Antimonium tartaricum Fever Symptoms

Allen gives the therapeutic indications of the remedy Antimonium Tartaricum in different kinds of fevers like: Continued, Bilious, Intermittent, Malarial, Remittent, Pernicious, Typhoid, Typhus, Septic fever, etc…


Characteristic – Adapted to torpid, phlegmatic constitutions: the hydrogenoid (of Grauvogl).

Intermittents or other fevers from exposure in damp cellars or basements (Aranea, Arsenicum, Terebintha).

Child: clings to those around, wants to be carried, cries and whines if any one touches it, will not let you feel the pulse.

When patient coughs there appears to be a large collection of mucus in the bronchi, and it seems as if much would be expectorated but nothing comes up.

Face cold, blue, pale, covered with cold sweat (Tabacum).

Nausea, vomiting, want of appetite and constipation in intermittents (Ant. C.).

Vomiting: in any position except lying on right side, until he faints, followed by drowsiness and prostration, of cholera morbus with diarrhea and cold sweat, a dose after each attack (Verbascum).

Asphyxia: mechanical, as apparent death from drowning, from mucus in bronchi, from impending paralysis of lungs, from foreign bodies in larynx or trachea, with drowsiness and coma.

Child at birth pale, breathless, gasping, asphyxia neonatorum. Relieves the death rattle (Tarantula).

Great sleepiness, or irresistible inclination to sleep, with nearly all complaints (Nux moschata, Opium).

Aggravation: In damp, cold weather, in evening, lying down at night, motion, warmth of room, change of weather in spring. (Kali sulph.).

Amelioration: Cold open air, sitting upright, eructations, expectoration, lying on right side (Tabacum).

Type: Quotidian, tertian, quartan. Apt to become remittent or typhoid. Epidemics of winter or early spring. In tertian fever attacks anticipate several hours. Yellow fever.

Time: 9 A.M., severe rigor without shaking. 3 P.M., or evening at 6 p.m. All periods, no regularity.

Cause: Rheumatic exposure, living or working in cellars or basements, underground habitation or employment.

Prodrome: Yawning and stretching (Cinchona, Eup.). When gaping, mouth remains open for a while, could not shut it.

Chill and Heat, Without thirst, alternating during the day ( Arsenicum – chill and sweat, or sweat and heat alternating, Ant-c. ).Chill as if cold water were dashed over one (Rhus) with goose – flesh, gaping, want of thirst, drowsiness following heat with dullness in head. Chill with trembling and shaking over whole body. Backache with the chill. He looks pale and is so chilly on going into the open air that he trembles (chilly when going from open air into a room, Arsenicum – see Rhus ). Cold skin. Trembling and chilliness always from within outward. Short chill and long lasting heat, with somnolency and profuse sweat on forehead. Chill with external coldness, coming on at all times of the day, with somnolency, mostly with trembling and shaking. Chill lasting 45 minutes followed by vomiting, headache, heat and thirst, after drinking, retching.

Heat: Violent short heat succeeding a long chill, aggravated by every motion (feels chilly if he moves, Nux vomica, Apis ). Thirst not constant during the hot stage, but marked between heat and sweat. Heat long and severe with much sweat, intense thirst and delirium, sometimes occurs in tertian type.

Sweat: Profuse all over, may last all night, follows long after, in the afternoon during the sleep, or profuse sweat the following night, with increased secretion of urine. Affected parts sweat profusely (Amb.). Sweat often, cold, clammy, sticky, aggravation by sweating, but rather better after (Ipecac.).

Tongue: Characteristic, red edges, or red and white in alternate streaks, papillae red and raised as in scarlatina, tongue bright red and dry in the center, covered with a thick, white, pasty fur. Food tasteless, tobacco has no taste. Craving desire for apples, acids (desire for juicy fruits, Verbascum ).

Pulse: Much accelerated by slightest motion, strong and full during chill, feeble, slow and very weak as the heat passes off.

Apyrexia: The gastric, rheumatic, soporous character of the intermittents of antimonium tart. Will not fail to call out attention to this polychrest. In spring and autumn, especially with children, fevers are prone to take on a remitting type, attended with nausea, vomiting and drowsiness. Gastric symptoms are very pronounced, as in Antimonium crud. Nausea and vomiting may be present, if so, it is very prostrating. Weakness and exhaustion, with great depression of spirits. Weariness and lassitude with no appetite.

Analysis – Working or living in basements or damp underground rooms (Arsenicum, Aranea).

During paroxysm cannot keep his eyes open: irresistible sleepiness and deep, stupefied sleep, when awake, hopelessness and despair.

Violent but not long lasting heat succeeding a long chill, aggravated by every motion.

Long – lasting heat, after a short chill, with somnolency and sweat on the forehead.

Affected parts sweat profusely.

In some epidemics occurring in winter and early spring it often amounts to the genus epidemicus, especially when gastric and typhoid fevers predominated, or when every fever is inclined to become remittent or typhoid.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.