These hints are of vital importance, alike for those under treatment and for all others who desire the inestimable blessing of a healthy long life.


A hip-bath may be procured of any respectable iron-monger; but in its absence any wide vessel about twelve inches deep will answer the purpose. Having poured water into the bath to the depth of five or six inches, removed the nightdress as far down as the waist, and tied the hair back, the lady should leave the entire face and hands with the water; then soap the hands well, and rub the face, neck, chest, and arms; and immediately afterwards bathe these parts with a sponge squeezed out of the water, drying rapidly by means of a large towel. Then, after throwing a covering over the shoulders and back, and removing the dress from the lower part of her body, she should sit down in the water, her feet resting on a warm mat, and being covered, together with her knees and legs, with a rug or flannel petticoat.

Whilst in this position she should rub the abdomen and loins with her wet hand or with a bath-glove. Having sat a sufficient time in the bath, she should stand up in it for a moment, and sponge the feet and legs, and then stepping out on to the warm mat, at once commence drying herself by means of a bath- sheet thrown over the shoulders, and using brisk traction till the whole body is in a comfortable glow, when dressing should not be delayed an instant. After the bath, she should take active exercise, if possible in the open air, to promote reaction and render it lasting.

Temperature of Water and Duration of Bath. – When the bath is used as a derivative it may be taken at first tepid, or a little under that temperature, and be always prolonged from ten to twenty minutes; but when it is used as a tonic, or as a means of maintaining the system in health, it must be taken cold, and not longer than from two to ten minutes.

If the reader is unaccustomed to a morning bath such as that just recommended, and especially if weakly, she may not at first be able to bear the water cold, and should commence by using water at about seventy degrees, gradually reducing the temperature for three or four mornings, after which, in nearly every case, she will be able to use it cold. The use of cold water every morning on rising form bed, in the manner just pointed out will wonderfully contribute to health of body and cheerfulness of spirits. During menstruation, it is not always necessary to suspend the bathing, but tepid water may be used if cold injuriously affects the discharge.

Precaution – In the use of cold bath it should be remembered that the water is very likely to be colder in winter than in summer, and that consequently there may be greater difference between its temperature and that of the blood. This difference should be tested by a thermometer. If the temperature of the water be found to be below 64* Fahr., it should be raised by the addition, of a little hot water. In attention to this matter may be followed by disagreeable sensations, or by a slight attack of muscular rheumatism.

Addition of Sea-Salt to the Bath. If sea-salt be added in such quantity to a bath that the mineral ingredient is about equal to that contained in salt-water, the bath will be found far more efficacious in many cases than a simple fresh-water one, on account of the stimulus imparted to the skin by the saline matter which it holds in solution. Another advantage resulting from the addition of salt is, that it tends to prevent the chill which fresh water sometimes gives rise to, and so enables persons of feeble circulation – weak heart and pulse, and cold hands and feet – to use cold bathing who could not otherwise do so. Sea- salt 1 (1. “Worcestershire Brine Crystals” and “Tidman’s Sea-salt are convenient forms of this) can now be very generally and cheaply obtained, and thus persons residing at a distance from the coast may enjoy the advantage and luxury of salt-water bath. In the absence of sea-salt, a handful of bay-salt, or of common salt, may be added to the water.

Bath-Sheets. – These form a very necessary appendix to the bath- room. They may be procured from most drapers’ establishments for from eight or twelve shillings, according to size. If only a towel is used, much vital heat necessarily passes off during the exposure, and the benefit of the bath is often lost from inattention to this point alone. A sheet thrown over the whole body prevents the too rapid radiation of heat from the surface, and aids reaction.

The process should be quickly performed. – The bath should be taken quickly, and the contact with the water boldly encountered, as it is the shock thus given which does so much good, by imparting tone and health to the nervous system. The entire process, including the drying, should be performed by the patient herself, as the exercise renders the reaction more complete and lasting; but a weakly person should have an assistant to rub her back whilst she herself rubs the front portion of her body. When assistance is needed, a person of robust constitution should be employed as a shampooer.

The universal adoption of such a bath as we have described would prevent may of the nervous, fancied, and real ailments of invalids, secure large exemption from skin affections, and remove the excessive sensibility to cold and disease that often dims the sunshine of life, and cripples the efforts of many who would gladly be usefully employed. Probably there is no hygiene habit inculcated in this volume commensurate in value to the cold bath; and although it is much neglected by the illiterate and the poor, we are glad to know that it is now largely and increasingly adopted by the intelligent and well-to-do classes. If the Author’s labours in the production of this book lead to no other result than the habitual and extended use of the morning bath, he will not have labored in vain.


In many female derangements, in conjunction with appropriate remedies, the spinal hot-water bag is of great advantage in Menorrhagia, Dysmenorrhoea, and also for the relief of pelvis distress arising during the course of uterine or ovarian disease. In many cases of profuse menstruation, especially in patients of relaxed muscular tissue, or in those suffering from the effects of imperfect involution of the uterus, the application of a ten- inch spinal bag, filled with water of the temperature of about 110* Fahr., to the lower part of the spine, is a powerful help in arresting the excessive loss. The bag should be worn for not less than two hours at a time. In cases of Dysmenorrhoea, especially if they are of inflammatory or congestive origin, suffering is often greatly mitigated by wearing the hot-water spinal-bag for two hours at a time at intervals through the day.

It is equally applicable and beneficial to patients with pain in the back, above the pubes, over the ovaries, or along the margin of the false ribs, in ovarian or uterine disease. “The treatment of uterine diseases by the application of cold to the spine, best effected by means of ice-bags, requires to be carried out with greater caution than does that by means of the spinal hot-water bag. The latter injudiciously applied, may aggravate suffering or be altogether useless, but is not likely to be decidedly injurious. The ice-bag, however, may, without doubt, if used in unsuitable cases, prove exceedingly so. The ice-bag is useful 1st, In certain cases of Amenorrhoea in which the cold hip-bath is not suitable; 2ndly, In relieving the sickness of pregnancy 3rdly. In certain forms of disease in which severe pelvic and lumbar pains are experienced, together with, and apparently depending on, the condition known as Spinal Irritation” (Dr. L. Atthill). It should, in the first instance, be used only fifteen minutes at a time. If well borne, its application should be prolonged, but it is better to carry out this treatment by repeated application of the ice-bag made at intervals of some hours than by prolonged applications made once or twice a day. In pregnancy, great caution is necessary, when only a moderate use of ice-bag is recommended.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."