Where are your mastoids? The same thing. Antibiotics have put an awful crimp in Homoeopathy. The old homoeopaths didn’t have to compete with that kind of stuff.

Look at g.u. condition; look at the female conditions that now are treated very expeditiously and well. Look at the hormones, the vitamins that have come into the field and have curtailed our work.

It takes a type of mind, it takes a type of patient. They want quick and rapid results. Unless they have the background, unless you can spend a little time, as I have tied to do, to tell them what we are driving at, it is a very difficult proposition, especially for the younger man. How is he going to protect himself? They tell him to be a proselyter. The first thing you know he is going to be thrown out of his medical society. He has to eat.

Why do I belong to the Pennsylvania State Medical Society and A.M.A.? I don’t want to. I only joined only two years ago, and I had to in my particular position. Never before in thirty years have I been a member of a society of the old school. If our younger men get too fresh, they are pushed off committees and not given papers. The first thing you know, they are behind the eight-ball.

Those are problems. Personally, looking forward, I think the saving graces of Homoeopathy are the laity and pharmacists, if they ever wake up, but they don’t make money on Homoeopaths; they make money on old school men who don’t the laity does, but our pharmacists are prosperous. They make plenty of money, every one of them.

We have a new one in our midst, representing a German firm. He wouldn’t come over here, if he thought h e was going to starve. But they don’t make money on Homoeopaths; they make money on old school men who don’t know it is Homoeopathy but they use their tablets, and they work.

We have to father this and try to turn them back, proselyte among them, and teach them a little bit. There are a great many diseases like sinusitis, like certain types of virus disease and “flu,” like many gastric neurosis and gastric conditions, and colitis. I have had cases that defied all types of antibiotics and cleaned them up with Aloes or Nux, and so have you. We can’t try to treat everything.

You can’t sell the world on Homoeopathy as a school. If we start and take one disease, as I have been preaching for years, and advertise and proselyte on that one disease, say, sinusitis, or, grippe, or some of the nervous neurosis, exhaustion, psychoses, anxiety states.

You can’t make a dumb layman learn about Homoeopathy. You haven’t time, and he is not interested. Sell him on a disease. He has to be taught that way. We have to come around to that line.

DR. JULIUS CHEPKO [Westminister, Md.]: I want to thank you, Dr. Boericke, for those remarks. I think they apply to us younger ones in the profession here. We think about those things every day, and we are behind the eight-ball every day. So, it is hard to bring Homoeopathy to the layman. We have to teach them. We have to teach not only the laymen but the doctors. The only way we can do it is to undermine them in these subtle ways that Dr. Boericke just told us about.

Julia M. Green