Spigelia Fever Symptoms

Allen gives the therapeutic indications of the remedy Spigelia in different kinds of fevers like: Continued, Bilious, Intermittent, Malarial, Remittent, Pernicious, Typhoid, Typhus, Septic fever, etc…


Characteristic – Adapted to anemic, debilitated subjects of rheumatic diathesis, to scrofulous children afflicted with ascarides and lumbrici (Cina, Stannum).

Persons with light hair, pale, thin, bloated, weak, wrinkled, yellow, earthy skin.

Body painfully sensitive to touch, part touched feels chilly, touch sends shudder through the whole frame (Kali carb.).

Afraid of sharp, pointed things, pins, needles, etc.

Rheumatic affections of heart (kal., Ledum, Naja), systolic blowing at apex. Aneurism.

Nervous headache, periodical, beginning in morning at base of brain, spreading over the head and locating in eye, orbit and temple of left side (right side, Sanguinaria, Silicea), pain, pulsating, violent, throbbing.

Headache, at sunrise, at its height at noon, declines till sunset (Nat., Tabacum).

Intolerable, pressive pain in eyeballs, could not turn the eyes without turning the whole body, worse, especially on making a false step.

Sensation: as if eyes were too large for the orbits(Actea, Com.), sensitive to touch, as if a band around head (Cactus grandiflorus, Carb.ac., Sulphur).

Copious offensive mucus from posterior nares, drops into throat, causing choking at night (Hydrastis).

Sharp, stabbing, sticking pains through eyeballs back into the head, from cold damp, rainy weather.

Prosopalgia: periodical, left – sided orbit, eye, malar bone, teeth, from morning until sunset, pain tearing, burning, cheek dark red, cold rainy weather, from tea.

Toothache form tobacco smoking, ameliorated only on lying down and while eating (Plan.), worse from cold air and water, returns from thinking about it.

Scirrhus of sigmoid or rectum, atrocious unbearable pain (Alumen).

Dyspnea: must lie on right side or with head high (Cactus grandiflorus, Spongia), pains in chest are stitching, needle – like.

Chest affections with stitching pains synchronous with pulse aggravated from motion, aggravated cold, wet weather.

Palpitation: violent, visible and audible, from least motion, when bending forward, systolic blowing at apex.

Stammering, repeats first syllable three or four times, with abdominal ailments, helminthiasis.

Aggravation: From motion, noise, touch, turning the eyes, from every shaking, commotion, or concussion.

Amelioration: Lying on right side with the head high (Arsenicum, Cactus grandiflorus, Spongia).

Type: Quotidian, periodicity marked.

Time: Morning, at same hour. Evening paroxysm is rare.

Cause: Rheumatic exposure, or occurring in connection with periodic neuralgia of head, face or chest.

Chill: Every morning, at same hour, alternates with heat or perspiration, especially on the back.

Sudden creeping chills, at one time only in the feet, at another only in the head and hands, at another on the back of chest and abdomen, at another over whole body, without thirst. Chill spreads from the chest (Apis, Carbo a., Sepia), least movement of the body causes chilliness.

Heat: Especially in the back, in flushes at night, on the face and hands with chill in the back. Heat in back, hands, abdomen, gradually increasing until he becomes hot all over. Thirst for beer, not water (Nux).

Sweat: Putrid smelling night – sweat. Sweat of hands clammy, cold all over body, on slightest covering (Cinchona).

Pulse: Irregular, generally strong but slow, trembling.

Tongue: Coated yellow or white, cracked. Taste like putrid water. Ravenous hunger with nausea and thirst. Desire for alcoholic drinks.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.