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EDITORIAL. The law of similia applied to a relationship between these two sets of phenomena. It attempts to bring order into the selection of curative and / or helpful therapeutic measures rather than to depend entirely upon trial and error, empirical measures alone. This empirical method is probably the most ancient of all that doctors through the ages have used for the selection of their therapeutic measures. Progress under it is bound to be “capricious” and very uncertain.


IODINE. Iodine is the heaviest member of the halogen group. It has the greatest affinity for oxygen and least for hydrogen. With the increasing atomic weight the halogens show modifications in their symptomatology, but in all the halogens there is a certain strand of common symptoms which seem to be characteristic of the group. comparisons will bring out this point.


INFLUENZA TODAY. The use of influenza vaccines presents a number of problems. It is clearly impracticable to vaccinate the whole population each year, owing to the great expense and difficulties of such a scheme. The questions are whom to inoculate and when. The answers will depend a great deal on local conditions and economy.


CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. In most cardiac patients the lost compensation of circulation is very important. For this purpose remedies are necessary which act directly on the weakened cardiac muscle and its regulating nervous mechanism and which are able to act promptly and thoroughly. They might be designated as “ergotrope heart remedies”.


DO YOU REPERTORIZE. A repertory is an index of symptoms arranged systematically. They can be arranged alphabetically, or schematically according to the parts of the body, or arranged according to certain guiding principles. The purpose of a repertory is as a reference and guide in looking up a particular symptom leading to a similimum, or that may make a distinction between two or more remedies in a given case.