In some cases of bruising, the skin may be split by the force of the blow which caused the injury. This brings us to the consideration of cuts and lacerations. These may range from superficial or deep cuts made with sharp instruments, to jagged or lacerated wounds made with barbed wire, rusty nails, etc. Before dealing with any cut or abrasion wash your hands.

In some cases of bruising, the skin may be split by the force of the blow which caused the injury. This brings us to the consideration of cuts and lacerations. These may range from superficial or deep cuts made with sharp instruments, to jagged or lacerated wounds made with barbed wire, rusty nails, etc. Before dealing with any cut or abrasion wash your hands. Dont start treating the wound by putting iodine on it. It is the fashion nowadays to do so, but dont; the simple lotions used in homoeopathy will do all that is necessary to heal.

Bathe the would with a lotion made with Calendula; half a teaspoonful of Calendula to half a pint of hot water. Dip a piece of clean cotton wool in the lotion and allow it to trickle over the cut surface. Then in the case of a clean straight cut apply a small piece of gauze dipped in some fresh clean lotion to the wound and bandage it firmly. If the cut is painful, add five drops of Hypericum tincture to the Calendula lotion and dip the gauze dressing in it. Give internally a dose of Hypericum 3,30, or any potency you may have at hand.

If a cut is made upon a dirty surface or with a dirty instrument, clean it as before with the lotion. Then put on hot compresses of Calendula lotion and renew every two hours. Use fresh dressings each time and never use soiled dressings a second time. In the case of very sensitive persons who are apt to turn faint from the shock of an injury, however slight it may appear to be, give Arnica 30 internally for a few doses at hourly intervals.

Another class of wounds are those made by nails, needles or any sharp pointed instrument and are known as punctured wounds. These should never be treated lightly. Frequently we read in the newspapers of deaths resulting from trading on a nail or similar sharp pointed thing. Such punctured wounds may be neglected until the wounded area becomes painful and swollen, the temperature rises and a general state of septicaemia (blood poisoning) supervenes. Therefore, all punctured wounds, however slight, should be very carefully dealt with. At once cleanse the wound with hot Calendula lotion, then put on hot Calendula fomentations.

Change these later to Hypericum it the wound becomes painful. Give internally a dose of Ledum 6 or any potency you have at hand. Repeat every hour until eight doses have been given. If the wound becomes hot, painful, throbbing, give Belladonna 6, hourly until improving, then administer it two hourly. If matter forms and the wound becomes what is known as septic, give Hepar sulph. 30, every hour until improvement sets in, then give it two hourly. In all cases where any wound is not doing well at once, call in your doctor. The instructions given in these articles are for first aid treatment; no other may be necessary but, if in doubt, at once seek medical aid.

SPRAINS. Among the most common mishaps are sprains, and of these the most frequent is a sprained ankle. Within a short period after the injury the past swells up and some difficulty is experienced in using the joint with any degree of comfort. As regards treatment quite a lot can be done. Give at once a dose of Arnica 30 or any potency handy, and repeat every hour for six doses then two hourly until the sprain is less painful. The Arnica serves a double purpose, it tends to mitigate the shock and also a excellent for the bruising that ensues. Put on a hot compress of Calendula. Renew it every two hours. Keep the injured part at rest.

There is certain to be pain and discomfort at night, due largely to the difficulty of finding a comfortable position for the limb in bed. A tip, which the writers have found of considerable help, is to put a pillow at the bottom of the bed within reach of the injured ankle and let the foot rest against it. It usually gives great relief and in addition keeps the weight of the bedclothes off the ankle. If there is much discomfort give Rhus tox. 6, every half hour until the patient is able to rest with some degree of comfort.

Again, if there is any doubt about a sprain, call in the doctor. This applies especially to sprains of the ankle and wrist. The writers have seen patients limp into the out-patient department of a hospital with what was apparently a sprained ankle and which turned out to be a fracture. Many a sprained wrist is often more than that and on being X-rayed is found to have one or more bones broken.

FRACTURES. We have heard people say, “It wasnt broken; the doctor said it was a fracture”. Any fracture is a break and a fractured bone is a broken bone. All fractures and dislocations come under the province of the doctor. Keep the injured part at rest and do not attempt to move the patient until a temporary splint has been applied, otherwise a simple fracture may be converted into a compound one, that is, the broken ends of the bones may be driven through the skin. In cases of fractures there is always a considerable amount of shock. For this give Arnica 30 and repeat hourly for six doses. To assist in healing after the bones have been set by the surgeon give Symphytum 6, three times a day for four days. If the limb is painful and throbbing, a few doses of Belladonna will give ease.

F J Wheeler
Francis James Wheeler 1877 – 1960 MRCS, LRCP was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. He came from Southport and who was a friend and colleague of Edward Bach, and he helped to prove the flower remedies as each was discovered. Author of The Bach Remedies Repertory, Some observations on primary carcinoma of the liver: with references to museum specimens, and co- editor of The Bach Flower Remedies: Including Heal Thyself, the Twelve Healers, the Bach Remedies Repertory, Samuel Hahnemann, his life and work: based on recently discovered state papers, documents, letters, &c, and A case of Appendicitis.