Homeopathy Remedies for Back Pain

Anshutz gives a useful therapeutic differential diagnosis of the condition Back, with the most useful homeopathic remedies. Therapeutic byways by E.P. Anshutz, published in 1900….

Tellurium [Tell]

      Has repeatedly cured pain in upper part of spinal column and back. Use 30th once a day.

Rana bufo [Bufo]

      said wahle: Whenever you have spinal disease where symptoms come on at a certain hour give Rana bufo-give it blindly, and you will be surprised at the results. Use 6. or 30th potency, twice a day.

Berberis vulgaris [Berb]

      where there is persistent pain in the small of the back Berberis vul., in 5 drop doses of the tincture, has given relief.

Rhus toxicodendron [Rhus-t]

      when there is a pain in the back-lumbago-or rheumatic pains in any part of the body, in damp weather, or especially cool, damp weather this drug, Rhus tox 3., is what is needed. It is the great rheumatic remedy for the rheumatic pains that come on in wet weather -cold or warm. Two or three doses day a sufficient. Whatever one feels better it is a good rule to stop the medicine.

Ginseng [Gins]

      The Chinese regard this as the greatest of all drugs.

Some American doctors have claimed that it will relieve the stiffness in back legs, etc. that afflicts many. Dose, the tincture, 5 drops or the 1x.

Balky Horses

When a horse balks, so a mounted policeman is reported as saying, lift his foreleg so it is bent at the knee joint, hold it for one or two minutes, then let it down and tell him to get up -and he will go.

E.P. Anshutz
Edward Pollock Anshutz – 1846-1918. Editor - Homeopathic Recorder and author of New Old and Forgotten Remedies. Held an Hon. Doctor of Medicine from Hering Medical College.