Respiratory symptoms of homeopathic remedy Sepia, described by Van Denburg in his book, Therapeutics of Respiratory system, cough & coryza, published in 1916….



Sad, gloomy, foreboding, and depressed; or, Very restless, nervous, excitable; feels as if he would scream unless he held on to something; very sensitive to noise.



Loss of smell; or sense of fetid smell.

Chronic, dry coryza; nostrils sore, swollen, and scabby; green plugs from nares.

Chronic coryza; blows large, yellow-green lumps of mucus from nose; offensive discharge.


Fluent catarrhal cold, with pressive pain at root of nose.

Discharge of yellow water from nose, with sharp pains in forehead.


Coryza of the frontal sinuses, acute or chronic.

Catarrhs from retrocession of eruptions.



Not waking from sleep (Chamomilla); but after waking, becomes continuous and severe.

Especially evening in bed, until midnight; frequently with nausea and bitter vomiting.

Continuous cough until he raises a little phlegm; coming in evening.

Short, dry cough, with stitches in liver; seems to come from stomach, and is very fatiguing.

With coryza, and sneezing; beginning before rising, and lasting until 9 A.M.


Difficult, scanty cough; cannot get sputa up; must swallow it; dryness and soreness in larynx.

Sudden, severe, spasmodic cough at night; cannot get breath; chest constricted; child cries.

From tickling in chest from larynx to stomach; expectoration of tenacious mucus only in morning; none during rest of the day; mucus is salty, white, gray, yellow, or greenish.


None, cough dry, throat dry; or Very scanty, of a little bit of phlegm; with relief.

Profuse, purulent, and very offensive.

Profuse mucus of many colors; milky white, salty, tenacious.


In cold, stormy weather; cold north, or east, winds.

At night; lying with head low.

Morning, till 9 A. M.

Walking fast; or, going upstairs.

Damp chill of rooms or cellars.

Sour food; after eating, constriction worse.

From standing; short walk fatigues much.

From warm room.


By pressure of hand over chest.

From raising least sputum; or, from free raising of phlegm.

During the day.

Sitting upright; suffocation better.

Head high.

By walking about; sometimes.


Soreness in larynx down to pit of stomach; or tickling same way.

Soreness in middle of chest.

Oppression and weight of chest; emptiness of chest.

Stitches in chest, especially the left; after emotions.


Reflex and sympathetic coughs, especially in uterine complaints.

COUGHs from portal obstruction, or venous congestion.

Aversion to occupation; to family.

Easily offended; vehement.

Asthma; short, easy inspiration; long, slow, wheezing expiration; no thirst.

M.W. Van Denburg
M. W. (Marvin W.) VAN DENBURG, A.M., M.D.
Author of "A homoeopathic materia medica on a new and original plan ... A sample fascicle containing the arsenic group."
"Therapeutics of the respiratory system, cough and coryza, acute and chronic : repertory with index, materia medica with index"