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Alumina Fever Symptoms

Allen gives the therapeutic indications of the remedy Alumina in different kinds of fevers like: Continued, Bilious, Intermittent, Malarial, Remittent, Pernicious, Typhoid, Typhus, Septic fever, etc…


Characteristic – Adapted to spare, dry, thin subjects of scrofulous habit, who suffer from chronic diseases, dark complexion, anxious, mild, tearful disposition, constitutions with lack of vital heat, old people, hypochondriacs.

Dry, tettery, itching eruption, worse in winter (Petroleum), intolerable itching of whole body when getting warm in bed (Psorinum, Sul.), scratches until it bleeds, which then becomes painful.

Time passes too slowly, an hour seems half a day (Can.I.).

Inability to walk, except with the eyes open, and in the daytime, tottering and falling when closing eyes (Argentumn., Gelsemium).

Abnormal appetite, craving for starch, chalk, charcoal, cloves, coffee or tea – grounds, acids, and indigestible things (Cicuta, Psorinum), potatoes disagree, cause colic.

Chronic eructations for years, worse in evening.

All irritating things – salt, wine, vinegar, pepper – immediately produce cough.

Constipation: no desire for, and no ability to pass stool until there is a large accumulation (Melilotus), with great straining, must grasp the seat of closet tightly, stools hard, knotty, covered with mucus, or soft, clayey, adhering to parts (Platina), of nursing infants, from artificial food, inactive rectum, even soft stool requires great straining (Anacardium, Platina, San., Silicea, Verbascum), of old people (Lycopodium, Opium), of pregnancy (Sepia).

Urine voided while straining at stool, or cannot pass it without such straining.

After menses, exhausted mentally and physically (Carb.an., Cocculus indicus).

Leucorrhea, acrid, profuse, running down to heels in large quantities (Lycopodium Lyssinum, Onos., Syphilinum), ameliorated by cold bathing, aggravated during the day.

Aggravation: Generally in cold air, out – doors, on alternate days, while sitting, eating potatoes, soups, at new and full moon.

Amelioration: Generally in warmth, in mild weather, walking, while eating (Psorinum), in wet weather (Causticum, Nux vomica, Lachesis, sulph.).

Alumina is the chronic of Bryonia.

Time: Chilliness at 4 P.M., lasting till evening. Evening paroxysm from 5 to 8 P.M.

Relations: Complementary to Bryonia. Follows Bryonia well.

Type: Tertian. Chronic, relapsing. No regularity.

Chill: With great thirst, with nausea (Arnica, Caps., Ignatia). Internally cold and chilly, with desire for warmth of stove without relief from heat ( Lachesis – relieved by heat of stove, Ignatia ), and stretching and bending of the limbs, worse after warm drinks, and after eating warm soup (after cold drinks, Arsenicum, Caps., Eup.perf. ). Chilliness of whole body, feet cold as ice the whole day, with heat of head, external chilliness and external heat, especially dark redness of the cheeks. Frequent repetition of chills in the evening, every other day. Chills near the warm stove. Violent chilliness in evening, especially feet and back, that could not get warm near stove. Chilly during the day, heat all night (chill lasting 12 hours, Cantharis ). Chill increased by slightest motion ( Aconite, Bryonia – increased by uncovering, Ammonium, Nux vomica, Sepia ).

Heat: Without thirst, heat, with anxiety at night, and sweat. Heat in evening beginning in and spreading from face and head, frequently only of right side of body. Heat aggravated by motion ( Bryonia – ameliorated by motion, Caps. ).

Sweat: At night, in bed, toward morning, most profuse in face, often only on right side of face (Nux vomica, Pulsatilla). Sweat upon every motion (Bryonia, Sepia), followed by cold shivers as if taking cold. Sometimes entire inability to sweat (Hepar).

Tongue: Clean. Appetite good. Longing for fruit and vegetables. Longing for indigestible things. Aversion to meat (Arnica).

Apyrexia: Continual empty eructations which afford relief. Great lassitude of the whole body, great exhaustion and inclination to lie down, unconquerable disposition to lie down.

If patient has had frequent attacks of painter’s colic. Rarely indicated, but when acquired, chronic constitutional ailments will almost always be present. Often completes a cure begun by Bryonia, and should always be thought of as the next remedy if symptoms correspond.

Analysis – The constitutional symptoms of this anti – psoric remedy are guiding. In fever accompanying myelitis or other diseases of the cord.

Chill: With thirst and nausea, aggravated by least motion, warm drinks, warm soup.

Heat: Without thirst, often only right – sided, aggravated by motion, with sweat.

Sweat: Aggravated by motion, of right side of face.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.