After Scarlatina Belladonna, Hep-S., Mercurius

After Small-pox Mercurius, Sulphur

Scrofulous Calcarea, Iodium, Graphites, Hepar, Sulphur, Merc-C., Arsenicum

Syphilitic Merc-Cor., nitricum acidum, Thuja, Aurum

In infants Arg-nit., Calc-c., Sulphur, Mercurius

Pains: see Neuralgia, Rheumatism, etc.

Painters’ Colic: see Colic.

Palpitation: Mosch. (nervous); Aconite, Spigelia, Belladonna, Cact-G., Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Arsenicum

Period: see Menstruation.

Paralysis: Baryt-c., Nux-v., Arg-nit., Plumb., Rhus, Phosphorus, Gelsemium, Aconite, Perspire: Tendency to China, Mercurius, Veratrum, Carbo-v.

Photophobia (intolerance of light): Belladonna, Ant-t., Merc-cor., Euphr., Calcarea, Ignatia

Phthisis (to waste away): see Consumption.

Piles: Sulph., Hamamelis, Collinsonia, Aloes., Nux-v., AEscul.; Hamamelis ext.

Pimples: Belladonna, (in the full-blooded); Pulsatilla (in girls): Sulph. K-Bich., Ant-C., Hep-s.

Pleurisy: Aconite alt. Bryonia; Phosphorus, Iodium, Arsenicum, Polypus: Merc-Iodium, K-Bich., Teuc., Calcarea

Prolapsus: Of the Anus Ignatia, Nux-v., Podoph., Mercurius

Of the Womb- Stann., Secale, Belladonna, Sepia., Nux-v., Helonias

Prostatitis (Inflammation of the prostate): Belladonna, Pulsatilla, K-Hyd.

Prostration: see Debility.

Proud-Flash: Silicea, Fluor-ac., nitricum acidum, Phosphorus

Puerperal (child-bed) Fever: Aconite, Belladonna, Bryonia, Stramonium

Purple-rash: Belladonna, Chamomilla, Calc-c.

Prurigo (a popular eruption, with intolerable itching): of the Anus nitricum acidum, Sulphur Also Glyc. of Hydrast., or freshy made chloroform ointment (1/2 dr. ad. adipis 1/2 oz.) ext.).

Of the Pudendi Aconite, Sulphur, Sepia, Lycopodium, Collinsonia; Glyc. of Hydrast., or a solution of Borax (pulv. Boracis grs. xx. aq. ij. ext.).

Of the scrotum Petro., Merc-Cor., nitricum acidum, Rhus, Aconite Also frequent ablutions with tepid or cold water.

Quinsy: Belladonna, Bary-c., Merc-iod., K. Permang (as a gargle, gr. xii. ad. aq. des. 4 oz.).

Rash: During Teething Chamomilla; Ant-c. (with Diarrhoea); Arsenicum (with prostration).

Red-Gum (Infant rash); Ant-c., Bryonia, Chamomilla, Pulsatilla see Rash.

Relaxed Bowels: see Diarrhoea.

Relaxed Throat: K-Bich., Hep-S., Bary-C., Phyto., Phosphorus

Remittent Fever: Gelsemium (specially in children); Arsenicum, Veratrum, China, Ipecac., Rhus.

Retention of Urine: Cantharis, Nux-v., Opi., Aconite, Camph., Cann.

Restlessness of Children: Coffea, Chamomilla, Aconite, Belladonna, Gelsemium

Rheumatic Fever: Aconite, Bryonia, Belladonna, Cimic.

Rheumatism: Of the Back see Lumbago.

Of the Chest (intercostal muscles) Rhododendron Chrys., Bryonia, Arnica

Of the Heart Spigelia, Cimic., Cact-G., Bryonia, Digitalis

Of the Joints Ruta, Bryonia, Rhus, Cimic., Causticum, K-Hyd.

Of the Neck Bryonia, Rhod-Chrys.

Chronic Rhus., Arnica, Sulphur, Rhododendron-Chrys., Cimic., K-Hyd.

Rickets: Silicea, Calc-c., Sulphur Also out door air, cold or tepid salt-water baths, and a teaspoonful of cod-liver oil twice a day.

Ring-worm: Of the Scalp Sepia; also Sulphurous Ac. ext.

