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Best homeopathic remedies for Epilepsy from the book Therapeutic Pointers to Some Common Diseases by E.A. Farrington…

Absinthium [Absin]

      Great restlessness. Terrible hallucinations. Spasms. Brilliant eyes. Epilepsy followed by obtuse state of the mind, a dazed condition.

Argentum Metallicum [Arg-m]

      Spasms. The attacks are followed by delirious rage; the patient jumps about and tries to strike those near him.

Argentum Nitricum [Arg-n]

      It is esp. indicated in Epilepsy caused by fright or in that which comes on during menstruation. The strong indicating symptom is : For days or hours before an attack the pupils are dilated. After the attack, the patient is very restless and has trembling of the hands.

Arsenicum [Ars]

      It may be used when before the attack the patient has spells of vertigo and intense aching in the occiput. He falls down unconscious and then writhes in convulsions. The convulsions are followed by stupor, which however is not complete, but is broken by ever present restlessness.

Artemisia Vulgaris [Art-v]

      A very servicable remedy in Epilepsy brought on by violent emotions and esp. by fright. The attacks come in rapidly-repeated seizures, i.e., several convulsions come close together and then there is a long interval of rest. Great restlessness is characteristic. The paroxysms are usually followed by profound sleep.

It may be of some use in that form of Epilepsy known as `petit mal’. The patient is walking in the street, when suddenly he stops, stares into vacancy, possibly mumbles a few words, regains a normal condition, and then goes his way totally unconscious of anything unusual having occured.

Belladonna [Bell]

      It is very often called for in the treatment of convulsions. Epilepsy is readily modified by it, and at times cured. In such cases cerebral symptoms are prominent. The indicating symptoms are : Hot head, flushed face, throbbing carotids, stating from sleep in terror, etc.; the foam at the mouth have an odor of rotten eggs. The convulsive movements may be a combination of emprosthotonos and opisthotonos; or the patient, usually a child, becomes suddenly rigid, stiffens out, with fixed starting eyes.

Bufo [Bufo]

      The form of Epilepsy, for which it has done the most is, that which occurs from sexual over-excitement. The aura, that begins the epileptic paroxysm, starts from the genital organs, or else seems to start from the solar plexus, and moves upwards [Calcarea C., Nux V., Silicea]. The symptoms are preceded by a singular irritability of mind, during which the patient talks incoherently, and is then vexed, because his gibberish is not understood. The patient may even be thrown into violent convulsions, which are usually followed by profound sleep.

It is also useful in epileptiform spasms, reflex from irritation of worms [Ind.], in children who are vehement or excitable [Nux V.].

Calcarea Carb [Calc]

      The causes for the Calcarea-Epilepsy are fright, suppression of some chronic eruption, and also excesses in venery. The aura which precedes the attack, in some cases begins in the solar plexus and moves upwards [Bufo, Nux V., Silicea] and the patient is at once thrown into convulsions; in some cases, it feels as if a mouse were running up the arm [Sul.]; in still others, the aura may go from the epigastrium down into the uterus or into the limbs.

When Epilepsy is caused by excessive venery or suppression of an eruption, if follows well Sulphur. You are apt to think first of Sulphur, for this sensation as of a mouse creeping up the arm. It is particularly indicated if Sulphur does not cure, or if the pupils do not dilate after the use of Sulphur.

The Epilepsy may also be connected with the menstrual irregularities and also when it occurs at the age of puberty-in such cases it is closely allied t Causticum.

Causticum [Caust]

      It may be used in Epilepsy, particularly in la petit mal. `The symptoms indicating it are : When walking in the open air the patient falls, but soon recovers; during the unconscious stage, the patient passes urine.

It may even be used when the attacks are of a convulsive nature esp. when they recur at the New Moon.

Moreover it is indicated in Epilepsy, when it is connected with menstrual irregularities and also when it occurs at the age of puberty; in these symptoms Causticum is closely allied to Calcarea Carb.

Cicuta Virosa [Cic]

      The symptoms indicating it in Epilepsy are : At first, sudden rigidity, with fixed staring eyes, bluish face, Next, a shock or series of shocks from head down through the body. Then jerking and violent distortion of the limbs, lock-jaw, followed by utter

prostration; tonic spasm, renewed by touch; great oppression of breathing; opisthotonos; loss of consciousness. Trembling, before and after the spasm and disproportionately severe weakness afterwards.

Cuprum [Cupr]

      The convulsions usually start from he brain-with blueness of the face and lips, the eye-balls are rotated and there are frothing at the mouth and violent convulsive symptoms, esp. or the flexor muscles; it may be ushered in by a violent shriek or cry and is followed by deep sleep.

Hydrocyanic Acid [Hydr-ac]

      It is a useful drug for the paroxysms of Epilepsy. Its convulsions are very much like those of the fully developed Epileptic attack. Its indicating symptoms are: suddenly a shock is felt, which passes like lightning from head to foot and then comes the spasm. Long-lasting faints; repeated weak spells. Spasm of the muscles of face, jaw and back, esp. the latter two are stiff. During the paroxysms-the face is blue, the surface of the body livid and cold; irregular respiration or gasping; the patient clutches at the heart, as if in distress. Drinks roll audibly in the oesophagus [Elaps]. Great prostration. The remedy is more like Cicuta and Helleborus

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

      It is one of the most reliable remedies we have for epileptic convulsions, that is, if there is no other remedy indicated.

Sudden starting, jerking and twitching of single groups of muscles; one arm will twitch, then the other. The motions are all angular. During the paroxysm, the face is distorted and is apt to be of a deep-red color, almost purple; hunger appears before the attacks, esp. the children wake up from sleep hungry. There is a great deal of frothing at the mouth and biting of the tongue. The patient seems to be wild.

Ind. [Indg]

      It is indicated in epileptiform spasms, which seem to be reflex from the irritation of worms, and is often useful in children, when they are aroused at night, with horrible itching at the anus. Although it is the best remedy in such condition, it nerve does any good, unless the patient is low-spirited or sad or timid; if he is vehement or excitable, recourse must be had to a vehement remedy like Nux Vomica of Bufo.

Nux Vomica [Nux-v]

      If is the first remedy to be though of if indigestion starts the trouble, esp. if the aura starts in the epigastrium and spreads upwards.

It is also useful in epileptiform spasms, reflex from the irritation of the worms[Bufo, Ind], in children, who are vehement or excitable [Bufo].

Plumbum [Plb]

      The characteristic symptoms which indicate it are: Paralytic heaviness of the legs before the attack, and Paralysis and prolonged snoring sleep afterwards.

Rananculus Bulbosus [Ran-b]

      It should be remembered as a remedy for epileptiform attacks resulting from the bad effects of excesses in drink.

Silicea [Sil]

      Convulsions of an epileptic character, with a well-marked aura, which starts from the solar plexus [Bufo, Nux V.], made worse by any external impressions. The attacks are said to come in certain phases of the moon. In a child, if there is any tendency to Epilepsy, and little emotion will tend to throw it into convulsions.

Stannum [Stan]

      Epilepsy has been treated with it, particularly when reflex from abdominal irritation, as from the presence of worms in the intestinal canal. The patient has a pale face and dark rings around the eyes and colic, which is relieved by pressing firmly on the abdomen; he has a sweet taste in the mouth.

It is also useful in Epilepsy, with sexual complications, opisthotonos and clenching of the thumbs.

Sulphur [Sulph]

      Useful in Epilepsy caused by excessive venery or suppression of an eruption. Before the attack the patient feels as if, a mouse is creeping up the arm [Calcarea Carb.]. It is followed well by Calf. Carb. (See Calcarea Carb.).

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.