Phytolacca [Phyt]
Poke-root.-An old household remedy for rheumatism, and especially chronic rheumatism. A Phytolacca salve, or ointment, is considered to be good for the latter when rubbed in. Phytolacca is one of the homoeopathic remedies taken internally for rheumatism, 3d potency, twice a day.
Honey Persons much subject to rheumatism, the old worthies said, ought to eat plenty of honey. It is surely easier than the besting cure and probably more efficacious.
Petroleum [Petr]
This is a popular remedy for chronic rheumatism in Germany. Rub the affected parts with Kerosene, coal oil, or crude petroleum.
Stellaria media [Stel]
1st dilution, is a remedy for excruciating and shifting rheumatic pains. It also has repute as a remedy for chronic cases. A lotion of a teaspoonful of the tincture in half a tumblerful of water may be used externally. First brought to notice by an English clergyman.
Oil of turpentine.-An old remedy for rheumatism, acute or chronic, was to rub the affected part with the oil of turpentine. If one or two applications do not relieve there is no use in continuing the treatment. It may, however, irritate the skin.
Viscum album [Visc]
The Mistletoe was the chief medicine with the Druids and Gauls. Dr. Huber said that in the 3d potency it was a remedy for rheumatic gout, especially in the winter or in cold seasons. The Druid priests said it would cure everything curable, which belief appears to be an evidence of extreme ancient optimism.
Potato Buckeye.-Carry constantly a small potato in your trousers’ pocket and it will guard you against rheumatism. There are others, however, who carry a buckeye or horse chestnut, the same way, for the same purpose. Probably the latter would suit cases also inclined to piles. Or make certain by carrying one in each pocket. There are many who vow that this is efficacious.
Collinsonia Canadensis [Coll]
Stone-root is an old country remedy for chronic rheumatism. If you have not the root, give 5 drops of Collinsonia 0, in a little hot water, as a dose, say, twice a day.
Capsicum [Caps]
An ointment of Capsicum Cayenne pepper, of old, has great repute as a cure for chronic rheumatism of the joints. It was rubbed on the affected part with a woollen glove or cloth for about ten minutes. But look out for the skin.
Lactic acid [Lac-ac]
Given in the 2x, a dose every three hours, has given relief and cured many cases of arthritic rheumatism.
Formica rufa [Form]
In cases of rheumatism, or gout, that come on suddenly, rendering patient almost or quite helpless, this drug, in 2 or 3 drop doses of the tincture, twice a day, is said to act quickly and well. Inflammatory rheumatism.
Arctium lappa.-An old eclectic once said that three drugs would cure many of the common ills of humanity, namely, Iris ver. for skin disease especially syphilitic, Lappa for rheumatism, especially of the joints, and Rumex crispus for the mucous membranes, such as catarrh. Being an eclectic he gave rather material doses, but amount not stated. 5 drop doses of the tincture ought to do all that can be expected of these drugs, though more may be given.
Rhus toxicodendron [Rhus-t]
This is standard, not a by-way. Rhus tox. 3 will cure more cases of rheumatism or rheumatic pains that come on in cold, or wet weather, or from dampness, than all other drugs combined. Take several doses a day until better and then stop the drug. Some persons make a point in raw, cold and wet days of taking a dose before going out in the morning, as they say it protects them from colds and rheumatism.