Homeopathy Remedies for Eyes

Anshutz gives a useful therapeutic differential diagnosis of the condition Eyes, with the most useful homeopathic remedies. Therapeutic byways by E.P. Anshutz, published in 1900….

Prunus spinosa [Prun]

      Moffat says that Prunus spinosa 0, medicated pellets, is a remedy for severe pain in the eyes, where there is no other symptom.

Oil of Thuja Several doctors have written that they know of nothing better for corneal opacities than Thuja oil, applied to the affected part.

Cimicifuga [Cimic]

      in cases of severe and continued pain in eyes or ears, paint the surrounding skin with the tincture of Cimicifuga, applying with a camel’s hair brush. This has been recommended by country physicians. Also give same drug internally, 3d dilution, three times a day.

Potato For inflamed eyes scrape a raw white potato and bind the pulp on for a short time. An old recipe.

Hot water For pain in the eyes put a towel in hot water and then hold it as warm as is bearable to the eyes, repeating frequently.

Cabbage Bruise cabbage leaves to a pulp and apply to inflamed, watery eyes, or to eyes exuding pus. Or squeeze the juice out of the pounded cabbage and mix it with a little honey and apply. This goes back to the days of Pliny.

Ruta [Ruta]

      An old homoeopathic, or perhaps, popular prescription for strained eyes, strained from over-work, too much sewing, reading or the like, is Ruta graveolens 3. Take a dozen medicated pellets, about twice a day, until better.

Physostigma [Phys]

      30 cured pain in the eyes, etc. astigmatism? that glasses would not relieve.

Massage Years ago a Dr. Schlegel advocated the use of massage for the eyes to restore failing vision. He cited a case in which a young girl had had her vision restored and as nothing that had been done could account for it he concluded that the vigorous examination of the eyes constituting a sort of massage must have been responsible. There may be some good in this idea, but, of course, it will not hold where certain pathological conditions are present. Still it is worthy of consideration.

Aconite [Acon]

      There are cases on record of sudden blindness, coming on without apparent cause and when all the other functions of the body seemed normal, having been cured by Aconite. 3.

Ferrum phos [Ferr-p]

      6x for simple inflammation.

Natrum mur [Nat-m]

      30 for watery eyes.

Kali sulph [Kali-s]

      6x for pus-like exudation.

E.P. Anshutz
Edward Pollock Anshutz – 1846-1918. Editor - Homeopathic Recorder and author of New Old and Forgotten Remedies. Held an Hon. Doctor of Medicine from Hering Medical College.