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Isopathy and Homoeopathy Their Relationship

Isopathy and Homoeopathy Their Relationship. This diversity, it is to be remembered, is a coefficient of the body, for in every case the antigen is the same. Now it is important to remember in this connection that isopathy never considers the diversity in the body reaction to a given antigen. Homoeopathy, on the other hand, emphasizes this diversity.

Streptococcus Meningitis – Recovery

Streptococcus Meningitis – Recovery. It is highly desired that someone who has access to homoeopathic literature should compile a list of course of streptococcic meningitis where the homoeopathic remedy has been administered. I suggest that these cases be in two classes: one to contain only those in which the proper laboratory examinations have been made to establish the diagnosis; the other to contain those where the laboratory examinations have not been made, but in which the history and physical examination make it highly probable that the meningitis is streptococcic in etiology.

Homoeopathic Therapy in Neurocirculatory Asthenia

Homoeopathic Therapy in Neurocirculatory Asthenia. The philosophy of medicine and of homoeopathy is a very fascinating subject and a very important subject, but after all the final test of any method of medical practice is the way in which it acts at the bedside. We may theorize all we please as to what a certain system of practice or a certain substance ought to do, but that actually counts, and what in my opinion does more for homoeopathy than anything else, is the actual curative results that we get with our patients.

The Human Side of Gastric Ulcer

The Human Side of Gastric Ulcer. From a study of the etiology it will be found that the dominant factors very in different locations. The flexible gastroscope has demonstrated the presence of gastric catarrh as an antedating element in many of the cases in Europe, and could one expect otherwise with the heavy foods and the free use of malt beverages so characteristic of the inhabitants of Central Europe?.

The Management of Chronic Congestive Heart Failure

The Management of Chronic Congestive Heart Failure. The problem of congestive heart failure can never be solved completely. The first need is rest with limitation of fluids and salt. In addition, digitalis frequently suffices; if not, diuretic medication is in order. If, in spite of all these measures, failure recurs or persist, total thyroidectomy demands careful consideration.

Modified Iridotasis Operation in Glaucoma

Modified Iridotasis Operation in Glaucoma. The conjunctiva is gently replaced and, if all the operative area is well covered and if moving the upper lid up and down a few times does not disturb the flap, sutures may be dispensed with, though often one or two may be found necessary. If there is a return of tension on the second or third week, as sometimes happens, massage and temporary use of myotics have in my experience always tided over this period.

Postoperative Cataract Complications by Latent Infections

Postoperative Cataract Complications by Latent Infections. The large majority of cataract operations are done an patients whose general physical conditions is not good for one or more of several reasons and it is surprising oftentimes how good a surgical result is obtained in the presence of unfavorable circumstances.

Using Digitalis to the Best Advantage

Using Digitalis to the Best Advantage. Digitalis is, without doubt, the most useful remedy in the treatment of heart failure. It is almost a specific in some forms of cardiac disease. Now, even more than ever before, digitalis is the one physiopathologic drug in all cases of cardiac derangement in which failure is the predominant note. For the greatest measures of success digitalis must be given in appropriate cases and in proper doses. Otherwise, one cannot expect the full benefit of its use.


Bursitis. Today we have definite physical therapy methods for the cure of bursitis. They are, however, wrongly employed by the average practitioner, though he possesses the apparatus. Many pitiful examples corroborating this statement could be cited, but for lack of space, I shall use of an illustration the following case only.

History of Homoeopathy

History of Homoeopathy. Worthy of note is furthermore his great diligence land his gigantic working power which permitted him to remain at his writing desk the greatest part of the night, or by the side of a retort. Only in such a manner can the number of books and his studies be understood, besides his later ever-growing practice with its great exchange of correspondence.