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Girls of all ages are liable to a discharge from the vulva, quite independently of infectious matter. The remembrance of this fact may save much distress….

16. – LEUCORRHOEA – WHITES (Fluor Albus)

DEFINITION – The term Leucorrhoea literally means a white discharge – the white as opposed to a red sanguineous one, – though it is not infrequently of a light cream colour, or yellow, or greenish – and includes a great variety of non-haemorrhagic discharges. It is a catarrh of the vagina, cervix, or uterus, the result of inflammation or irritation. In a healthy condition, the mucous lining, and the various glands which stud the vaginal orifice, secrete a fluid just sufficient to lubricate the opposed surfaces, and the other physiological purposes. In unhealthy conditions this secretion becomes increased in quantity, of an altered character and varies in colour and consistence; this is termed Leucorrhoea.

This disease or symptoms may occur at any period of life, but is most common after puberty, and previously to the cessation of the menses, when so many causes are in operation to induce free determination of blood to the utero-genital organs.

It has been observed that leucorrhoeal discharge in the mother is a potent cause of scrofula in the child. The foetus is insufficiently nourished, hence the scrofulous symptoms soon show themselves in the form of Convulsion, Hydrocephalus, or mesenteric disease; or, if the age of Puberty be reached, in Tubercular.

SYMPTOMS – Generally, a profuse mucous discharge from the utero- vaginal lining membranes of a white, cream-yellow, or greenish colour; thin and watery, or of the consistency of starch or gelatine; it may present a curdled appearance, or appear as a thick tenacious, glairy secretion; and it may be inodorous or foetid. When the discharge proceeds from the vagina it is generally a light, creamy-looking fluid, and has an acid reaction; when it is the effect of ulceration of the os uteri it is profuse and semi-purulent. That poured out by the cervical glands is a copious tenacious albuminous fluid, very much like the white of an egg, and so distinctive that it is unmistakably connected with disease of the cervical canal. It blocks up the os uteri, and hangs out of it as a string of viscid mucus which cannot be wholly removed. This form of Leucorrhoea prevents conception.

The discharge proceeding from the lining of the interior of the uterus has a alkaline reaction, is copious, and generally immediate precedes menstruation. But in most cases the discharge is much more profuse immediately after the menstrual period. In severe cases, the whole system becomes injuriously affected; the face is pale or sallow; the function of digestion are impaired; there are dull pains in the loins and abdomen; cold extremities; palpitation and dyspnoea after exertion; debility and loss of energy; partial or entire suppression of the menstrual flow. Sometimes the discharge is evidently vicarious of menstruation. Slight cases of Leucorrhoea may exist for years without giving rise to any very marked symptoms.

CAUSES – These may be constitutional or local. Any habits or disorder which debilitates the constitution or lowers the tone of health is likely to be accompanied, sooner or later, by a leucorrhoeal discharge; thus it is frequently associated with profuse menstruation prolonged lactation, and other excessive discharges; thus it is frequently associated with profuse menstruation prolonged lactation, and other excessive discharges; prolapsus uteri.

It is often met with in delicate females of a leuco-phlegmatic temperament, in whom a tendency to Phthisis exists; indeed, it is not infrequently the precursor, if not the cause, of lung disease. Cold; congestion; scrofulous constitution; defective health generally; a warm climate; the use of purgative drugs; an inactive and luxurious life, etc. In short, Leucorrhoea is likely to accompany or follow any disease that enfeebles the health. Leucorrhoea is very common in rich, indolent, luxurious and dissipated, and in those who live in crowded cities; it is less frequent in those of industrious and regular habits, and in persons living in the country, especially if the soil be dry.

Local causes are – excessive intercourse, and similar causes of sexual irritation; Polypi, little vascular mucous tumors, or other abnormal growths of the uterus; want of cleanliness, etc. Lastly, Leucorrhoea not infrequently results from irritation or disease in an adjacent part – thread-worms in the rectum (especially in children), Piles, Stone, or Catarrh of the bladder, or the introduction of any irritation substance into the vaginal passage.


1. Yellow or white mucous discharge – Calcarea C., China, Copav., Hydras., Iodium, Mercurius, Nat. M., Pulsatilla, Sepia, Xanth.

