If any nerve can be demonstrated to receive and transmit the energy from a single quantum of action of the proper frequency, then we are compelled to suspect that every nerve has a similar capacity in its proper frequency range. This forces us to apply to any reasoning regarding energy transformations of the living body the laws of quantum mechanics for which the usual laws of thermodynamics hold.

For the laws of thermodynamics describe the possible exchanges of energy which may take place in all the transformations of energy, which of course includes exchanges of energy between drugs in any potency and living cells, even as they describe the exchanges of energy between atoms and molecules. But, since the elementary quantum of action is not infinitely small in comparison with the energy between atoms and molecules. But, since the elementary quantum of action is not infinitely small in comparison with the energy transformations taking place within living cells, therefore it is the quantum mechanics or thermodynamics that govern these exchanges of energy.

Now, if the laws the Homoeopathy also describe the energy transformations which are possible between drug and cell, it follows as a logical necessity that these laws of HOMOEOPATHY which we have learned are either variations in wording, describing the same laws of thermodynamics, or corollaries to the laws of thermodynamics, including the quantum mechanics. We should be able to set up a one to one correspondence between the laws of Homoeopathy and the laws of thermodynamics. This in fact we can do.

First we must agree on some definitions. Stable and unstable and neutral equilibrium are conditions which permit themselves to be altered with more or less difficulty.

A state of health is a state of stable equilibrium. If disturbed, it restores itself very soon. An acute disease is an unstable state, and seeks a state of equilibrium. Chromic disease represents an unstable state of equilibrium. A minor disturbance results in large changes in state. The laws of thermodynamics tell us what chances can take place in these states.

The very first law of HOMOEOPATHY, that only the true similimum has in it the power to cure disease, is another wording of a statement of Planck describing the behaviour of his ideal linear oscillator, or resonator, having different natural periods of vibration and subject to small damping forces. Here the essential fact to recognize is that to oscillator or resonator is able to respond only to those rays which it is capable of emitting, and is completely insensitive to adjacent spectral regions.

Divesting thermodynamics of its mysteries, then, we identify the law of similia with this statement of Planck, quoted from page 35:

I assumed an evacuated cavity, bounded by totally reflecting walls, and containing any arbitrary number of emitting and absorbing bodies for study of the Normal Spectral Energy Distribution. I found a direct method for solving the problem in the application of Maxwells Electromagnetic Theory of Light. Namely I assumed the cavity to be filled with simple linear oscillators or resonators, subject to small damping forces and having different periods; and I expected the exchanges of energy caused by the reciprocal radiation of the oscillators to result in time in a stationary state of the normal energy distribution corresponding to Kirkhoffs law.

This extended series of investigations, certain ones as the measurements of damping by comparisons with known observational data, such as the measurements of damping by V.Bjerknes resulted in establishing the general relationship the general relationship between the energy of an oscillator having a definite period, and the energy radiation in the lowed the remarkable result that this relationship is absolutely independent of the damping constant of the oscillatory, a circumstance which was very pleasing and welcome to me because it permitted the entire problem to be simplified by substituting the energy of the oscillatory for the energy of the radiation, thus replacing a complicated structure possessing many degrees of freedom by a simple system with just one degree of freedom.

My silent hope that the radiation emitted by the oscillatory would differ, in some characteristic way, from the absorbed radiation turned out to have been mere wishful thinking. The oscillator reacts only to those rays which it is capable of emitting,and is completely insensitive to adjacent spectral regions.

Moreover, my suggestion that the oscillator was capable of exerting unilateral, in other words an irreversible, effect on the energy of the surrounding field drew a vigorous protest from Boltzmann, who, with his wider experience in this domain, demonstrated that, according to the laws of classical dynamics, each of the processes I considered could also take place in the opposite direction.

Since for the irreversibility of the exchange of energy between an oscillator and the radiation activating it, the second differential quotient of its entropy with respect to its energy is of characteristic significance, I calculated the value of this function….I got the remarkable result that, assuming Wiens Law of Spectral Energy Distribution to the valid, the reciprocal of that value, which I call here R, is proportional to the energy…In this way a new radiation formula was discovered.

From this point, it was only necessary to examine the relationship between entropy and probability to stumble upon the significance of the universal constant h, which stands for the elementary quantum of action which has revolutionized the real world of classical physics. Now, as homoeopaths, these theoretical speculations of physics do concern us nearly because the fundamental replacement of a complicated system of many degrees of freedom by a simple linear oscillator, applies equally to out thinking., In the logic physics, this simple linear oscillator may represent an atom, or a molecule.

But for our purposes, it is equally valid to let it represent any nerve cell, or any living cell, or the evacuated cavity responding to a field of radiation may represent our bodies within our skins, adjusting the internal milieu in an unstable state of health. The analytical mechanism applies rigorously because the laws of emission and absorption of energy are the same. The ideal linear oscillator responds only to the energy of the suitable wave length and frequency. The sick person responds only to the true similimum. And a single quantum of action or a single dose effects the desired energy exchange.

This is why the loyal Hahnemannian is rewarded with such spectacular results in the field of cure. This is why the regular school of physicians can not hope to see the extinction or disappearance of HOMOEOPATHY. With the magnificent theoretical work of planck, we may make a new estimate of the profundity of our own master teacher, Samuel Hahnemann, and go on with renewed confidence into the world of nuclear physics.

Two other recent books have material that will help us on our way. In Langmuir, we find a thinker who writes a book, Phenomena, Atoms, Molecules, published by Philosophical Library. Inc., in 1950 from Which quote one paragraph. The paper is Science, Common Sense and Decency, page 4:

Just as there are two types of physics, classical physics and quantum physics, which have for twenty-five years seemed irreconcilable, so we must recognize two types of natural phenomena. First, those in which the behavior of the system can be determined from the average behavior of its component parts and, second, those in which a single discontinuous event (which may depend upon a single quantum change) becomes magnified in its effect so that the behavior of the whole aggregate does depend upon something that started from a small beginning.

The first class of phenomena I want to call convergent, because all the fluctuating details of the individual atoms average out giving a result that converges to a definite state. The second class we may call divergent phenomena, where from a small beginning increasingly large effects are produced. In general we may say they conform well to the older ideas of cause and effect. The divergent phenomena, on the other hand, can best be understood on the basis of the quantum theory of modern physics.

Now, it is the very nature of very living thing, in its organisation, that it presents a case of divergent phenomena. Thus the living organisms are formed for the special purpose of receiving, atmosphere around them, be these the cosmic rays or wireless waves or the brain waves. Here the arguments of the vitalists of old, have their basis. But a better description of the importance of divergent phenomena is found in the two volume book, published in 1936, written by Kappers, Huber and Crosby on the comparative anatomy of the nervous systems of vertebrates including man.

Here is elaborated a theory which they call the theory of neurobiotaxis, in which they describe the fact that, if undifferentiated nerve cells, with no polar processes yet, are in the path of nerve stimuli or impulses from neighboring neurons, they send out first a process in the direction of the incoming stimulus, and later send out the axon on the opposite side. Thereafter, the purpose of that nerve cells is subject to its formation in response to the initial stimulus to which it responded.

Marion Belle Rood