Hpathy Needs Your Help!


TWO CHRONICS. Appetite gone again. Mouth open good deal of the time. School work hard for her. Growing tall fast. Dark circles under the eyes. Features small, mouth small. Chilly; feet and hands cold in bed. Desire sour things. Cough dry, hacking. Yellow thick mucus from nose. Head congested all over, voice thick. Quantities very thick yellow mucus which gets with difficulty and comes out in thick chunks; hard to blow nose, this seems so thick.

Case I: Sept. 4, 1943: Male, 19 months. III 4 days, treated by a doctor who gave Sulphathiazole and next day Sulfadiazine, also argyrol in nose, enema of soda and salt.

Fever high from the start. 103 to 104 and still high. Respiration about 50.

Either screaming or sleeping fitfully.

Objects to being touched or handled.

Thrashes about when awake.

Lied prone habitually when well; knees drawn up.

Some coarse twitching in sleep.

Tongue clean. Thirst great; sips water. Takes no food.

Stools undigested, dark green, mucus and water. Anus excoriating.

Eruption shoulders, worse left, for several days. Large dark red papules. Rx. Medorr. 1M.

June 8, 1949: Since 22 mos., attacks of white areas inside cheeks, on gums and on tongue; patches extending into mouth, but, irregular outline on tongue. Weakened because cannot eat T- 100, flesh cool. Thin, wiry, Restless. Rx. Borax 2c.

June 10: T-went up to 102 first night, down to 100 in A.M., now normal. Still very sore mouth; will not eat or drink much of anything. Easy sweating. Glands neck swollen; does not seem so much like mumps now. Prostration marked. Rx. Medorr. 10M.

Aug. 11: Been fine up until just now. Glands neck and one left thigh or groin swollen. Two sore places in the mouth. Head ache frontal. Rx. Medorr. 10M.

Dec. 27: Been just fine, not missing a day in school since it started. Three days ago first ulcer in mouth; then more until now glands again. Rx. Medorr. 50M.

Mar. 20, 1950: More ulcers in mouth in the last three days one three days ago, now 4; mall. No constitutional symptoms accompanying this time. One gland under right chin sore. Rx. Medorr 50M.

Apr. 3: Stomach upset last days. vomiting. Mouth sore; sore on tongue. Cervical glands swollen, very sore.

July 31; More mouth sores. Very sore on tongue. Rx. Medorr 50M.

Dec. 30: Another attack began last eve. with swollen cervical glands and 3 cankers in mouth, 2 on tongue, 1 on inside right lower lip. No. fever. Can eat and is up getting sicker all the time. Rx. Medorr. CM.

Apr.2, 1951: Another bad attack. Cervical glands swollen and lost of sore in mouth as before. Rx. Medorr. CM.

Nov. 2: Threatening 3 times but no real attack. Now bad one again but no fever and can eat; ulcers smaller and only one on inside left lip and one end of tongue. Rx. Medorr. CM.

Nov. 25: Glands still swollen and a few aphthae in mouth which stay there. Not ill in general. Rx. Sulph. 10M.

Aug. 4, 1952: More trouble with mouth ulcers last 2 days: some fever today. Rx. Sulph. 10M.

May 25, 1953: No more ulcers to date.

This illustrates the value of persistence; it was obvious from the start that this was a deep seated case.

Case 4: May 29, 1951: Very thin, skin muddy all over. Feature small. Tires easily. Female 7 years old.

Well until 4 years when severe whooping cough. Tendency to colds ever since with gagging cough.

Appendectomy soon after. Never strong since.

Sleep never good. Eyes rather staring.

Voice rough.

Congestion head, now nose stopped all the time. Mouth breathing since whooping cough.

Appetite small. No thirst. Desire sour foods.

Skin dry. Perspiration axillae. Chilly easily; also easily heated.

Nervous, excitable. Sensitive. Bright mentally. Rx. Pertussin 1M.

July 7: Has gained 52 lbs. in the last 10 days; hungry at last Looks happy and stouter. Pain head gone; some in back between scapulae. Rx. Pertussin 1M.

July 16: Very much better but not quite strong yet. Good color; Slight head cold.

July 30: Continues to feel fine; going away soon.

Sept. 20: Has gained up to 61 lbs. much better in general. Still has stuffy nose, much discharge from it; some pains head. Rx. Pertussin 1M.

Oct. 23: Well except for old congestion over eyes and in sinuses. Chronic discharge nose thick, generally colorless, worse A.M. Postnasal drip stopped frequently but scabby condition gone. Rx. Kali bi. 10M.

Nov. 23: Still some symptoms of the last cold; cough and thick mucus every day. Rx. Kali bi. 10M.

Nov. 23: Still some symptoms of the cold; cough and thick mucus every day. Rx. Kali bi. 10M.

Dec. 3: Lost 7 lbs. in the last 2 weeks or so, now 56 lbs.; sits bent forward in her chair or leans on something, languid. Appetite gone again. Mouth open good deal of the time. School work hard for her. Growing tall fast. Dark circles under the eyes. Features small, mouth small. Chilly; feet and hands cold in bed. Desire sour things. Cough dry, hacking. Yellow thick mucus from nose. Head congested all over, voice thick. Quantities very thick yellow mucus which gets with difficulty and comes out in thick chunks; hard to blow nose, this seems so thick. Voice thick. Rx. Kali bi. 50M.

Jan. 29, 1952: Been fairly well until the last week or so when most of the stuffed nose, thick yellow mucus from it has returned; hard to sleep with this. Rx. Kali bi. 50M.

Aug. 27: Been very well until now starting out with what may be hay-fever. Rx. Kali bi. Cm.

May, 1953: No report since to date.

Illustrates opening the door with Pertussin and later wider with Kali bi.

1726 Eye ST., N.Y.

Washington, D.C.

Julia M. Green