Homeopathy Remedies for Cancer

Anshutz gives a useful therapeutic differential diagnosis of the condition Cancer, with the most useful homeopathic remedies. Therapeutic byways by E.P. Anshutz, published in 1900….

Condurango [Cund]

      Dr. J. Compton Burnett gives as his Sixth Reason for being a Homoeopath Fifty Reasons, etc. the action of Condurango in cancer. It was hailed as a cancer remedy, but failed. He proved it and found among other things that it produces cracks or sore places at the corners of the mouth. The Sixth Reason is the cure of a cancer in a woman, with this drug being guided by the condition of the corners of her mouth, or lips. Without this guiding symptom it is useless.

Poke leaves The juice of poke leaves, or a cerate of the same Phytolacca decandra folia, is an old remedy for cancer or ulcers. Said also to loosen up the stiff joints of rheumatism ankylosis. Take Phytolacca internally at same time.

Cholesterina [Chol]

      This drug was Burnett’s great remedy for cancer of the liver. Verified by others.

Mullein oil The external use of this was practiced by the North American Indians for cancer. Some men have said that while it will not cure it seems to stop the growth and assuage its virulence.

Carbonate of Lime Lancet May 7, 1887 tells of a cancer cured about 20 years ago by the carbonate of lime from oysters shells-half a teaspoonful twice a day for two or three months. Other correspondents related cases of tumors, fibroids, etc. cured by this lime. The same was afterwards commented on favorably in the Scientific American. It probably attracted no attention owing to the fact that the remedy was not obtainable. The homoeopathic trituration of Calcarea carb. 1x is nothing else but this oyster shell lime thoroughly triturated with milk sugar and will give any good results there is in the treatment. A well triturated drug always has a more powerful action than the crude and a much smaller quantity will do better work. Homoeopaths use the 30th potency mostly.

Calendula [Calen]

      An old routine practice for external treatment of cancer is the application of the tincture of Calendula or Succus Calendulae, that is, among the older practitioners. It cannot harm, while in very many cases it has given great relief to the sufferer. Take drop doses internally at the same time.

Echinacea angustifolia [Echi]

      It is said that if patients suffering from cancer be given, say, from five to twenty drops of the tincture of Echinacea internally, and the cancer be kept dressed with a free application of the same tincture externally, great relief, or even cure, may be looked for.

Atropine A French doctor said that a solution of one part of the sulphate of atropine to 1,000 of distilled water applied by a compress wet with the solution would allay the extreme pain of cancer.

Trifolium repens [Trif-r]

      A pounded paste of the blossoms of the common red clover is a popular remedy in some regions for cancer. Apply the paste to the cancer. If the plant is not available use the tincture.

Acetic acid [Acet-ac]

      In Bennett’s Physiology it is said that Acetic acid is the only drug that has developed the typical cancer cell. Dosage, homoeopathic, runs from 3d to 30th. Not to be taken too often, say, once a day or every second day. Other dosage, or course, is stronger.

Robinia [Rob]

      This drug has given ease in gastric cancer where the acid vomiting was very distressing. The autopsy confirmed the diagnosis in these cases. The dosage must be guided by the results-5 drops of the 0, the 1x, 1st or 3d, or higher.

Plantain John Wesley was something of a doctor as well as preacher. One of his prescriptions was to apply the pounded pulp of plantain leaves to the cancer. This is the Plantago of pharmacy. There are Plantago ointments today used for that purpose and doing the same work, and also the tincture 0 of the fresh leaves at homoeopathic pharmacies.

Nymphaea odorata [Nym]

      The use of this drug, like Hydrastis and Hamamelis, came from the Indians. In the form of suppositories is said to greatly relieve if not cure uterine cancer, prolapse and other ills peculiar to females.

Pine pitch ointment An old Bohemian cure for cancer. apply to cancer on a clean rag and bind on. Perhaps is should not remain on too long. When removed wash ulcer with Succus Calendulae, and again apply.

Homoeopathy Absolutely disregard the name cancer. Carefully take the patient’s symptoms, especially the mental or peculiar ones, and then give that drug no matter whether it is a cancer remedy or not. This course may lead to some undreamed of remedy. It has also led to some startling cures. In support of the contention that the mentality of the patient may play a part in the selection it may be noted that Sir Henry Butlin, President of the Royal College of Surgeons see Lancet, Dec.2, 1911, reasoned to the conclusion that when you have solved the enigma of life you will know the origin of cancer. Now, as we all know, the mentality of a patient is the nearest point to which we can approach a patient’s life, to use Butlin’s word.

E.P. Anshutz
Edward Pollock Anshutz – 1846-1918. Editor - Homeopathic Recorder and author of New Old and Forgotten Remedies. Held an Hon. Doctor of Medicine from Hering Medical College.