THERAPEUTIC NOTES. In patient who suffer from this affliction whenever they have coryza, Kali bromatum is especially indicated; it will often prevent extension to the pharynx, Eustachian tubes and accessory cavities. Kali muriaticum and-in adenoid children-Baryta muriatica are the most often indicated remedies for tubal catarrh.

Tubal Catarrh

In patient who suffer from this affliction whenever they have coryza, Kali bromatum is especially indicated; it will often prevent extension to the pharynx, Eustachian tubes and accessory cavities.

Kali muriaticum and-in adenoid children-Baryta muriatica are the most often indicated remedies for tubal catarrh. Also the Mercurius preparations recommended by Bellow: Mercurius dulcis, Mercurius dulcis, Mercurius vivus and Mercurius iodatus ruber must be consulted.

The constitutional treatment demands remedies like: Calcarea phosphorica and Calcarea carbonica, Baryta carbonica and Calcarea muriatica, also Sulphur iodatum.

Cotyledon umbilicus deserves a clinical reproving. In its first proving (20 gtt. of the 3.) it caused a severe pharyngolaryngeal catarrh with the sensation of stopping up the Eustachian tubes; added to this, patients complained of pain and hardness of hearing with unpleasant singing sounds in the ear. In Edwin Hales New Remedies, the symptoms were not given precisely, which caused this remedy to be forgotten in cases of tubal catarrh following acute nasopharyngeal catarrh, even though the homoeopathic aurist, H. Houghton, has often approved this indication with success.

Acute Catarrh of the Middle Ear

Belladonna is the remedy in very stormy cases when accompanied by the usual fever symptoms: Heat, red face, throbbing in ear, etc. Ferrum phosphoricum has the same symptoms but not the vehemence of Belladonna, yet it is the most frequently used remedy in otitis media. According of Ritchie and Belows, the Mercurius group is most often indicated after the stormy symptoms are relieved: Mercurius solubilis, Mercurius corrosivus and Mercurius vivus. In pus formation Hepar sulph. takes first place. Chronic Catarrh of the Middle Ear.

Here we must especially think of: Mercurius solubilis, Hepar, Hydrastis, Cinnabaris and Kali bichromicum.

In mucous discharges Hydrastis is indicated; in pus discharge Hepar; in later stages also Silicea, which is prominently indicated in fever-free otitis media.

Kali bichromicum is helpful in later stages of suppuration, especially when the discharge is thick and stringy.

We also must t think of remedies like: Tellurium, Sulphur, Calcarea sulphurica and Calcarea fluorica; Lapis albus, Calcarea Silicata, Silicea, Pulsatilla etc.

In polyp-formation do not neglect Thuja and Teucrium marum verum. Calcareous deposits on the tympanic membrane demand often: Calcarea fluorata, which is also reputed to aid healing of tympanic perforation.

Fritz Donner