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Best homeopathic remedies for Urticaria from the book Therapeutic Pointers to Some Common Diseases by E.A. Farrington…

Apis [Apis]

      An excellent remedy in acute cases, when there suddenly appear on surface of the body long, pinkish-white blotches raised above the skin, which may come as a result of cold or during the course of

Intermittent Fever. The itching, burning and stinging are almost unbearable [Arsenicum, Urt. U.].

Arsenicum [Ars]

      Useful in long wheals, which itch and burn intolerably.

Bovista [Bov]

      It is required when the Hives are attended with Diarrhoea, the stools being followed by tenesmus and burning.

Calcarea Ostrearum [Calc]

      Esp. suited to chronic cases [Nat. Mur., Sepia, Sul.], of which it is one of the best remedies.

Copaiva [Cop]

      Useful in Urticaria after eating shell-fishes [Terebintha].

Dulcamara [Dulc]

      Useful in Urticaria traceable to gastric disorder [Pulsatilla], when there is relief from cold air.

Kali Bromata [Kali-br]

      Indicated when the Hives occur with nervous diseases.

Medusa [Medus]

      It is nearly identical with Urtica Urens.

Natrum Mur [Nat-m]

      Esp. indicated when they accompany Ague or occur after exposure to damp cold, particularly at the sea-side; exercise makes them intolerably worse. Wheals form on different parts of the body and these itch, burn and smart. Very annoying itching about the joints, esp. about the ankles. It is complementary to Apis. It is also useful in chronic cases.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

      It comes in when the Hives are of gastric or uterine origin.

Rhus Tox [Rhus-t]

      It is to be thought of when the Hives are an accompaniment of Ague or Rheumatism.

Rumex [Rumx]

      It is useful when the trouble is (<) in open air [Sepia] and esp. when understanding.

Sepia [Sep]

      It is indicated when the trouble is (<) in open air [Rumex]. Warm room makes the patient feel comfortable, but warmth of the bed agg. the pricking of the skin.

It is also useful in chronic form of the disease.

Urtica Urens [Urt-u]

      It is nearly identical with Apis and is indicated when the when the welts are smaller than in the said remedy. The itching and burning are intolerable.

It is esp. indicated when the disease occurs by eating shell-fish (Copaiva, Terebintha).

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.