

Bed, in:- Alumina

Acrid:- Ambr., Causticum

Sour:- Alumina

Bed, in:- Alumina

Heart-burn:- Crotalus horridus, Natrum muriaticum, Ox-Ac., Petroleum

Beginning at 4 P.M.:- Crotalus horridus

Hiccough (Singultus):- Kali-I., Lobelia, NICC.

Hunger:- Guai., Kali-N.

Banished by sleep:- Ignatia

Insatiable:- Agaricus, ARG-M., Guai.

Ravenous:- MEZER.

Nausea:- Calc-C., Hepar, Natrum muriaticum, NUX-V., Pall., PULS., Sepia, Sulphur

Bed, in, after drinking water:- NAT-M.

Drinking, after:- Nux vomica

Stool, during:- Sulph.

Walking, when, in the open air:- SEP.

Pain in the stomach:- Carbo vegetabilis, LYC., SEP., Sulph-Ac., Thuja

Bed, in:- LYC.

Supper, after, especially:- SEP.

Thirst:- All-C., Croc., CYCL., Gambogia, IOD., Magnesia carb., MAG-M., Nat- M., Nat-S., Nicc., Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Thuja, Zincum met.

Chill, after:- Natrum muriaticum, SULPH.

Heat, during:- Croc., Pulsatilla

Vomiting:- Carbo vegetabilis, COC-C., PULS., Sepia, Sulphur

Cough, during:- Sepia

Coughing, from:- COC-C.

Evening, every, at 6 P.M.:- SULPH.

Food, of:- PULS., Sulphur

6 P.M.:- Sulph.

Supper, after:- CUP.

Cough, choking, after:- CUP.


Bellyache:- Belladonna, China, Dioscorea, Dulcamara, Iris., LYC., Mag-M., PETR., Pulsatilla, Rhus toxicodendron, SEP., Sulphur, Valer.

Bed, in:- Pulsatilla, Valer.

Sitting, still, when:- PULS.

Walking, when:- DIOS.

Colic, in children:- Kali bichromicum

5 P.M. to 10 P.M.:- Kali bichromicum

Flatulent symptoms, with:- Acid nitricum, PULS., Tarent.

With shaking chill every evening:- Ledum

Distention of the:- ANT-C., Bryonia, Hepar, Sepia, SULPH.

Drawing in the hypochondriae:- Carbo vegetabilis

Flatulence:- Am-C., LYC., Acid nitricum, NUX-V., PULS., Sepia

Full feeling in the:- MENY.

Smoking, after:- MENY.

Itching in the, when undressing:- Nux vomica

Pinching, spasmodic pain:- Calc-C., Iris.

In the navicular region:- SULPH.

Rumbling, in the:- NAT-S., PULS.

Sticking pain:- Causticum, Sulphur

Rectum and Anus.

Burning in the rectum:- Carb-An., Iodium, LACH., MUR-AC., Sulphur

Stool, soft, after:- SULPH.

During:- LACH.

Crawling at the rectum:- Mar., Platina, Sulphur

Flatus, discharge of:- Ambr., SULPH.

Fetid:- ALOE., Colchicum

Itching in the anus:- CALC-P., Iodium, Platina, Sulphur

Bed, in:- Lycopodium

Evening, every:- Iodium

Burning:- Iodium

Intolerable 7 P.M.:- Ferrum

Rectal pains:- IGN., LACH.

Lying, when:- IGN.

Sore, excoriating sensation in the rectum:- Carb-An., NUX-V., SULPH.

Stool, after:- NUX-V.

Sticking in the rectum:- Natrum muriaticum, SULPH.

Bed, in:- Natrum muriaticum


Diarrhoea:- ALOE., Bovista, Calc-C., Lept., MERC., Phosphorus, Sanguinaria

Urinary Organs.

Bladder, pressure in the:- Sepia

Tenesmus of the:- Lith-C.

When walking in the open air:- Lith-C.

Weakness of the:- ALUM.

Stream interrupted:- CAUST.

Urethra, sticking in the:- Caladium

Urging to urinate:- BELL., LYC., PULS., Sabad., Sulphur, THUJ.

Lying, when:- LYC.


