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HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES IN PALPITATION OF HEART. Spigelia, especially in heart trouble following rheumatism, worse mornings, while lying down and when stooping; heart action irregular, hands and feet cold. Veratrum album, especially nights, worse from motion, better while lying, skin pale, hands and feet cold. Anacardium in old people with weak memory.

From Pacific Coast Journal of Homoeopathy, Feb., 1932.

Aconitum, after excitement, with dyspnoea from fast walking and climbing.

Arsenicum, nights, awakens patient, with suffocation.

Belladonna, with ear noises and flickering before eyes.

Cactus grand., with constriction of heart and syncope.

Chamomilla and Opium, after fright.

Coffea, with sleepiness, but cannot sleep.

Iberis, with head congestion, ear noises and vertigo, stitches in region of heart, in nerve disturbances.

Kalium carb., after rheumatism; especially mornings while dressing, with stitches and nervousness.

Phosphorus, worse while sitting, with dyspnoea.

Pulsatilla, worse nights, better from motion and in open air.

Rhus tox., worse sitting, with stitches in left arm.

Spigelia, especially in heart trouble following rheumatism, worse mornings, while lying down and when stooping; heart action irregular, hands and feet cold.

Veratrum album, especially nights, worse from motion, better while lying, skin pale, hands and feet cold.

Anacardium in old people with weak memory.

Acidum phos. during convalescence.

Crataegus tinct. after severe infectious diseases (influenza, diphtheria, typhus).

Kalmia after allopathic treatment of rheumatism.

Iodium and Crataegus in fatty heart.

Pulsatilla for chlorotics which change colour quickly and chill easily.

Ferrum carbon. in chlorosis and anaemia.

P. Klien