Of the Skin Tellur., Rhus, Sepia, Sulphur

Rush of Blood: see Congestion.

Salivation: From Mercury Acid nitricum; Iodium, Hep-S. Non-Mercurial Mercurius

Scabies (the itch); Sulphur ointment.

Scald-Head: Calc-Phosphorus, Arsenicum, Sulphur, Ant-c., Lycopodium; Rhus int. and ext. Scalds see Burns.

Scarlatina: Simple Aconite alt. Belladonna; Sulph. (convalescence).

With Throat Affection (anginosa) Merc-Apis.

Malignant Ailanthus Gland., Arsenicum, Mercurius-Ac., Carbo Veg., Condy’s Fluid topically.

Preventive Belladonna

Sciatica: Coloc., Rhus, Arsenicum, Nux vomica, Cann.

Scorbutus (Scurvy): Mercurius, Acid nitricum, Carbo veg., Arsenicum

Screams of Infants: Chamomilla, Aconite, Jal., Belladonna

Scrofulous Affections: Iodium, Calc-c., Sulphur, Phosphorus

Scurvy of the Gums: see Gums.

Sea-sickness: Petrol., Cocc., Tabac., Nux-v.

Self-abuse: Evils of see Spermatorrhoea.

Shingles: Rhus Tox., Sulphur

Sick-headache: Iris, Ipecac., Pulsatilla, Nux-v., Sepia

Sickness: Ipecac., (simple); Pulsatilla (from rich food); Nux-v. (from alcohol); Iris, Ant-t. See also Vomiting.

Morning Ipecac., Kreosotum, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Arsenicum

Skin: Itching of Arg-nit., Sulphur, Arsenicum, Mez.; Verat-vir.(painful sensitiveness).

See also. Excoriations, Prurigo, Scabies, etc.

Sleepiness: Opi., Belladonna, Aconite; Lycopodium, (after dinner).

Sleeplessness: Coffea, Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Gelsemium, Verat-V., Gloninum, Ignatia, Avena.

Small-pox: Ant-Tart., Mercurius, Belladonna, Bryonia, Sulphur

Smell: Loss of Pulsatilla, Mercurius, Gelsemium, Aconite, Sanguinaria, Calc-c., Plumb.

Sneezing: From a Cold Mercurius, Ipecac., Aconite, Arsenicum

Sore Eyes: Mercurius, Clematis, Sulphur, Calc-c., Euphr., Acid nitricum

Sore Throat: Aconite, Belladonna, Mercurius; K-Permang. or Phyto. as a gargle.

Soreness of Infants: see Excoriations.

Spasms and Cramps: Camph., Nux-v., Coloc., Veratrum, Cocc., Gelsemium

Spermatorrhoea: Phosphorus, China, Ferrum, Acid phosphoricum., Arg-m., Gelsemium

Spine: Concussion of Arnica, Hypericum.

Irritation of China, Ignatia, Nux-v., Gelsemium

Spitting of Blood; See Haemorrhage; From the Lungs.

Sprains: Rhus tox., Arnica or Ruta, int. and ext.

Squinting: Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Gelsemium, or Stramonium (cerebral causes); Cina. (from worms): Spigelia, Phosphorus

Stammering: Belladonna, Hyoscyamus

Sterility: Phosphorus, Platina, Coni., Bary-c., Cann., Sepia, Borax.

Stiff-neck: Bryonia, Cimic., Belladonna

Stings: Lep., Apis, or Rhus, int. and ext. See also Mosquitoes.

Stitches in the Chest: Bryonia, Aconite, Cimic., Phosphorus

Stomach: Acidity of Pulsatilla, Nux-v., Bryonia, Lycopodium, Carbo-V., Calcarea

Inflammation of Aconite, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Phosphorus

Stomach: Ulceration of Arsenicum, Hydrast. K-Bich.

Stone and Gravel: Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Calcarea, Cann.

Stricture of the Urethra: Aconite, Nux vomica, Cantharis, Cann.

St. Vitus’s Dance: Agaricus., Belladonna, Cap-M., Artem., Stramonium, Zincum met., Arsenicum, Cimic., Ignatia, Verat-Vir.

Stye: Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Mercurius, Staphysagria (to prevent return).

