The patient had all the typical signs of Pulsatilla, and we gave her a dose of 10M and in twenty minutes we had to work hard. The baby began coming, an very quickly, so the gynecologist was phoned and told he didnt need to come; the baby had already arrived. He never liked me after that.

DR. WILBUR K. BOND [Greensfork, Ind.]: My Chairman, somewhere I read that by giving Caulophyllum and Kali phosphoricum quite a time before delivery, the delivery can be easier. I should like to ask Dr. Neiswander about that.

DR. GRIMMER : I have seen Kali carbonicum do that.

DR. GLADISH : Routinely.

DR. GRIMMER : In a case where they had hard labor before, and due to symptoms relating to the lower back, Kali carb. will give the next labor more case.

DR. SCHMIDT : I can confirm the information Dr. Bond has about Caulophyllum. The French school has advocated it in routine prophylaxis for difficulties in delivery, that it be given month prior to delivery.

DR. GRIMMER : It is especially true in rheumatic cases.

DR. HARVEY FARRINGTON [Chicago, Ill.]: I can confirm what Dr.Grimmer said about Kali carb. but we can go on for the rest of the day adding one clinical hint after another, and perhaps most of us would go home with a little bit of information that we hadnt thought of before.

I enjoyed the paper very much. It is always easy to listen to a paper, especially one that involves Materia Medica, when the indications for the medicine are given briefly, succinctly, and without a whole lot of symptoms that are not really necessary for selecting the prescription.

You will remember that Caulophyllum has one or two keynotes, and that the most important thing is that the pains are always sharp and the they tend to migrate.

The question as to whether Pulsatilla can change the position of a fetus a in utero has been discussed throughout all the years. I have been browsing over some of the old periodicals. I have come across expressions that were loud and rather prolonged about this, because there were always a certain number who said that if was a mechanical proposition and therefore how could a remedy affect it; nevertheless, I can recite at least three cases where the change of position occurred within a few hours, not necessarily just before or during labor but during gestation. In one I could see the fetus move.

DR. J.W. WAFFENSMITH [New Haven, Conn.]: I can testify to one experience that I had in my earlier obstetrical days in reference to Pulsatilla, and there is another statement I should like to make in addition to what Dr. Grimmer said in reference to Kali carb. We must not forger the tremendous possibilities that we find in Kali phos., especially where you have the neurotic symptoms. If Kali phos. is given a week or so before the labor place, it has a wonderful effect on the patient during the period of labor.

DR. WILLIAM P. MOWRY [Detroit, Mich.]: I want to compliment Dr. Neiswander on his nice, concise paper, Dr.Grimmer stole my thunder. My father taught me to use Arnica and China, and he got good results with them. He used Arnica in the 30x. It is entirely out of my line. I dont know a thing about it-like DR. Moore-but I want to call attention to those two remedies for you who are in obstetrical work.

DR. NEISWANDER [closing]: I wish to thank you very much for this discussion.

So far as Caulophyllum is concerned, I have never used it as a routine remedy : but when it was indicated, I have used it. I seldom use it long, long before I can see any indications, either. During the gestation I usually pick out the remedy I think the patient needs. If it is Caulophyllum, the patient gets it. If it is Nux vomica, the patient gets it. If it is Pulsatilla, the patient gets it. If it is Nux vomica, the patient gets it. If it is Pulsatilla, the patient gets Pulsatilla, and if it is Kali phos., the patient gets that. I think by giving your patient your indicated remedy from the earliest part of gestation or as early as you can get the patient, you will have less trouble at the time of delivery. (Applause).

H A Neiswander