2. Thin, watery discharge – Alumina, Arsenicum, Ferrum, Graphites, Iodium, Sabina, Stannum

3. Thick discharge – Mez., Sepia, Zincum met.

4. Acrid discharge – Acon -N., Arsenicum, Helonias, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Sepia

5. Milky – Calcarea carb., Ferrum, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Silicea

6. Offensive. – Carb.-V., Causticum, Iodium, Kreosotum, Sepia

7. Bloody – Calcarea C., China., Kreosotum, Lycopodium

8. Greenish – Carb. -V., Kreosotum, Mercurius, Sabina, Sulphur


Arsenicum – Thin, burning Leucorrhoea, from passive or atonic hyperaemia of the uterus, with too frequent and profuse Menstruation.

Calcarea Carb. – Chronic Leucorrhoea in children and in women of weak, scrofulous, and lymphatic constitution, particularly those who menstruate too frequently and too profusely; the Leucorrhoea has a milky appearance, is worse just before the menses, is often attended with itching or burning, or with pains shooting through the parts and sometimes falling of the womb.

China. – After long-continued or excessive discharge, for the consequent debility; also after other debilitating diseases which have induced Leucorrhoea.

Hamamelis – Moderate or excessive discharge, more or less taking the place of menstruation, with much pain about the groin, scalding urine, etc.

Helonias – Leucorrhoea with relaxation of the womb and its appendages. It improves the tone of the sexual organs, and at the same time corrects the co-existing general debility.

Hydrastis – Leucorrhoea with abrasion or superficial ulceration of the parts, and co-existing indigestion and debility. It should be used locally also, six drops of the extract to an ounce of water.

Iodium – In constitutions similar to those mentioned under CalcareaCarb., when there is an offensive, thin discharge; with emaciation.

Mercurius – Leucorrhoea of a yellowish character, containing matter (pus), with soreness and itching, profuse menstruation, the discharge being thin and unhealthy looking; weakness, coldness, sallow complexion, etc.

Pulsatilla – Suitable in the majority of cases, especially when occurring in girls who have not menstruated, or in Leucorrhoea during pregnancy, when the discharge is a thick white mucus, or is corrosive with itching etc. Wandering pains in the abdomen, flatulence, and the Pulsatilla temperament are further indications.

Sepia – Yellow, greenish, or foetid discharge, worse before the menses; scanty menstruation, bearing-down pains; costiveness; sensitiveness to cold; languor; delicate, unhealthy skin.

Sulphur – Chronic cases and scrofulous constitutions. It may follow, or be given in alternation with, any one or the above remedies, in the latter case, Sulphur for seven or ten days, and the other remedy selected the next seven or ten days, and continue to repeat as long as necessary.

Xanthoxylum. – LEucorrhoea with Amenorrhoea, or Dysmenorrhoea, especially in nervous persons, of a delicate organisation. This remedy we obtain from America, and according to Dr. Hale- confirmed as far as we have used it by our own experience-is of great value in diseases of the female reproductive organs.

ADDITIONAL REMEDIES – Colic (leucorrhoea, with colic and flatulent distention); Collinsonia (with piles or constipation); Stannum (watery leucorrhoea in feeble patients; Alumina (inveterate cases; profuse discharge; raised itching spots in the vagina) Kreosotum (with itching, burning and biting of the external parts.)

ADMINISTRATION – A dose three or four times daily for a week or ten days; in chronic cases, morning and night for a longer period.

ACCESSORY MEANS – There are several conditions which are absolutely essential to the successful treatment of “Whites,” – the most important of which are the following:- REST, in the horizontal posture, is sometimes necessary in the treatment of this, as it is of most other uterine disorders. Active exercise aggravates an existing Leucorrhoea, just as it does congestion, or inflammation of the womb. At the same time, moderate exercise in the open air, especially in the intervals between the attacks, short of inducing fatigue, is essential for the maintenance of the general health.

Other accessories of importance are – a…. chosen with the view to its nourishing properties, and to its ready assimilation; avoidance of all sexual excesses, indulgence in the pleasures of the table, exciting spectacles, crowded balls and parties, etc.; and lastly frequent injections of water, and daily ablutions, including the hip-bath, are necessary, in order to insure the most perfect cleanliness of the utero-genital organs.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."