Increased:- Lycopodium

Red:- LYC., SEL.

Male Sexual Organs.

Drawing up of the scrotum:- Euphr.

Itching of the penis:- Ignatia

Bed, in:- Ignatia

Pain in the testicles:- Arg-M., PULS., Rhododendron

Bed, in:- Arg-M.

Sitting, when:- Pulsatilla, Rhododendron

Female Sexual Organs.

Burning in the vulva:- Caladium

Intolerable, with itching:- Caladium


Hoarseness:- Carb-An., Carbo vegetabilis, Graphites, Phosphorus, Rumx., Sulphur, TUB.

Loss of voice:- CARB-V., Phosphorus, Pulsatilla

Mucus, accumulation of, in the larynx and trachea:- CROT-T.

Roughness in the:- PHOS.

Scratching in the:- CARB-V., Coc-C.

Tickling in the:- Caps., Carbo vegetabilis

Bed, in:- Caps.

Respiratory Organs.

Asthma:- Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, SULPH., Zincum met.

Lying down, after:- ANT-T., Cist.

Evening until 10 A.M., (>) lying, (<) after rising:- Calcarea phos.

Respiration, asthmatic:- Arsenicum, Natrum muriaticum

Bed, in the:- Natrum muriaticum

Lying down, when:- Arsenicum

Anxious:- PHOS.

Difficult:- All-C., Arsenicum, Carbo vegetabilis, China, Ferrum, Fluo-Ac., Helleborus, KALI-M., Lachesis, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Psorinum, PULS., Ran-B., Rhus toxicodendron, STAN., Sulphur, Zincum met.

Bed, in:- Arsenicum, Carbo vegetabilis, Cist., FER., GRAPH., Nat-S., Phosphorus, Sepia, Sulphur

Oppressive:- All-C., Apis., Coloc., CON., Elaps., Phosphorus, PULS., Sepia, Stannum, Zincum met.

Bed, in:- Apis., Conium, SEP.

Short:- Ran-B., Rhus toxicodendron, Sepia, Sulphur

Bed, in:- Sepia

Especially at 6 P.M.:- Rhus toxicodendron

Suffocative attacks:- Arsenicum, Ferrum, GRAPH.

Bed, in:- Arsenicum, Ferrum, GRAPH.

On falling to sleep:- AM-C.

Waking him from sleep:- Sambucus

Cough:- ALUM., AMBR., Am-M., Arnica, ARS., BELL., Bromium, Caladium, CALC-C., Caps., Carb-An., Carbo vegetabilis, CAUST., Drosera, Eup-Per., Fluo- Ac., Gratiola, Hepar, IGN., Iodium, Ipecac., Kali-M., LYC., Mag-M., Mercurius, Natrum carbonicum, NAT-M., Acid nitricum, Petroleum, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, RHUS-T., SANG., Seneg., Sepia, Sin-N., Stannum, Veratrum, VERB.

Bed, in:- Alumina, Am-C., ARAL., Arsenicum, Calc-C., Caps., DROS., Hepar, IGN., Kreosotum, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Natrum muriaticum, Acid nitricum, Nux-M., NUX-V., Pulsatilla, SEP., Silicea, Stannum, SULPH., VERB.

Bed, on going to:- Acid nitricum

Lying down, when:- BELL., Kali-M., Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur

Barking:- Acid nitricum, SPONG.

Choking:- Carb-An., Hypericum, IPEC.

6 P.M. to 10 P.M.:- Ipecac.

Continuous:- Pulsatilla

Lying down, after:- Pulsatilla

Paroxysms, in:- Hepar, NUX-V.

Spasmodic:- Am-M., Carbo vegetabilis, CON.

Daily toward 6 P.M.:- Am-M.

Suffocative:- Carb-An., Hypericum, Ipecac.

(<) 6 P.M. to 10 P.M.:- Ipecac.

Tickling:- MERC., Rhus toxicodendron

6 P.M.:- RHUS-T., Stict.

Returning daily, continuing the entire night:- Stict.

7 P.M.:- IPEC.

8 P.M. to 11 P.M.:- NAT-M.

9 P.M.:- Apis., Chamomilla, SIL.

Until 4 A.M.:- Apis.

