THE ANIMALS PAGE. As soon as a patient tells a good homoeopath that washing and bathing disagrees Sulphur leaps to the mind. I sent the lady a small box of sugar pilules moistened with a millionth of a grain of Sulphur in solution, and in a week pussy looked much brighter and happier and had resumed regular and frequent washings. Not infrequently cats are killed by their owners because they have stopped washing themselves.


DEAR MR. BARKER,– I think you will be glad to know that the article on the treatment of distemper in dogs in your May issue helped us greatly when our two months old puppy developed this distressing ailment. We had bought a charming Irish setter puppy from Miss Wells, of Amberley, but she had warned us that the little thing was off-colour, and that there was distemper in her kennels. However, as he seemed bright, my wife and I brought him away to London. In spite of our precautions he got a chill on the journey and on the following day distemper attacked the little thing in a very aggravated form.

In accordance with the advice of the “H.W.” We gave him Aconite and Belladonna alternately to keep his temperature down and to allay the twitching and the inflammation of the mouth. When these symptoms had abated we turned our attention to his digestive troubles. He was lying about listlessly, was too weak to get back to his bed, and he would touch neither food nor drink.

So we fed him with white of egg and barley water and dosed him with Baptisia for four days. The little thing was so weak that we feared we should lose him. However, on the fourth day there was distinct improvement. He became interested in biscuits, and from day to day he went ahead. A fortnight has gone by since then and no one would believe that the little dog had had so many troubles. Thanks to the “H.W.” he is quite well and we are now dealing with a slight tendency towards worms by giving him a daily dose of Cina.

I am, Very sincerely yours, R.G.



CATS like rabbits, rats and many other animals, have strong sense of cleanliness and a horror of dirt. Even very sick cats try to keep themselves clean. Some little time ago a lady wrote to me that her cat, a great favourite, had stopped washing herself and was becoming dirty. For such a complaint the orthodox veterinary surgeon has no remedy. He will therefore recommend to the mistress that she should wash the cat as well as she can with a wet towel and possibly with water and soap in the ordinary way.

In the homoeopathic materia medica there is a drug which has the characteristic features complained of in the cat. That drug is sulphur. We read in Boerickes Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica: “People who require Sulphur are dirty, filthy people, prone to skin affections. Aversion to being washed. Worse from washing and bathing.”.

As soon as a patient tells a good homoeopath that washing and bathing disagrees Sulphur leaps to the mind. I sent the lady a small box of sugar pilules moistened with a millionth of a grain of Sulphur in solution, and in a week pussy looked much brighter and happier and had resumed regular and frequent washings. Not infrequently cats are killed by their owners because they have stopped washing themselves. Their owners argue that a cat who does not keep herself clean is either thoroughly ill or thoroughly depraved and must be got rid of. A few tiny doses of Sulphur homoeopathically prepared will frequently cause a dirty cat to alter its ways, for its self-neglect is not due to vice but to a constitutional factor with which the homoeopath can easily deal.


[From Mr. F. J. Bennetts book, Speedy Dog Cures by Homoeopathy, just published by the Homoeopathic Publishing Company.].

THIS disease is caused by confinement in a close place, want of exercise or improper food. It is not contagious, this being the difference between this complaint and mange. When fully developed, diseased patches are observed on different parts of the body, particularly along the back just in front of the tail and on the head and face. From the surface of these patches a serous fluid exudes, which generally hardens into scabs and mats the hair together.

In a few days the scabs and hair fall off, leaving the skin bare, inflamed and moistened with exudation. Thin scabs form from this discharge. There is usually considerable and violent irritation and the dog endeavours to relieve himself by scratching.


As this is a constitutional disease, it can only be successfully cured by internal treatment in conjunction with soothing external applications. The internal administration of the two remedies, Arsenicum and Sulphur iod., has proved curative given on alternative days. Two or three tablets three times a day. Externally the parts should be dusted night and morning with Borocal; this is a soothing, healing and anti-septic powder prepared by Epps, Thatcher & Co.

The diet must not consist of meat, except in the case of weak puppies. In all cases vegetables or farinaceous food is the most suitable.

“Homoeopathy, we know from experience, cures at the very least one-third more patients than the old school of medicine has the power of doing.”–DR. J. LOFTUS MARSDEN, Notes on Homoeopathy.

J. Ellis Barker
James Ellis Barker 1870 – 1948 was a Jewish German lay homeopath, born in Cologne in Germany. He settled in Britain to become the editor of The Homeopathic World in 1931 (which he later renamed as Heal Thyself) for sixteen years, and he wrote a great deal about homeopathy during this time.

James Ellis Barker wrote a very large number of books, both under the name James Ellis Barker and under his real German name Otto Julius Eltzbacher, The Truth about Homœopathy; Rough Notes on Remedies with William Murray; Chronic Constipation; The Story of My Eyes; Miracles Of Healing and How They are Done; Good Health and Happiness; New Lives for Old: How to Cure the Incurable; My Testament of Healing; Cancer, the Surgeon and the Researcher; Cancer, how it is Caused, how it Can be Prevented with a foreward by William Arbuthnot Lane; Cancer and the Black Man etc.