Summer complaint (diarrhoea): China, Iris., Bryonia, Ant. Crud.

Sunstroke: Camph., Belladonna, Gloninum, Gelsemium, Verat-Vir.

Suppuration: Silicea, Hep-S.; Chin (when very profuse).

Sweat: Undue Phos-ac., Calc-c., Sulphur, Phosphorus, Sambucus, Veratrum

Foetid, Under the Arms Petrol, Carbo Veg.

Tendency to China, Mercurius, Veratrum, Carbo Veg.

Sweaty Feet and Hands: Silicea, Acid nitricum, Petro., Graphites

Swellings: Dropsical Arsenicum, Apis, Digitalis, Apocy-C.

Glandular Mercurius, Belladonna, Hep-S., Calc-C.

Of the Face Mercurius (from Gum-boil); Belladonna or Chamomilla (from Toothache); Apis (from Erysipelas); China or Arsenicum (dropsical).

Of the Feet (Oedema) Arsenicum, Ferrum, Apis, Digitalis, China

Of the Joints Iodium, Bryonia, Pulsatilla, Belladonna White Bryonia, Iodium, Silicea, Calc-C., Sulphur

Syphilis: Mercurius, Acid nitricum, Thuja, Arg-nit., Aurum

Tape Worm: Fil-Mas., Kous., Sabad., Cin., Sulphur, Ignatia

Taste Impaired: Pulsatilla, Mercurius, Plumb.

Teeth: see Toothache, and Dentition.

Testicles: Enlargement of Pulsatilla, Clematis, Spongia, Arnica, Aurum, Aconite, Also the use of a suspender.

Wasting of Iodium, Coni.

Tetters: Dry Mercurius, Iodium, Arsenicum, Petro.

Moist Aconite, Rhus, Arsenicum, Phyto., Graphites, Calcarea, Sulphur

Thread worms: Cina., Teucrium, Ignatia, China

Throat: Sore Aconite, Belladonna, Mercurius, Hep-s., Pulsatilla, Phyto., as a gargle.

Thrush: Borax, Mercurius, Arsenicum, Sulphur Also Sulphurous Ac., Spray.

Tic doloureux: see Neuralgia.

Tongue: Coated Ant-c. (milky-white); K-Bich. (yellowish); Pulsatilla (roughish-white); Rhus., Baptisia (brownish).

Swollen Belladonna, Mercurius, Aconite, Mur-ac.

Ulcerated Mercurius, nitricum acidum, Hydras, as a wash.

Tonsils: Enlarged Belladonna, Mercurius Bin., Calcarea, Phosphorus, K-Hyd., Bary-


Inflamed see Quinsy.

Toothache: Aconite, alt. Belladonna (redness of face. with throbbing); Pulsatilla

From Decay Kreosotum, Mercurius, Stamp., Phyto; see Gum-boil.

Nervous Coffea, Chamomilla, Ignatia, Gelsemium

Of Children Chamomilla, Kreas.

Of Pregnancy Belladonna, Nux vomica, Chamomilla, Coffea

Tumors: Nervous Aconite, Ignatia, China, Coffea, Belladonna, Nux-vom. (from stimulants).

Tuberculosis (the condition of the body in which tubercles are deposited): Iodium, Phosphorus, Calc-C., FerrumIodium

Tumors: see Swellings.

Typhoid: (Enteric) Fever: Baptisia, Arsenicum, Mur-ac., Rhus.

Typhus Fever: Aconite, Bryonia, or Verat-Vir., Arsenicum, Hyoscyamus, Belladonna, Phosphorus

Ulcers: Hydras., Silicea or Kali-Bich. int. and ext.; Belladonna, Lycopodium

In the Leg Belladonna, Arsenicum, Mercurius (syphilitic); Causticum, Hydras., int. and ext.

Urine: Bloody Cantharis, Terebintha, Hamamelis

Burning or Scalding Cantharis, Cann., Gelsemium, Aconite

Foetid Ac., Bary., Terebintha, nitricum acidum

Painful Passage of Apis, Cantharis, Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Cann.

Incontinence of Lycopodium, Eup-per., Belladonna, Causticum, Cin. (from worms); Causticum, Phosphorus-Ac., Gelsemium(in the aged); Cantharis, Ferrum

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."