Midnight, until:- SEP., Mazer., PULS., Rhus toxicodendron

Expectoration:- Arnica, Belladonna, Bovista, CAUST., Cina., Graphites, Ignatia, KALI-M., LYC., Nux-M., Ruta.

After becoming warm in bed:- Ruta.


Pain in the:- Pulsatilla

Palpitation:- Phosphorus


Constriction of the:- Arsenicum, Pulsatilla, STAN., Zincum met.

Pain in the:- KALI-B., Kali-I., Ran-B., Ran-S.

Bed, in the:- Sepia, Verb.


Pains in the region of the neck:- NUX-V.


Coldness of the back:- Cocc., Dulcamara, Lycopodium, Mur-Ac., PULS., Rhus- T., Stannum, SULPH.

Itching in the back when undressing:- Nat-S.

Pains in between the shoulders:- LYC.

Pains in the back:- ARN., Bar-C., CALC-P., Coloc., Kali-S., Kalm., Lachesis, LYC., Naja., Nat-S., NUX-V., Pulsatilla, RHUS-T., SEP., SULPH., SYPH.

Sunset to Sunrise, from:- Syphilinum

Pains in the loins:- Bar-C., Coloc., Kalm., Nat-S., Sulphur

Bed, in:- Kalm.

Pains in the sacral region:- Pulsatilla

Spasmodic pains in the right kidney and liver region, (<) from 4 P.M. to 9 P.M.:- CHEL.

Rheumatic symptoms:- Aconite, BRY., Causticum, Fago., Helleborus, Iris., KALI-I., Kalm., MERC., Acid nitricum, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, SULPH.

Shoulders, in the:- Mezer.

Upper Extremities.

Burning in the hands:- PULS., Sulphur

Palms:- Lachesis, Sulphur

Coldness in the hands:- Aconite, CARB-V., Lycopodium

7 P.M.:- Lycopodium

Heat in the hands:- Ledum, Stannum, Sulphur

Pain in the upper extremities:- Belladonna, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rhus toxicodendron

Wrist:- LED.

Sitting, especially when:- LED.

Drawing, 6 P.M.:- RHUS-T.

Elbows, in the:- Natrum carbonicum

Lying, when:- Natrum carbonicum

Wrist, in the:- RHOD.

Rheumatic:- Kalm.

Restlessness in the upper extremities:- Causticum, Kali-M., Magnesia carb.

Bed, in:- Kali-M., Swelling of the upper extremities:- Cur., Natrum carbonicum

Hands:- Natrum carbonicum, Stannum

Trembling of the upper extremities:- All-C., Cocc., HYOS., Pulsatilla

Arms, of:- HYOS.

Hands, of;- All-C.

Weakness of the upper extremities:- Agaricus, Calc-C., Nuph., RHUS-


Fore-arm:- Digitalis

Lower Extremities.

Burning in the feet:- Sulph.

Bed, in, specially:- Sulph.

Soles:- Lachesis, MED., Sulphur

Coldness of the thighs:- Calc-C.

Lower legs:- SEP.

Bed, in:- SEP.

Feet:- ACON., Am-C., Calc-C., Carbo vegetabilis, SEP.

Evening, in the, in bed:- Am-C., AM-M., Graphites, Kali-M., Sepia, Silicea

C.M. Boger
Cyrus Maxwell Boger 5/ 13/ 1861 "“ 9/ 2/ 1935
Born in Western Pennsylvania, he graduated from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and subsequently Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia. He moved to Parkersburg, W. Va., in 1888, practicing there, but also consulting worldwide. He gave lectures at the Pulte Medical College in Cincinnati and taught philosophy, materia medica, and repertory at the American Foundation for Homoeopathy Postgraduate School. Boger brought BÅ“nninghausen's Characteristics and Repertory into the English Language in 1905. His publications include :
Boenninghausen's Characteristics and Repertory
Boenninghausen's Antipsorics
Boger's Diphtheria, (The Homoeopathic Therapeutics of)
A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica, 1915
General Analysis with Card Index, 1931
Samarskite-A Proving
The Times Which Characterize the Appearance and Aggravation of the Symptoms and their Remedies